Reviews from

in the past

Had a great time w my friends, maxing out all businesses

Slow levelling, greedy real-world cash prices, bad coop teammates that don’t know how to do their part in heists. Not worth playing unless with friends.

I have spent a disgusting amount of time in this game and I still do. I don't know how awful the experience would be for someone starting out this game in 2024 but I couldn't imagine it being much fun.

if i ever somehow become a gaming company ceo and a designer comes up to me and pitches a “online mmo inspired by gta online” i will personally get off my big bossman chair and give them a swirly

A money, fun, and sanity vacuum

Love betting on the horses tho

I hate how much I've played this game.

Decided to give it a go since multiplayer is free on PS4 this weekend and thought, why not.

Dropped on the very first mission. Fuck that. Can't understand how they thought such it was a good idea to start their game with such a frustratingly badly designed mission. I looked up online on how to beat it, but...nah. Not worth it.

GTA Online é lendário. Tive muitos momentos icônicos com meus amigos nesse jogo.

GTA V Online during lockdown in 2020. good old days. 👴

fun with mod menu overall greedy boring game

foi divertido ate nao ser mais

Bro why the fuck is the tutorial fucking longer than an hour I just wanna race cars in the sky.

Sou dona da porra toda, os hackers deveriam morrer (no jogo)

Você faz bug e ganha dinheiro e mata uns randola ai, legal so com amigos

GTA Online. It gave me adrenaline rushes, anger, pain, tears and sweat. I liked playing with strangers except when they shot me down because I am a woman and wore undergarments. It was indeed good gameplay and I liked having money to spend on girly fits and weapons and hairstyles. I didn't like the male gaze this game holds tho but got free drinks and party meow:33333

As someone who started GTA Online well after its launch, this game was a confusing mess - but I saw the potential it had if i just gave it time and effort. Eventually I had a good grasp of the amount of content thanks to friends who played it with me, but that doesn't fix the fact that GTAO has a serious issue with how it presents the player with content. The content itself is of high quality for the most part, with engaging heists and compelling fan service, and the premise of playing GTA with friends is enough of a selling point.

Les braquages sont très biens et les missions à côté avec un gameplay qui se diversifie. Cependant, le mode online est juste impraticable seul. Je sais que le principe est de jouer avec d'autres personnes mais une mission ne devrait pas passer de facile à extrême lorsque l'on joue seul, selon moi. De plus, la commu est juste ignoble et il est presque impossible de faire une mission sans se faire emmerder en serveur public. Bref, amusant si vous pouvez être avec vos potes à chaque session.

Nunca vi um jogo com um grind tão absurdo e quebrado economicamente como essa joça.

Pelo menos dirigir os carros à noite é daora.

Um pouco chato se você não tem dinheiro, mas se você sabe buscar ele e correr atrás dos seus objetivos, tu consegue aproveitar muito. Com certeza já gastei muitas e muitas horas rindo e passando raiva.

pretty shit but its nice once you have money and friends

Most aggregiously monetised game I have ever played in my life and I wish I didn't put so much time into it.

онлайн он в любой игре онлайн будет, тут хотя бы в соло играть можно

it can be fun at the start, especially with friends
this game is supposed to have a lot of content, but 60% of the "content" are just simple missions that no one cares enough to play because they're very boring, the only thing i found to be actually fun are the very main updates, such as import export stuff, the heists
you run out of content somewhat quick, and its still fun to keep repeating stuff, for some time
after that you pretty much run out of content AND fun

poderia ser melhor, mesmo tendo umas 1300h de jogo

It's both really fun and really painful. Truly an enigma.

never really got into it I was there on day one with my friend I was 14 last year of middle school (for reference that would be 9th grade which I think would be equivalent to the first year of high school for Americans?) coming home from school and it was just impossible to get on an online match with anyone it constantly lost connection it was a terrible experience to be on day one we did persist because we really wanted to do the online heists but I think it took a while as in weeks to get that working. then years later a friend in high school invited me to play with him and he was like bawling in the game idk if spent on micro-transactions or if he just played a lot but he definitely knew his way around the game and that was kind of fun experience but I was far gone to care about getting back into it then when it came to pc I tried the online there mostly to play with my younger brother but that also didn't last but it was a much smoother experience getting to playing with someone i knew compared to when the game was on ps3. but that was about it i was mildly curious about GTA RP but that idk it looked kind of boring and the fun things happening in that seemed like they were primarily coming from streamers that got main character treatment in those experiences

yeah, it's bad. but its also incredibly fun.