Reviews from

in the past

Aventurine's story is one of my favorite stories told by Mihoyo

Took so long to put this out that the next update is already live, but I was writing this because I really gotta hand it to Mihoyo. Reading back my review for the game upon release I was obviously a hair away from shit talking this thing if I so much as sniffed that it was getting worse. The good news is that - generally speaking - that hasn't happened.

Don't get me wrong, they haven't all been base hits, but they've steadily improved on all the things I liked best about this game upon release. The characters are more interesting than they've ever been, and while I'll still object to the visual design of some of these characters (Jade? come on now), they've continually dropped characters with mechanics that make them genuinely fun to play despite sticking to the two-skills-per-character rule. I have more fun playing my tank than I've had playing most characters in other turn-based games.

I think I feel some obligation to be a little more moderate in my praise because I know plenty of people who will tell you that this is competing with the best games of the year, or that it's "the most generous gacha game", and while I don't think it's quite there yet for me, I can at least understand where a lot of the praise is coming from, because Hoyoverse aren't being lazy with this one. I've been surprised by the amount of times they've dropped a ridiculously high effort cutscene for a quest with virtually no impact on the main story, by the amount of minigames they've added, by the ways they use new enemy mechanics to switch things up, with the fact that the companion quests can tell stories that I found genuinely compelling. There's no "for a gacha game" here, my shock is solely because I recently gave Genshin Impact another spin and I just can't believe this is the same company. A lot of love has gone into this thing and as time goes on I'm only having more fun mixing and matching characters and farming up to improve new ones. The important note here is that I'm the person who will deliberately avoid levelling good characters to be different, so there's a lot of room for people to complain about a stale meta or what-have-you that I'm simply not capable of touching on.

I still think that there's too much to nitpick for this game to become one of the undeniable greats that converts the haters - the fact that there's a gacha here will always work against it, to point out the biggest issue - but I think there are hooks everywhere if you have any interest in finding them. I was unemployed for the past four months and still managed to snag multiple shiny new characters (with no resources saved up) so you shouldn't feel like you're being locked out of something special by keeping the wallet closed.

Being caught up on this gacha feels weird to me, not because of the game is bad or anything neither that i have with issues with the story, as matter of fact i love Penacony story and the how the climax is looking to be my favorite in the next patch.

It's funny though, i started this game one month ago for shits and giggles in the anniversary but for me i was quite suprised how much content it had for a beginner and how it was completely overwhelming at first but going back at it, i never expected to get hooked as much i did and how having the reputation of ''It's another mihoyo game'' and that was how my mutuals and especially me viewed the game itself at first.

Going through at first i always had my expectations lowered as usual but i'm still suprised how generous and how much stuff the game gives you just by playing it, of course there's issues that disapears when you get mid game which being locking the relics on story even though you have the level required to grind it but they still lock you regardless, the gap in difficulty whenever you increase the eidrolons levels making the boss tanky and being more painful to get through which it would be fine if the stamina was good enough to grind the relics with the right SUBSTATS for the characters that i need for and how i can randomly start a patch from 1.6 while i just finished Luofu (1.2)...

With that aside, Star Rail story was still a ride to get into and i'm very excited for Penacony's climax

Such a clear improvement after, what I consider, a disaster of an arc's beginning that was 2.0, while getting me to like Penacony more than I did after finishing 2.0, story wise, Penacony still doesn't hit the same as both Belobog and Luofu did for me honestly.

They got me man ...

For what's still ongoing, I'm really impressed by the way they're going about this story arc, and it reassures me in a sense that HSR is able to put a really interesting spin on what HI3rd does and expand on it (as someone who hasn't finished part 1 yet and stopped at Otto's conclusion), regardless I'm floored by what's been shown so far and makes me want to go back and finish 3rd, LOVE U AVENTURINE

I have gone from cautiously optimistic to the edge of my seat, popcorn in hand, ready to see what new twist this story will bring.

Alas, people won't make all the right choices in their lifetime... Though luck always seems like it's on your side.

You will keep winning, having never lost before. But why you? Why... must it be you?

If all your luck is built on the pain of someone you love, on the loss of dozens more - if these windfalls, these jackpots aren't a gift from Gaiathra- if all they are is a long string of meaningless deaths...

Sometimes the protagonist is the antagonist and it's peak


I Am the bone of my bat.
Stellaron is my body and.
Trailblaze is my blood.

"Go, make them proud."

Best bit of story that HSR has gotten to date and it was heavily focused on Aventurine who is now one of my favorite characters they have introduced. As a patch, 2.0 was definitely better but the story puts this one over.

Glorious King Aventurine

Sometimes it's just peak fiction.

It's all or nothing!

I'm putting down the bet.
I'm taking the gamble.
I'm claiming the win.
I'll let fate spin the wheel, a daring gamble. Walking the brink of death... for rebirth.
All for the Amber Lord!

"With hope for the morrow nestled in my heart, I descend into the slumber of to-night. Until the denouement of all coming morrows kisses me, I have then embraced the quiet death."
But this man is different. He lives and breathes in the present. In every sinking night, by every daring gamble, no vision of morrow ever graced his dreams.
His life knows not quietude. His fate yet demands him to win them all, to weather tempests, one after another... til mire enshrouds his very breath.
And now, in the unfathomable depths of dream, the once falling die... has at last landed on its earthly rest.
Quietly, peacefully, it at last landed."

Yappiest patch yet but good info and reveals. Also thank you Aventurive for coming home and making my life easier

...or maybe I'll take it all!

Fun patch, lots of Aventurine content and also introduces storytelling from the perspective of multiple protagonists (something I'd like to see used again in the future). The new twists are nice, but ultimately many things still feel like a setup for the final act, as Act 2 literally ends on two separate cliffhangers, but I enjoyed Aventurine's little sidestory a lot - just wish the writing didn't overuse the "going all-in/betting your life" aspect so much, it felt like doing him a disservice by pushing that trait so much. Either way, I'm stoked to see where the finale is headed!

acheron, ana görev ve içki görevi peak

Fun fact: 99% of gamblers quit just before they're about to hit it big

This review contains spoilers

The perspective that we all inevitably meet the same fate, but the journey there varies from person to person is something I’ve always enjoyed seeing explored in fiction. The meaning of life is what we make of it, even if all of our outcomes are the same. The universe in all of its entropy and impartiality simply is, and conversely we and the choices we make, the struggles we endure, and ultimately what we make of ourselves… we simply are. Is there not beauty in that? Is there not meaning? We’re all on our own journeys and we all have the same destinations, and yet sometimes our paths cross; we intersect, intertwine.

What a moment of love.

What a moment of love to stare into the endless, abyssal, all-consuming void knowing you’re not alone. That you were never alone; to have your fingers interlaced with the hands of all the people you have met… have loved… have lost. To stare into the eyes of your own reflection one last time, and to leave the world with no regrets.

In fewer words, this essentially the wisdom Acheron imparts on Aventurine, whom is racked with the gnawing regrets of his childhood. He spent his life desperately seeking the answers to questions no one could ever answer, only to hear a new perspective on the brink of annihilation from an Emanator of Nihility. To have her take him deathly seriously… to have the patience to share her thoughts with him… to give not just him, but Kakavasha relief…

Another moment of love.

After taking Acheron’s words to heart, Aventurine stared into the endless shroud of darkness before him. The still waters gently lapped at the shores of nothingness, as he unfurled Dr. Ratio’s note. The note was the doctor’s parting gift that he instructed the gambler to open in the jaws of death… To call this note a request would be an understatement: it’s a plea. A plea to live, and live, and live, and that Ratio wished him good luck in his endeavors. He doesn’t tell Aventurine to rely on Gods… on Aeons… From one human to another, he wished him “the best of luck.” A firm reminder that not even the Gods can intervene in the inevitability of death, but humans can make the journey there easier on each other. We inspire hope and a passion for life in one another in ways that deities cannot. Aventurine takes his unfathomably risky gamble in stride, reassured with the fact that no matter what, at least one person will be in his corner… at least one person will want to see him again. At least one person wants him to fight against the overwhelming gravitational pull of death. At least one person wants him to live.

Yet another moment of love.

At the end of it all, when Aventurine bids Kakavasha farewell after their final prayer together, he leaves behind his hat. He leaves behind a memento, something his father, mother, and sister have all done before. Material goods have no value in death — no, but they have value to those they leave behind. Cherished belongings that remind us that we do not fight our struggles alone. That when we reach the black, shapeless gates of eternity, we have not done so alone. That in the swirling darkness we will rejoin them in nothingness. That our paths will cross in finality, even if we do not have the consciousness to acknowledge it. Aventurine entrusts his hat to Kakavasha as a show that he ventures forth with no regrets; instead, he places his trust in his gamble. Either he lives, allowing the Trailblazer to solve the mystery while also carving a path for the IPC, or he returns to the embrace of his family. Either way he cannot lose, and either way he has nothing to regret.

I love the Penacony story. I love what’s being said between the lines. I haven’t even touched on Welt’s patience and solemnity in his conversations with Acheron, but it makes me feel the same way Aventurine’s story does. I cannot wait to see where the story takes us next.

I don't know what happened after Xianzhou Snooze-fu's epilogue that made John Hoyo say "I have to lock in." but I am so here for it dude.

No way man, they are REALLY cooking