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in the past

2d Platform mastery.

(too bad to get trough a k level, too petty to continue before beating it)

This would probably be less tolerable if I had ever played the wii version, but without anything to compare it to it is not too bad an experience on the 3DS!

Nnnnope. The frame-rate was too dreadful I couldn't force myself to do more levels.

An interesting experiment (very similar to the Xenoblade Chronicles one) since they managed to put a Wii game on 3DS. And that's about it.

For some reason I got this game even tho I had the Wii version... this is just a worse version on a less powerful console LMAO

que level design DOIDO meu amigo completamente insano UM HOMEM LOUCO NAO SABENDO QUE ERA IMPOSSIVEL FOI LA E FEZ ESSE JOGO

A pretty good step up from the original Donkey Kong Country trilogy in my opinion. It has a lot of charm to it in a similar vein to the mainline Mario titles, paired with more refined gameplay from what the SNES trilogy had. Both of these alone had me having more fun with this game than I did with the previous 3 titles.

That said, this game was definitely as difficult as the SNES trilogy, if not even moreso. I wouldn't have minded that as much... if not for the fact that such a difficult and precise platformer isn't really good for a tiny 3DS. The small buttons, strict timing, and locked 30 FPS don't mesh well together, along with the fact that because this is a Wii game port, DK's model sometime gets so incredibly tiny on the screen when it zooms out in some levels that it's hard to accurately judge timing as a result and even see him at times. I would've played the Wii version instead, but that has its own caveats of having to deal with motion controls to have DK pound and I'd rather just have normal button use for a platformer like this than the Wii's shoehorned motion gimmick. It got to the point where I just got tired of the game's difficult levels not working well on a 3DS, that I just let Super Kong play a lot of later levels for me since I just wanted to be done. I'm hoping that Tropical Freeze finds the best of both worlds of a normal control scheme made for a bigger screen, paired with the healthy difficulty this game had with a bit less gimmicky levels. I'll be playing it on Wii U, so I hope the final DKC romp I have is better than the last.

Zerei 97% do jogo, peguei quase todas as letras KONG e fiz as fases secretas do mundo 1,2,3,5,6,7..
MUNDO 4 e 8 comprei ás Orbes por 50 Coins Cada.
4 Não fiz tudo, pq não suporto mais fase de carrinho, esse mundo é inteiro disso, um dos defeitos do jogo.
E o mundo 8 como muito difícil, me levaria mais tempo, e tenho outros games para jogar, não foco em Platina, só quando empolga mesmo, ou jogo bastante coisa, que nem joguei esse aqui, para resumir, ás 9-9 fases do Mundo 9 eu fiz, é um bom jogo muito difícil, por enquanto, nesse início de 2024, deve está entre os TOP 5 games de Donkey. Em 5° ou 4°, Fico em dúvida dele e do Donkey Kong 3 SNES, isso no meu gosto pessoal, se um dia eu jogar Donkey 64 que alguns gostam muito, eu comento, Depois o TOP 3 fica fácil.
3 - Donkey Kong Country - Snes
2 - Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze - Switch
1 - Donkey Kong Contry 2 - Snes

O jogo não deve ser fácil para todo mundo, porém com paciência e boa jogabilidade evoluindo, boas estratégias, dependendo de cada jogador, dá para zera rápido ou jogar casual e sempre que jogar avançar bem e quando vê, está zerando o jogo, mas prepara para talvez ter um desafio e morrer bastante e para alguns, até morrer por demais.

This puts the 2D Mario games at the time to shame. Fun, challenging platforming with very memorable levels and bosses. Simple controls and mechanics that make the game fun, while frustrations only occur from individual levels rather than the games overall design.

Cara, que volta de uma franquia sensacional.
Fiel às origens, trilha sonora ótima, principalmente os novos arranjos da trilha das antigas, gameplay muito boa, dificuldade lazarenta, igual aos antigos.
Uma coisa bem chata é que tem poucos animais amigos, só tem o Randi.
De resto o jogo é muito bom, se você já jogou a trilogia antiga, vale muito apena, se você nunca jogou nenhum dos antigos, vale apena do mesmo jeito.
Donkey Kong é foda!

This might actually be my favourite 2D platformer ever.

Es perfecto, la mejor versión del juego, tqm Donkey Kong

Amazing 2D platformer. Seriously, every level is its own giant 3D model wtf. Donkey Kong has a nice weight to him here which results in a unique feeling when playing as him and the game's difficulty is just right

Wow this game is fun. Collectibles can be annoying, but DKC Returns has some of the most satisfying platforming in the business.

(9.5) Eu sempre gostei desde de pequeno da série Donkey Kong Country, jogava a trilogia num emulador q tinha no click jogos (ESPECIALMENTE o 1), mas nunca tinha terminado um jogo, seja por vontade ou pelo fato de quando pequeno n estava acostumado com jogos com uma dificuldade elevada. Até q ano passado, eu tive uma vontade do nada de jogar DLC, e terminei o 1. Então pela lógica o próximo seria terminar o 2, correto? Bem, o que tenho mais vontade de jogar da franquia (e um dos plataformers) q tenho mais vontade de jogar é o Tropical Freeze, e recentemente me deu um devaneio de jogar ele. Por conta de eu ter desbloqueado o 3ds a algum tempo (e gosto de jogar nele quanto tô com tédio, por conta da praticidade), decidi baixar nele o Returns pra jogar antes. Ele pode n ser tão marcante quanto a trilogia da rare e ser bem derivativo deles, e ter coisas q me incomodam (tipo a ost fraca, a implantação sem sentido da mecânica de sopro e os inimigos q parecem ter saído de um filme da illumination de tão sem carisma e souless q são), mas os últimos 3 mundos (contado com o novo do 3d), são TAO bons, q me fez gostar ainda mais q o 1. Jogão mesmo, hype pro 2 e principalmente pro Tropical Freeze

Can be extremely challenging/ frustrating at times on certain levels. Solid controls but wouldn't replay

Muito difícil pra eu criança, nunca consegui avançar muito e também não pretendo tentar.

It must be good because I didn’t mind replaying the beginning on a few different occasions, most recently losing my save after clearing three worlds and not minding restarting to finally finish it. There are some very memorable levels, and the challenge is just right (most of the time).

A neat little port and a great platformer, it can be a little weird at times and some of the themes are a little generic for donkey Kong and the beach world was fairly boring but it’s a great game and gets better near the end and for me personally the 30fps and decreased resolution wasn’t bad and I got used to it and was pretty impressive for a 3ds 2d platformer in comparison to something like Nsmb2

I don't care what everyone says this game is way better on Wii. 30 FPS and the small screen size are way too big of a trade off for not having to waggle (which is not a big deal). +the 3DS is not a very comfortable system for platformers.

Excelente regreso de la saga, con buena jugabilidad y dificultad, tal vez los antagonistas no son tan carismáticos, pero es muy buen juego.

Idk why I bought this I already had the Wii version

No me esperaba PARA NADA que fuera a ser un juego tan difícil.
Hay un par de veces que sentí que el control en la 3DS me fallaba, pero a decir verdad tampoco conozco la versión original para comparar, así que tampoco puedo notar mucho el downgrade.

Entré a ciegas y me llevé una grata sorpresa. Juegón.

Cool reboot, implemented a new style of gameplay to the series. But i think that it lacks personality, it seems like it stayed in the shadow of the first DKC and it didn't go that far. There isn't much full of og content, the bonus system is the same of the first DKC (i prefer the one implemented in DKC2). Cool game, but i would liked to see a real sequel, with the improvements of DKC2 and DKC3.

Really like this version. Maybe even more than the wii version -_-

in hindsight the 3DS probably had some of the most mindblowing "why the fuck does this exist" ports out there

please do not play this version you can fix the controls yourself on dolphin.

Foi com esse jogo que descobri que não gosto tanto de jogo plataforma, ele não é ruim, mas me enjoou muito, mas muito rapido

One of the games I was always willing to replay on my 3DS, over and over again. Every level is unique and slowly tells a story in each world, ending with a unique boss. It's a perfect game difficulty wise. It will fuck you up in some parts but is so satisfying you'll keep coming back. Only better game featuring the familiar ape is Tropical Freeze, improving upon this game in every way, though still owing its existence and identity to this game. Donkey Kong Country kicks 2D Mario in the trouser. Play the 3DS version and beat it as many times as I have.

one of the best 2D platformers out there imo. immaculate level design, tight controls, not to mention it's difficult as hell. pretty high on my list of "i'll replay this one day but i'm putting it off cause it'll kill my mental health".

side note: when you're fighting a boss and all the enemies watching cheer when you get hit makes me want to punt my DS out a window. so shout out to donkey kong for proving that i can still feel things.