Reviews from

in the past

Bom metroidvania com design de arte lindíssimo. Às vezes o gameplay é desengonçado e o jogo fica visualmente poluído, e houve momentos em que a jogabilidade me fez querer arrancar um dedo fora com os dentes, mas tudo bem, nada grave. A música não me agradou muito, mas também não ofende. Na verdade, me deu sono.

Quanto à história, não consegui me importar com nada do que acontecia. Só lembro de uma coruja cabulosa que às vezes aparecia pra tocar o zaralho e a voz irritante da bolinha de fogo que acompanha o personagem.

A exploração do mapa, juntamente com as habilidades que o jogador adquire, fazem uma ótima combinação. Realmente, metroidvania é igual pizza: mesmo quando não é muito bom, ainda é bom de alguma forma. Não é perfeito, e tudo bem, nem tudo é (exceto Hollow Knight, que é perfeito).

explores both platforming and metroidvania elements really well (especially the platforming) - looking forward to trying out the sequel soon!

Jogo lindíssimo com uma arte maravilhosa e trilha sonora impecável. Recomendo muito
Obs: zerei com 7h

Gameplay, trilha sonora e arte, tudo perfeito. Cinema 2

Beautiful game, amazing story, the only half point is due to the combat being underwhelming and platforming quite finicky where i thought i wasnt supposed to go to an area but it turns out i wasnt jumping on the exact pixel of a rock to get the height

Este jogo é só maravilhoso em tudo, arte, música, história, chorei e choraria de novo, perfeito demais.

I usually do not like platformers or metroidvanias, however, I loved this one.
This is one of those games where it seems as though it gets prettier and prettier every time you look at it. The art is truly stunning, it was actually what drew me to the game in the first place.

The worst part about this game I would have to say is its combat. The combat is dull and never interesting, but it's not something that ruins the overall experience.

I like this game a lot, it has everything you expect from this type of game, and it executes most of it really well. The art is stunning and the story is solid. I would recommend playing to anyone who likes these types of games.

Un metroidvania realmente precioso que quizás le hubiera podido ganar a Hollow Knight (al menos en la parte de arte si le gana), pero parte de sus mecánicas y jugabilidad dejan que desear. Sin dejar de ser uno de los mejores juegos indie.

To rejogando, depois de completar o replay eu altero a nota e review.

Una de las sensaciones que para mí definen la magia de los metroidvanias es la del descubrimiento y exploración. Perderte por sus mundos, descubrir sus secretos y empaparte de su ambientación, es de mis cosas favoritas en estos títulos. Creo que Ori and the blind forest hace esto de una forma genial. Haciendo uso de sus originales mecánicas, te lleva a descubrir cada rincón del bosque. Es un viaje fascinante, aunque tiene varias piedras en el camino. Piedras que me han hecho quedarme con un regusto amargo al terminarlo, ya que de cara al final, se me ha hecho algo denso incluso para durar apenas diez horas.

Como ya bien he comentado, me gusta mucho la sensación de exploración y descubrimiento que transmite este título. Sin duda, gran parte se lo debe a sus mecánicas. Estas convierten la acción de explorar y superar plataformas en algo mucho más rico y estimulante. Lo he sentido a veces cercano a un juego de puzzles. Saber cómo utilizar las mecánicas a tu disposición para alcanzar una zona nueva, sabiendo que te dejan experimentar a tu rollo y con mucha flexibilidad en su uso es una sensación genial. Me quedo con una en especial, y es la que te permite usar proyectiles o enemigos para propulsarte, devolviendo dichos proyectiles en dirección contraria. Me fascina la libertad que te da para hacer muchísimas cosas, para superar cada plataforma a tu manera. Son todo palabras bonitas hasta ahora, pero he de recalcar que se me han hecho algo densas las últimas horas del título. Cuando la exploración prácticamente acaba, y solo te quedan secciones de plataformeo puro, no se me hace tan disfruton. El monte horu o las ruinas de forlorn se me han hecho eternas, y tampoco creo que sea debido a que sean malas sino a una suma de factores.

Aparte de plataformas y exploración este juego tiene un combate. Un combate que no considero del todo bueno. Mezcla unas mecánicas simples, con un diseño de enemigos redundante. Siempre te acabas enfrentando a los mismos 6, por mucho que los cambien de color, haciendose a la larga repetitivo. El combate es otro de esos factores que suman a la hora de que me costase acabarlo, sin duda.

El apartado artístico y sonoro de este título me gustan. Funcionan bastante bien conjuntamente para generar una buena ambientación, separando bien las vibras de cada una de las zonas. Me gusta como ori, con su paleta de color, destaca entre la maleza del bosque. Le hacen sentir único.

En definitiva, Ori and the blind forest es un metroidvania bastante chulo, más enfocado en las plataformas, que acaban siendo su punto fuerte junto al diseño de su mundo. Aunque es una lastima que al final me costasen esas últimas tres horas de juego, pero me quedo con lo positivo y con el disfrute que me ha brindado su mundo.

idk whats wrong with my brain but that little rat child is almost as annoying to control as tank controls

This review contains spoilers

Alright first up, this game is a masterpiece in terms of visuals, and music. The opening cutscene alone is a thing of beauty, every environment is carefully crafted, and special set piece moments have excellent depth effects - similar to Hollow Knight. It is a metroidvania style game with an expansive map, many locations to discover, that i havent even been in yet after completing main story, but can unlock new abilites as a metroidvania. The story is also beautiful and heartful - this is a masterpiece in terms of media. One complaint is the amount of screen shake that some set pieces have, like i cant bloody see ori due to the screen shake and all the visual effects which did sour some of the excellent set piece moments. although these set piece moments where accompanied by masterful soundtracks that really touch you. Gameplay wise - movement, especially the double jump feels mushy and unresponsive, just realy dislike the double jump. the Bash and charge jump abilities are really satisfying and are the best gameplay parts of the game, though the charge jump can be tricky and finicky to just go straight up and sometimes have to give it couple of tries to get it right. One part that the game is lacking in is combat, with the spirit thing in sein, combat is not rewarding or at much in depth, mostly just spam until they die. I will probably add more on this as i reflect more but Kuro's sacrifice at the end touched me and loved the easter egg they gave us at the end with the egg. Kuro, Naru, light

Meu Deus, esse jogo... É simplesmente perfeito! Por muito tempo não tive vontade de joga-lo, porém do nada me deu uma vontade imensa de experimentar como ele é, não tinha tomado nenhum spoiler sobre ele e aproveitei quase tudo oque eu podia no jogo. Me diverti muito do início ao fim. A história me encantou e me emocionou, os gráficos são lindos demais, e mesmo não gostando muito do estilo Metroidvania, amei esse. Super recomendo mergulhar nesse universo e aproveitar sua experiencia com essa obra prima!

Jogo muito lindo, trilha sonora tranquila e enredo simples, mas bem cativante. Explora bem os elementos de metroidvania e plataforma.

The projectile-dash mechanic is fun and placing your own checkpoints is kinda interesting. I felt like it peaked at the tree-dungeon escape sequence and slowly decayed over the rest of the game. I really don't think about this game ever.

9:19 game complete
10:39 100%

Se ha sentido un poco injusto en algunas partes pero no puedo negar que el juego ha sido precioso

Ori is one of the cutest, thrilling, hardest, most emotional, satisfying, saddest, most beautiful, varied, inventive, imaginative and funniest platformer that I've ever played, and it comes with both, a perfect visual art style, and a perfect music score, which makes it so much more fun to play. For a platformer it comes with so many interesting features you wouldn't expect, like small puzzle games to advance, or even a leveling system so that you can upgrade your character individually (at least to a degree) to meet your personal play style. And it's - in a way even an open world game - sure, there are parts you cannot reach due to a lack of certain abilities (yet), but you are free to move and sometimes there are two or more choices that are open to you. And then there are end bosses - each with their unique play style that you need to adapt to, to being able to defeat him, using all the abilities in your repertoire.

All in all, it's just a really wonderful experience, and a game that I am actually really excited to revisit soon. With [for me] 17 hours to play it's also a rather compact game that you can squeeze in-between bigger games (like for me RDR2 and RDR :D ), but it feels like the prefect size (as the game is of course getting more and more challenging with every bit of progress, and in the end you'll be restarting a couple of times to master a certain sequence or end boss).

L'évolution du gameplay est quasi parfaite. Il n'y a pas de lassitude au bout d'un moment car on manque d'un pouvoir ou quoi que ce soit. Le jeu est beau, très beau. L'histoire est touchante et la musique l'accompagne parfaitement

After 2 unsuccessful tries to get into this game I finally gave it a full honest shot and I'm so glad I did. This game while very short and a little too easy is easily one of the better metroidvanias out there. The art style, soundtrack and gameplay are all top notch. I felt iffy about the movement and abilities early on since they all felt a little sluggish and floaty but as the game went on and I became more and more equipped I really appreciated them. The story despite some issues is simple and charming and fit the world they created and was paced well. I appreciate this game not really having any bosses instead ending each big area with a long escape sequence. I'm personally a huge fan of the final escape.

My only real issues were difficulty and exploration. I always love picking through metroidvanias for secrets and becoming overpowered and this was no exception but I did feel that the game kind of gave away its secrets too quickly and discouraged exploration since you'll quickly get an ability that just shows you where everything is. I also with the game was a tad longer but I guess I can just play the sequel since I want more.

Another metroidvania finished during the infinite wait for Silksong

Precioso metroidvania, tanto visualmente como jugablemente, el diseño de niveles es exquisito y da gusto ir superando cada zona a medida que vas avanzando y aprendiendo cada nuevo poder. La historia no se queda atrás, muy interesante y wholesome.

Cuando empecé el juego, no terminaba de ver pq la gente lo alababa tanto pero una vez acabado ya lo entiendo. Uno de los juegos más preciosos que he jugado y con un plataformeo SUPER DIVERTIDO. Lo único que no me gusta es el combate, lo siento un tanto innecesario y muy aburrido además de frustrante en ocasiones.

Excepto por eso, una joyita.

o tanto de raiva que eu passei nesse jogo é sacanagem

C'est beau...

Petit point négatif sur le système de combat, qui sera corrigé dans l'opus suivant.

I really liked this game. The graphics and music are beutiful, and the story has great emotion. I was not a big fan of the gameplay, especially combat. I also wish there was some kind of autosave, there were way to many times were I forgot to set a checkpoint and lost many minutes of progress.

Metroidvania lindo e bonito

plataforma suculenta dar tirinho é ruim exploração ta la so pra dizer que tá la pq nem precisava