Reviews from

in the past

Another cool little RPGmaker game.

Felvidek is set in 15th century Slovakia/Hungary, in small fiefdom beset by both the Hussite uprising and other, more nefarious, cultists. There's not a whole lot of depth in the period politics or anything, but there's enough to make it an engaging and unique backdrop for the story. The game is frequently quite funny, with the oddly realistic style and dry humor giving it a bit of a Monty Python feel. The old-timey dialogue is fun and enhances both the humor and immersion, though at times the sentence structures get a bit difficult to parse.

Felvidek not a big game, but exploration is fun and rewarding. Your characters only get more powerful through acquiring better equipment and stat enhancing food items, so checking out all of the hidden corners and looking for sidequests is heartily rewarded.

Unfortunately, the combat, despite featuring amusing animations, is about as basic of RPGmaker fare as you get. You have a very limited number of abilities and a low amount of uses of those abilities. To the games credit, you'll want to make use of your stuns and armor piercing abilities, but it's just not all that exciting. Despite running out of the 'tool' points that fuel your special abilities quickly, you can essentially always backtrack to a church after each fight and refill both those points and your HP. This means it's optimal to just always go all in and then run back for healing, which is a bit annoying. I'd have preferred if the game was a bit harder and just healed you to full after each fight in some fashion. Or, frankly, I think it would have been more enjoyable as an adventure game with a few puzzle fights. Either way, the game is fairly short, taking me just 5.5 hours while doing my best to explore everything, and combat wasn't overused. So, in the end, the milquetoast combat wasn't that much of an issue.

The soundtrack was a nice breath of fresh air, with some acoustic guitar, some prog-rockish tunes, and a bit of avant-garde electronica. Overall, I felt a lot of 70s vibes, which I absolutely love. Great stuff.

In the end, Felvidek didn't blow me away, but was definitely worth experiencing for the presentation and humor.

Great small RPG about getting into some shit much bigger then you. Every aspect of it is absolutely amazing with the amount of love and effort put into it. The Soundtrack is a banger and if you haven't watched the trailer you should since it has a song which I believe is exclusive to it that's absolutely amazing. The switch between the realistic hand drawn art and the PS1 style low poly graphics helps the game with some of it's really eerie (or sometimes just funny) moments in it. The combat is challenging but not super unforgiving, really requires you to think in even in smaller encounters. Also since the game has no outright leveling system to it, it doesn't feel like a punishment to end a fight with dead party members. I don't have much to say on the Story other then it's good and you should play the game to see what I mean by that. Overall I'd 100% suggest this game to anyone who wants a unique, short, and satisfying RPG experience.

PS: The only reason this game doesn't get a full 5 stars is because the final boss is admittedly a bit unfair in some spots but I still really enjoyed fighting them too

An enjoyable little RPG where you play as a knight trying to get to the bottom of a nearby castle mysteriously burning down. It's got a wonderfully unique art style that reminds me a lot of mid-to-late gen Playstation 1 games. I can also appreciate it when a game goes for a traditional turn-based combat system instead of trying for some variation of real-time with pause. It's not a particularly long game, but there are times where I found myself floundering trying to figure out what I was supposed to do. Fortunately it's not the largest in game world, so it was pretty easy to bumble my way into making progress. The only real negative I have about the game is the rather weak end-game, and only that's because of the fact there's no way to quit outside of Alt-F4ing when the has you stuck in a no-win scenario.

Pretty good first game by these devs, of course its reminiscent of Hylics. Some small gripes I had were the misses in combat and the old english sometimes gets a little bit too unreadable (Still was able to piece together the story in the end though.) from getting used to reading the dialogue.

great game with unique artstyle and theme.
weak endgame and poor written story, especially character development. Main characters are well written but others... horrible

I wish there was a genre called "Hylics & Hunger" cause this is something the world needs... WAIT A MINUTE

A really great experiment on something I've wondered about for a long time - can you squeeze a JRPG experience into just a couple of hours? Felvidek offers incredible art, music, and atmosphere on top of answering that question with an emphatic "yes". The medieval historical setting, humor, and weirdness blend to create a really special game that straddles the line between formulaic and experimental. Only the trappings of its engine truly hold it back, but if RPG Maker is the canvas the creators chose, I have nothing but respect for the awesome work that they made with it.

no sé de dónde he sacado este juego pero es increíble, el de la portada parece william dafoe, las animaciones/gráficos son muy muy buenas, lo único malo que es un inglés antiguo y te enteras de la mitad pero 👏

Easily crowned as one of the best RPG maker games out there, with a stellar presentation and an amazing soundtrack that accompanies it; the vibes are immaculate and this is definitely one for the ages, don't miss out on it, and preferably go into it unspoiled.

Felvidek is as awkward as a third intervention.

The good elements here are extremely good: presentation in the overworld, combat, and cutscenes is uniquely excellent. Pair that with my current pick for OST of 2024 and you've got a game with a hell of a vibe.

Writing is a mixed bag. Dialog is generally quite good, and periodically laugh out loud funny, but the plot is thin and mostly exists to take you from setpiece to setpiece. There is a message to the whole thing and it respects the player enough to figure it out, but deep it ain't.

Then there's the combat, which sucks. Like full stop. Fights are brainless from start to finish. You either have resources and are unstoppable, or you don't and you aren't. Reload save and prep correctly this time, bozo. It's especially sad because every aesthetic choice made around combat is basically perfect. Fights are frequent, though sometimes skippable, and you will find yourself wishing more were.

It's a shame because the rest of what's here is solid. The amount of side content is much higher than most games this rubs elbows with, so if you vibe with this and feel like investigating everywhere you will be rewarded. Non-RPG Maker enjoyers look elsewhere, this one's for us freaks.

Inicialmente, me parecia perfeito e chegou perto, mas visto que (até onde eu sei)
é o primeiro jogo do desenvolvedor foi ótimo.

A tradução para inglês é muito boa e reflete o período em que a
obra se passa, porém pra muita gente vai ser bem difícil entender
já que a língua inglesa mudou bastante desde ano do Nosso Senhor 1451.

A arte do jogo é linda minha única reclamação seria personagens
com mais reações já que boa parte do jogo é só 1 ou 2 variações pra
cada um.

A história é até interessante no começo mas na minha opnião fica bem rushada pro final.

A trilha sonora é bem diferente do que você imaginaria pra um jogo
medieval, mas eu gostei bastante, uma pena que tem poucas músicas
então se você demorar tanto quanto eu vai se cansar rápido.

I'm not typically a fan of RPG maker games by their gameplay, but definitely the vibes can win me over, and Felvidek has some unique vibes. I was happy to be running around the little late-medieval kingdom fighting off heretical demons with my priest buddy for a few hours...

I kind of got lost in all of the names and factions, but the game was the right length that it wasn't really a big issue.

Felvidek stands on three extremely solid foundations - script, graphics and music.

The game tells the story of an alcoholic knight and his quest to control the unrest in the area and regain his beloved. All in ever-fascinating setting of medival Central Europe.

Graphics and music go hand in hand with the plot, creating a slightly surreal, disturbing and fascinating world of Felvidek. I also really liked the cutscenes, which added extra flavor to the game. The animations and sound effects during combat, both when attacking and using items, are great. The combat mechanics, although simple, are varied enough to prevent you from feeling bored while playing. The number of fights is well balanced and only in the last act will we have to fight more often, although it is also possible to avoid many fights.

It took me 6 hours to complete the game. That time was filled with interesting characters, great, often witty dialogues and one hell of a mystery to solve. Importantly, the script maintains a high level until the very end and I was very pleased with the way story resolved.

The game runs without any problems on Steamdeck.

slavs are so cool i wish they were real