Reviews from

in the past

Cayo Perico, te hecho de menos

Les soirées braquages où ca se disputait pour les pourcentages gravé à jamais dans mon cœur

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Hilelerin biiiip hilecilerin biiiip hile yapmayın ann- biiiiip
tek seniz bi bok yapamazsınız rockstar senin biiiiip.

This is the game that got me a lot of online friends and a wholesome multiplayer experience. I've spend pretty much of my high school and college years in this game and I don't regret, even for a second of my play time in this game. of curse it's not perfect and everyone had major problems with this game like flying cars and bikes and the way businesses work in this game and lots of other issues. but at the end of the day, this is the ONLINE GTA that we always wanted and we got it and I'm happy about it.

Ci ho passato oltre 500 ore. Era bello su PS3 quando potevi uccidere in free roam gente con il nome e cognome come ID PSN.

"A decade later and this game is still just a heaping pile of mid. I get why others like it, and it’s cool they keep updating the client, but for me I’ve always had a distaste for open world sandboxes. I’m not into cars so collecting/racing has no merit for me. I think griefers are annoying. The missions and I assume heists are all the same pretty much. Flying around is boring and gun play is terrible on on controller. Overall, I see no fun in a game where I just travel around to get different colored vehicles and obtain an obscene amount of virtual cash."
- Me after giving this game a try again 8 months ago

Over 1400 hours only for 3.5/5

divertidinho de joga de vez em nunca com amigos

I lost my virginity when I would do all the casino heist setups solo and my friends demanded 30% cut.

Was fun, but gets old now with all the modders. Also, you have to play liek 40hrs a week to earn enough in-game currency to buy the fun stuff. And I keep dying to bitches flying the oppressors.

Love the game, hate the way everything either costs days of your life or your actual money.

GTA Online. It gave me adrenaline rushes, anger, pain, tears and sweat. I liked playing with strangers except when they shot me down because I am a woman and wore undergarments. It was indeed good gameplay and I liked having money to spend on girly fits and weapons and hairstyles. I didn't like the male gaze this game holds tho but got free drinks and party meow:33333

super fun remember killing friends and jumping through buildings

I never get tired of playing GTA online, still need more properties to buy

The fact that you can kill a knock-off version of Elon Musk in a Fast and Furious-based heist makes it better. Also, thank you for introducing me to nice people.

the gaming equivalent of the chinese water torture

Um playground MUITO divertido. Poderia ir além se não tivesse um bizarro nível de grind, hackers, problemas de conectividade e a ideia idiota de colocar veiculos voadores

It’s so good when you play with friends but it’s plagued by tryhards and grinding repetitive jobs that give you barely enough to buy anything.

messing with the NPCs is like the most fun thing in all of gaming but it sucks that its locked within the shittiest online game of all time

i spend way too much time just running around as a cat in a suit shooting npc's

Had a great time w my friends, maxing out all businesses

Slow levelling, greedy real-world cash prices, bad coop teammates that don’t know how to do their part in heists. Not worth playing unless with friends.