Gaming journal.

(Currently reviewing a bunch of old PSX, PS2, and IOS games)
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Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Digimon World 3
Digimon World 3
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Fallout: New Vegas
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Disco Elysium
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Digimon World 3
Digimon World 3

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Revisiting this old gem was a phenomenon, This game in my opinion is one of the best Digimon games out there. The characters are silly and likable, the environment design and locations are very exquisite, and the plot is goofy but serviceable. The graphics are awesome, especially for 3D models of Digimon and the gameplay is the main reason why I always come back to this masterpiece. The digivolution path and mechanics are always and forever will be interesting, Digimon that is currently at your party always follows you wherever you go and I think that's a neat detail. The only complaint I found annoying is the grinding mechanic and backtracking. Grinding in this game is damn annoying at times especially when you're getting a digivolution that you want. Backtracking, on the other hand, is bland, you will find going back to the same place over and over again (sometimes with a different variation like the color of the environment or the wild Digimon that will spawn in that area). I really hope they can remaster this game in the future with less grinding and backtracking. Overall, This game was a classic and I find myself repeating this game every once in a while.

It's great for what it is, A great rougelike game. Considering the fact that this game was made to fuck around and be a monstrous beast that can one hit every single living thing on this game, It's fun. The game is overpowered in some moments but for most of the time it's balanced. You can definitely see your character progression every time you open a chest and get a little bit of dopamine when your character gets an upgrade. It's fun, challenging and rewarding.

A weird Resident Evil tie-in game for the movie with the same name. I played this on iPhone 3GS way back in 2009 and in that time the game is very good for a iphone game. The graphics are dated for their time but it's nice to see a semi-full pledged Resident Evil game on a phone. The controls from what I remember are not good but serviceable, the plot follows the exact same one in the movie, and the boss battles are kind of interesting but weird in a way that it's goofy.