Reviews from

in the past

Excelente, acho que esse é o jogo com o sistema roguelike mais convidativo. A sensação de progresso é constante, as classes possuem uma distinção notável entre si e a experiência multiplayer torna o jogo infinitas vezes mais interesse. Vale dizer que Hammerwatch é muito mais charmoso do que os olhos podem mostrar.

Apesar dos gráficos pixelizados, Hammerwatch consegue apresentar todos os seus elementos visuais de forma carismática e repleta de vida, o que é muito favorável durante as Boss Battle, já que as mecânicas distintas são apresentadas com uma estética inventiva e charmosa. Isso colabora muito para tornar o jogo é imersivo para quem é adepto ao sistema de repetição que ele oferece. Até o momento posso dizer que esse é um dos jogos que melhor fornece a capacidade de gastar horas de forma lúdica e estimulante.

Resumindo: Trilha sonora excelente, cenários carismáticos, sistema variado, batalhas marcantes e um sistema de progressão balanceado, ótimo jogo.

Uma evolução do que era bom!!!

Fun to play from time to time, especially with friends, but it can get boring after few hours.

OG Hammerwatch, but with the replayability it lacked. Simple as getting some frens and begin to blast hours and hours. Waiting now for the release of Hammerwatch 2, let's see how it goes.

Not a fan of this one.
Can be fun with friends, tackling rooms together and avoiding traps with our unique abilities were the highlights for me. Boss fights were either fun or annoying.

Playing it with friends is decent enough, but it lacks a convincing endgame or an impactful singleplayer.

More enjoyable with some mates. Don't have long sessions coz this game can get a bit boring after a while. I hear the last few DLC is caca, but i never touched em.

a hellspawn amalgamation of a bunch of negative tropes of the modern Action Roguelite. it's a very front-loaded experience, designed to force you into grinding for the sake of nothing more than masochistic progression. I have my reservations when it comes to meta-progression, and while I ultimately get the appeal I just don't like it. I'd much much MUCH rather play something that's not designed around it. like yeah it's cool to see and feel that you're making some type of progress but, unless you want to be rewarded for your time investment, it doesn't feel earned.

this game is the poster child of the rote process of a difficulty spike pushing you to spend permanent currencies on stat boosts, and I hate it. it trivializes the inherent difficulty and authenticity of a learning curve. these bonuses make the game incrementally easier every run, so how does the game counterbalance that? by giving enemies bloated HP and damage of course!

you progress by restoring your hub, you level up your class(es) and put points in enough stats to finally get your first win, and then it just gets worse from there. barring DLC campaigns there is no proper ending past that point, you just continue grinding minuscule stat upgrades for an eternity while its systems are at odds with one another. "progressive taxation" (?????) has to be the worst thing I've ever seen in anything like this, maybe even in all of the video games I've played period. on higher NG+ cycles it was a necessity to do farming runs just to prepare yourself for your actual run, a slog that would take at least an hour if not more. this is all without even mentioning the combat that boils down to walking into a room of 891341 enemies and constantly backpedaling.

it's just a horribly designed game that fails at even being a compelling or praiseworthy roguelite. I find it hard to say anything positive about it. and just as an aside, about 10 hours in I honestly edited my town file for infinite gold and ore to cut down on farming/grinding, went for 100% completion years later while depressed or something, and that still took me ~300 hours in total - but I digress. all in all, playing Heroes of Hammerwatch solo with a completionist mindset was a nightmare. I'd never recommend it, especially not to someone with severe completionist tendencies. it's almost a shame that I liked the initial gameplay, but none of that matters when it was overshadowed by the unpleasant experience I had when I was a NEET that was glued to this game lmao.

this is such a random game i have literally no idea where i found it but man is it like the perfect roguelite its so good and the progression is so clean and its just oughhh

A barebones roguelite. It has a hub village which offers permanent upgrades and procedural dungeons which are very large, sparse, and repetitive. Some of the sprite artwork is very ugly, gold is scattered in such large amounts it feels like the kingdom is suffering deflation, and gameplay is very dull.

Also weird that you're so small but the south walls are so large, so half the game is obscured from sight. Despite playing for hours I've made little progress in the actual game - never gotten past area 2, but I do have plenty of permanent upgrades and a couple of classes unlocked. Maybe it's just intended to be a slow grind?

Overall this game feels very cheaply made, lazy, and unrewarding.

Fun with friends. I like the hub world and the unlock-able things, feels like a logical progression from games like gauntlet.