Reviews from

in the past

Peak Digimon game, my only negative point about this game is that it's waaaay to big and it's very easy to get lost if you're not following the plot with attention.

amo muito esse porque é o mais parecido com Pokémon que tem
nossa eu lembro que jogava mto quando criança mas tinha travado numa parte depois do esgoto, mesmo usando detonado
rejoguei de novo em 2011 e consegui terminar

Definitivamente el peor de los 3 world de PSX, aunque la estética del juego me gusta, nada lo salva del horrible backtracking, la muy baja dificultad ni de la mala selección de mapas, especialmente con la zona de digmon.
Solo lo recomiendo como para saber la historia, aunque es muy normal comparada con los otros world.

[Best characteristics of the game]==================================================

1. One of the few playstation titles using pre-rendered graphics that aged well. The game’s graphics and overall art direction are too charming. It is due to the use of 2D sprites alongside a pre-rendered always in the same angle (isometric). The art direction is uncannily good, having random human objects and integrated circuits being part of “nature”. Nevertheless, it does not apply for the battles;

2. Musically, this game is on par with behemoths like Castlevania Symphony of the Night and Donkey Kong Country 2. The soundtrack here is amazing;

3. I love that any digimon can digivolve into any other digimon, it takes away the “knock off pokemon clone” atmosphere the digimon saga may get. Here you stay only with the digimon you picked in the beginning until the end, you will be always anxious about in what they will transform after they get stronger;

4. Digimon, storywise, NEEDS to be about a digital world created and acknowledged by human society, it doesn’t fit it being a “secret thing” since everything digital in our world must have been created by humans. This game hit the target by making Digimon an MMO (storywise), because this would be the logical explanation for it being a “digital world” with creatures with completely unnatural designs (like Weregarurumon wearing pants).

5. The card game here is insanely good... really, the only RPG in which I got really invested in the option card game, and I played Final Fantasy 8 and The Witcher 3.

[Worst characteristic of the game]==================================================

1.This is my favorite bad game… and I say bad because this game have one characteristic that makes it almost unplayable. The devs went for the easiest route to add playtime, and that is brain rot backtracking; not backtracking done by the player because now the player can access something he couldn’t before, no… backtracking STORY-WISE, to get ONE SPEECH BALOON worth of dialogue from a NPC and do the route all over again.
This game have an insane high random encounter rate (it uses random battles) and the story CONSTANTLY makes you talk with NPCs at complete opposite points of the map, just to make you spend time with random battles through the whole map to increase the time played without doing any new maps for that. What adds salt to the injury is that those NPCs doesn’t give you anything, they are there just so you can talk to another NPC at the other edge of the map again. DON’T PLAY THIS GAME without some kind of Mod that turns On and Off random battles, the devs doesn’t deserve that this game is played “how it was intended”. This backtracking complete ruins ANY good characteristic this game have.

never got far into this game but ive sinked countless hours into the card minigame its so fun :)

Definitely the best of the PSX trilogy, with beautiful graphics, an amazing soundtrack, and nice options to digivolve your little monsters. Cool turn-based RPG on PSX.


Siempre fui más fan de Digimon que de Pokémon y, para aquellos que crecimos con PlayStation, esta fue la experiencia más cercana.

Tan cercana que básicamente TODO en este juego viene de Pokémon.
Estilo visual con sprites estilo chibi.
Elección de tres al inicio del juego.
Combate por turnos.
Ir de ciudad en ciudad derrotando a los campeones.
Organización maligna que quiere hacer algo malo con los bichos en cuestión.

Lo único que no tenía era la captura de bichos.
Aún así, la nostalgia me gana al ser el juego por el que me inicié en mi género preferido, conociendo la importancia del farmeo, subida de nivel, entrenamiento y exploración que tengo presente en cada RPG que juego.

Es absurdo lo muchisimo que se nota que tiraron de Backtracking (y no poder volar o algo) para alargar un juego que tenía que salir a tiempo.

Si no contamos eso está bien pero es que el 50% del juego es backtracking con un rate de enemigos altísimo.

Je viens de le terminer et franchement, que c'étais looong. À la base j'ai voulu le faire parce que les gens disaient que c'est le meilleur de la série mais maintenant je sais que c'est surtout de la nostalgie. Le jeu a beaucoup de défaut comme le nombre d'aller-retour à faire alors qu'il y a pas de fast travel, il y a bien des cut à partir d'un moment mais ça change pas que c'est plutôt frustrant de toujours revenir aux mêmes endroits, le bestiaire qui a beaucoup de recolor qui ont pas vraiment de sens, le 2ème serveur qui est juste la copie du premier mais avec des Digimon plus fort, le grind intensif pour avoir les dernières digivolution ( je voulais pas passer trop de temps dessus du coup j'en ai up qu'un seul ) et le scénario qui est pas terrible non plus.
Je pense que j'aurais pu passer un bon moment dessus si le jeu demander pas autant d'aller-retour ni de grind mais là il est juste moyen malheureusement.

Has this kind of oppressive "trapped in a computer" atmosphere that makes it compelling. Also, can be extremely punishing to the point where succeeding is pretty rewarding.

Amazing! Recommending to fans!

Dando um 3 pela nostalgia, mas a verdade é que eu achava difícil e com bastante grind. Joguei e assisti muito meu irmão/amigos jogarem

Incredible game for its time. It looks beautiful even today. This game has my favorite overall soundtrack out of any game ever.

"Good beginning, terrible mid-game, excellent endgame" is how I would describe the game. There is so much fetch quest and backtracking in the middle, it will make you puke. But if you endured it and reach the end, this is a fantastic journey full of nostalgia. The music particularly in this game is just god tier.

This game haunts my nightmares. Endless days of grinding that never seemed to work. Myth of Sisyphus if it was a game.

Revisiting this old gem was a phenomenon, This game in my opinion is one of the best Digimon games out there. The characters are silly and likable, the environment design and locations are very exquisite, and the plot is goofy but serviceable. The graphics are awesome, especially for 3D models of Digimon and the gameplay is the main reason why I always come back to this masterpiece. The digivolution path and mechanics are always and forever will be interesting, Digimon that is currently at your party always follows you wherever you go and I think that's a neat detail. The only complaint I found annoying is the grinding mechanic and backtracking. Grinding in this game is damn annoying at times especially when you're getting a digivolution that you want. Backtracking, on the other hand, is bland, you will find going back to the same place over and over again (sometimes with a different variation like the color of the environment or the wild Digimon that will spawn in that area). I really hope they can remaster this game in the future with less grinding and backtracking. Overall, This game was a classic and I find myself repeating this game every once in a while.

jogava esse no site de emulador, muito foda