Reviews from

in the past

I’ve had this game in my 3ds for over 7 years and I’ve tried starting it multiple times, but with each attempt I just never got into it. I finally decided to really start it this year and commit to beating it. But now, at World 4, I’ve decided to quit the game. The levels get really irritating at points, most of the fast paced levels were too fast for the tiny 3ds screen, and many of the backdrops and surroundings are incredibly plain and boring to look at. Overall, I just wasn’t having much fun. I felt like I was forcing myself to turn the game on, and that didn’t feel enjoyable. I was gonna try to stick it to the end, but since I actually own Tropical Freeze, I thought I’d just use this as a trial run and get straight to the “good stuff”. Hopefully it’s as excellent as people say.

Got this for the 3ds for about 6 dollars. really no sense playing this version just get tropical freeze on switch.

Who would've thought having simple button controls would make such a difference?

Já havia zerado a versão original de wii, essa versão é exatamente igual ao original, igual até demais.
Em algumas partes do jogo a câmera se distancia muito, no wii vc está jogando numa TV logo isso não incomoda, mas no 3ds vc quase não enxerga o dk. Eles deveria ter adaptado melhor isso. Mas isso só ocorre poucas vezes especificamente no boss toupeira.
A versão de 3ds tem 5 fases a mais do que o wii.
Ambas as versões são boas pode jogar qualquer uma, porém eu preferiria a de wii por ser em HD e numa TV.

Score: 85/100
Just a really fun platformer with great level design and good music. Truly a Nintendo classic.

Probably my favourite game of all time. I'm rating the 3ds version here because of the extra content, and I kinda prefer it to the Wii version, even though I have more nostalgia and memories from the Wii version. It's really just my comfort game, you can hop on at any time and complete a few levels. My only complaint is that a few levels are the fucking worst and the people who are responsible for them; hope you wake up from a nap drenched in sweat and uneven socks (I'm looking at you, 4-3 Bombs Away...)

Also... THE MUSIC! Holy fuck, the music! Spearheaded by Minako Hamano and co., the soundtrack includes not only original songs but also reworked songs by the legendary one-two-punch dream duo of David Wise and Eveline Fisher. If these names don't ring a bell, maybe you've heard "Aquatic Ambience"? If not, you are missing out on what must be not only the best water-level song of all time, but perhaps the best ambient song of all time. The whole OST is an absolute tour-de-force of video game soundtrack mastery. If you're not planning to play the actual game, you owe it to yourself to download the soundtrack. Trust me.

Anyways, great game! Recommended to anyone into Nintendo platformers and the like.

A good, challenging platformer. Being a port of a Wii game, it barely takes advantage of the 3DS capabilities.

This is a pretty difficult platformer, but I think it is better off for it. I like the amount of variety as well as all of the ways it makes the player feel good by besting levels they spent time trying to beat.

Such simple but golden platforming fun. With a hard twist towards the end

Incredible level design, just a lot less charmful than the original Rare trilogy. It also doesn't have the thightest of controls, and the almost pixel-perfect collisions can be a bit annoying.

No forced Miyamoto motion controls, but you're stuck with 240p 30 FPS. Feels a bit creatively bland/conservative compared to Tropical Freeze. The bonus levels are pretty good. I wish there was a definitive version on the Switch.

It's not a bad game, but it definitely would've been better if it had a little bit more of its own identity and didn't have too many gimmicky levels

It's cool that they got this game running on the 3DS, but it's mad crusty.

More difficult then you'd think

one of the best 2D platformers out there imo. immaculate level design, tight controls, not to mention it's difficult as hell. pretty high on my list of "i'll replay this one day but i'm putting it off cause it'll kill my mental health".

side note: when you're fighting a boss and all the enemies watching cheer when you get hit makes me want to punt my DS out a window. so shout out to donkey kong for proving that i can still feel things.

I remember that I used to have fun with it for a time period and I was really into it, but I was a child when I played it and it was to hard for me sometimes, so I gave up on it. I think I should give it another shot now.

A challenging platform that can be a ton of fun, but it gets weighed down by an aesthetic that gets old fast, an unmemorable gang of antagonists, and more than a few unfair moments.
But it doesn't have the motion controls!

It's DKCR but with a roll button!

Good way to experience a fun game that fixes the issues that a lot of people tend to have with the controls of the wii original.

this is one of the best platformers i have ever played

just a better version of the original game

Retro Studios never misses, and their adaptation of the DKC games is LEGENDARY.
A key standout is the incredible level design, which throws something new at the player every turn.
The controls are great. If a platformer game has a speedrun option, then you know its got good controls.
The music is astounding.
All around, probably one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.

This game has a lot of great moments. The game play is fun, the art style is amazing, the music is peak. Overall, it's a great game. The thing that killed it for me was the amount of gimick levels.

I could stomach the cart levels, they weren't horrible. But the barrel levels were just atrocious. I'm sure people who love platforms might have enjoyed them, which is fine. But, those levels mixed two of my biggest pet peeves in all of gaming: one hit kills and alternate controls.

The fact that the final boss requires a barrel level before fighting him just made me stop. I saw the ending because the game allows you to enter super mode when you die enough, but that's not really beating a game.

I like Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, but there are way too many levels I utterly despised and used the super mode to skip over that I can't give this game a higher score.

If every level was just regular 2D platforming, I'd probably give it a 3.5 or 4 stars, but nah those barrel levels really killed my enjoyment in this game.

Donkey Kong Country Returns is a great game, but I'm just not a fan of this version. It feels off compared to the Wii version and I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it's control feel or the loss of 60 fps, it simply doesn't feel as good. It does remove motion controls, and as someone who likes motion controls, this is a big plus for this version. However, emulation does exist, so you can play the Wii version without motion controls, but I get it if you don't want emulate.

If this is your only way to play Donkey Kong Country Returns then this is by no means abysmal and is a perfectly acceptable way of experiencing it. It's a solid platformer with great level design and good visuals for the platform it's on. A definite must-play if you're a fan of 2D platformers.

Really wanted an excuse to play this game, so I got the 3DS version! Loved it on the Wii and it definitely translates well to a handheld version. Great 2D platformer!

Un des meilleurs jeu de plateforme 2D de tous les temps, un gameplay vif, des niveaux magnifiques et fun avec chacun un thème spécifique. Les musiques sont géniales et les niveaux bonus offrent un vrai challenge en plus de débloqué tout un monde optionnel après la fin du jeu. Fini 3 fois et toujours avec un grand plaisir !

Esse jogo ele acerta em vários pontos, principalmente em ser um retorno a franquia clássica, já que na época que o returns lançou a nintendo aparentava estar meio perdida com donkey kong mas esse jogo veio pra aperfeiçoar a formula antiga.

Em relação as fases eu tenho pontos importantes para comentar, a questão artística das fases é muito impressionante por que além de bonito, eles são bem únicos também, posso citar como exemplo a fase do polvo que vem as ondas que ele faz e você precisa desviar delas, porém nessa mesma fase tem algo que eu gostaria de ressaltar que são os bosses do jogo, que salvando um ou outro, o restante todo é extremamente fraco, algo triste pois a franquia sempre foi marcada por ter bosses bem únicos e marcantes, um ponto interessante de voltar é que mini bosses que aparecem perto dos finais dos mundos seriam muito melhores se fossem realmente utilizados como bosses de fato. Voltando novamente ao problema das fases, eu não entendo o por que esse jogo tem fases tão ridiculamente difíceis, sério isso tornou a experiência do jogo tão frustrante, o jogo pede para que você acerte times e faça pixel perfect em um jogo que em têse era pra ser desafiador, mas não frustrante.

O efeito do 3D que é exclusivo da versão é bem feito mas honestamente não é como se alguém se importasse com essa feature pois ela se torna "massante" com mais de 5 minutos usando, ainda mais no meu caso em que eu jogo em um 3Ds normal.

Além disso tudo como o jogo gosta de ter bastante fanservice, na minha opinião eles poderiam ter se aprofundado muito mais nessa parte, tipo sério? um jogo do donkey kong sem a clássica fase na água? ou melhor, é sério que botaram só um animal montável no jogo? não vejo o por que não se aprofundar mais nesse tipo de coisa que só deixaria a experiência do jogo mais divertida.

Agora falando mais sobre uma visão geral do jogo, ele tem sim bons pontos e foi muito importante para o renascimento do donkey kong na sua forma original mas os problemas com as fases tornam a experiência tão desagrádavel a longo prazo, e olha que eu nem citei o fato do jogo ter excessivamente muitos colecionaveis, enfim, acho que pra quem tem o console vale o teste.

This game is very very good but sadly I am not very good at it.

A great remake of an amazing Wii game. I like the small things that they added to this version of the game, however I don't think this is the DEFINITIVE version to play. Either version works well individually and this one does what it needs to.

(9.5) Eu sempre gostei desde de pequeno da série Donkey Kong Country, jogava a trilogia num emulador q tinha no click jogos (ESPECIALMENTE o 1), mas nunca tinha terminado um jogo, seja por vontade ou pelo fato de quando pequeno n estava acostumado com jogos com uma dificuldade elevada. Até q ano passado, eu tive uma vontade do nada de jogar DLC, e terminei o 1. Então pela lógica o próximo seria terminar o 2, correto? Bem, o que tenho mais vontade de jogar da franquia (e um dos plataformers) q tenho mais vontade de jogar é o Tropical Freeze, e recentemente me deu um devaneio de jogar ele. Por conta de eu ter desbloqueado o 3ds a algum tempo (e gosto de jogar nele quanto tô com tédio, por conta da praticidade), decidi baixar nele o Returns pra jogar antes. Ele pode n ser tão marcante quanto a trilogia da rare e ser bem derivativo deles, e ter coisas q me incomodam (tipo a ost fraca, a implantação sem sentido da mecânica de sopro e os inimigos q parecem ter saído de um filme da illumination de tão sem carisma e souless q são), mas os últimos 3 mundos (contado com o novo do 3d), são TAO bons, q me fez gostar ainda mais q o 1. Jogão mesmo, hype pro 2 e principalmente pro Tropical Freeze