Reviews from

in the past

É realmente bom como falam. Bem rápido de zerar e os puzzles são legais

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My first game on Steam. Funny robot lady fucking around and trying to burn you to death. Cake is a lie

tight, perfectly designed, masterpiece. sequel better though

There's a penis joke about this game and I don't remember it but I think that's beautiful.

Another greatest game of all time along with its sequel, played both during a difficult time in life and just honestly made me happy.

Portal remains a cleverly constructed classic with writing and story beats that still hold up well.

Достаточно простая головоломка с хорошими загадками, после 12-13 уровня начинает заставлять думать больше 2 секунд, что хорошо.

Had an alright time with it, but playing it so long after Portal 2, which is one of my favorite games of all time, makes it a little bit less novel of an experience. Still very solid as a baseline concept for what ended up getting fleshed out.


P.s Прошёл на 100%

I remember this game being short and more of a concept then a fleshed out video game. You can't compare it with the second game in my opinion. Sure it all started here but i feel like this one gets overrated because the second one is so good. Average at best for myself you can skip this one and go straight to the second one.

The cake is a lie

its a simple concept but its fun easily one of the best puzzle game series to ever do it

Iconic, short game that made us think with portals.

El mejor fps + puzzles de la historia.

so many wonderful memories with this game, def some issues with it but it's the first portal but it was amazing loved it.

Iconic game for a reason. Portal has more dry and morose sensibilities when compared to its sequel, but that doesn't make it bad, far from it. I love the puzzle gimmicks, I love the setting of Aperture and the mystery inherent in the whole story, and GLaDOS is such a personality, but she really shines in Portal 2 I think.

Good must play bc the second one is genuinely amazing. This one isn’t have bad tho

One of my first true puzzle games, I remember spending a lot of time trying to understand the rooms

mumbo jumbo sounding mofo

Uno de los mejores juegos de la historia sin discusión alguna.

I actually never finished Portal. I always thought of it as Portal 2 but boring, which is kinda the case. But during the later part of the game I really enjoyed it. Other than that, it just made me want to replay Portal 2

Great game, play it and then play the sequel. You can get them for dirt cheap on steam sales.