Reviews from

in the past

A very nice 3D platformer, similar to Mario 3D Land, though it is relatively unknown.

muito bom para jogar com alguém.
quem punha as vidas em risco, era eu.

So, I’ve never played a Little Big Planet game before! This is my first time with Sackboy (the character), and hey, I liked it!

I feel like it’s not the most AMAZING game I ever played, but it was cute, fun, pretty, GREAT music.

One thing that’s kind of weird, and this is a me thing, not the game, is I feel like I’m just not a huge fan of craft themed artificial worlds. It’s weird, since I’m an artist, I SHOULD like this stuff a lot! But I’m just not super into the artificial nature of games like this.

HOWEVER!!!!! I think it’s done pretty well here, pretty charming. I dunno what the difference is, and it still kind of holds me back from absolutely loving this game, but I still thought it was pretty charming.

I’m also not a super huge fan of how it feels. It just kinda feels weird to control. Again, I haven’t played any LBP games before this and I hear they ALL control kinda like this, but still, didn’t love it.

Holy hell, that last Knitted Knight trial is tough. I hear that one’s a Platinum ender for a lot of people. Which I totally get, it’s a NIGHTMARE. But I DID it! Hell yes I did.

But otherwise, I liked it a lot! I was still riding my Lost in Random high, so I used the Even costume the entire time.

I’m not sure if it’s the kind of game I’ll be playing again in the future, but I had a great time with it.

Super fun, played this with one of my brothers on vacation at his house and we had a great time with it!

Fun game, surprisingly good soundtrack and lots of charm. I did have some strange audio desync problems with cutscenes, where certain voice lines would cut off the previous line, and the animations also would be all over the place with matching the performed lines in terms of timing.

Es un juego bastante divertido y con mucho carisma, los niveles van mejorando y son bastante pocos los momentos en los que el juego se vuelve frustrante. Los jefes son bastante meh. Pero aún así se disfruta y poderlo jugar en coop le da mil puntos más.

I played the whole game with my 4 year old son who was just in the clouds the whole game. It's a real shame that I didn't get to play such games as a child. Even my wife, who is far from computer games, went through several stages. You can say it's a game for the whole family.

A fine enough action platformer. I maybe would have finished if I had a connection to LittleBigPlanet. This would probably be a good first game for a kid.

I dropped the game when I got to the level set to Uptown Funk. I don't think I'm returning to it any time soon.

Less good mario 3D world, wish it was better mario 3D world or just... good maybe?

Really fun game play, but is held back by the lackluster story

A fun 3D platformer, it's basically Playstation's version of Mario 3D World. A solid game and an enjoyable playthrough.

Super fun platformer with some of the best movement mechanics I've seen in a platforming game!!!

Lots of cool gimmicks in each world to spice up the gameplay.

And of course it only gets better when playing with friends or a partner!

The game is also quite challenging, especially with the knight trials!

Had a lot of fun with this one in couch co-op. This was my first time playing anything related to LBP and I was surprised how much I liked it. The controls are tight with fun level design. Some levels were just a little too easy (the game isn't though). I especially liked the music synced levels.

I refused to log this one for so long because I still haven't beaten the Ripsnorter. I don't know if I have that in me.

almost got the plat but save data got corrupted :( S/O jie, made this game bearable

Me divertir muito jogando esse jogo com meus filhos.
Um visual cativante e lindo feitos de novelos de lã.
O jogo brilha quando voce joga em coop

This is basically Super Mario 3D World with Crash Bandicoot-like level design. Had so much fun with this game from beginning to end and collecting all the dreamer orbs added to the challenge of what would have been a fairly easy platformer. While fun, this game doesn't do anything new or ground breaking and just takes inspiration from great linear platfomers.

Adding a level creator to this game, in Little Big Planet fashion, would have made this an instant 10/10 for me. As someone who grew up with LBP 1 and 2, it would've been a dream come true to just have a 3D platformer version of those games. But alas, there are a few references to the older games which hit my nostalgia hard.

good fun. cant really fault the gameplay at all everything looked and felt great but felt like the only thing they took away from the original games was freaky googly eyed papercraft adventure. where is avalon centrifuge. where is eve. whats her face. where is queen elizabeth. no sorry you have this old crone in your ear who is punishingly joyful!! no wit at all the soggy piece of cardboard she is. oh well. again it was fun.

eu n tava dando nada pra esse jogo, mas ele entregou muito

very diverse levels all around and just a fun game to play with a friend


Sights & Sounds
- Being a major release from a major studio, it's perhaps no surprise that the game looks incredible. The textures are crisp, the lighting effects are gorgeous, and the aesthetics are (while not unique) interesting
- Cutscene animations were similarly good, and the voice acting was excellent across the board
- The licensed music wasn't really my taste, but the songs were used well. It was fun hopping from platform to platform to Jungle Boogie and smacking enemies to Toxic

Story & Vibes
- I never had a PS3 and went into this game with no knowledge of Little Big Planet lore. The plot seemed pretty generic for a character action platformer, but I accept that I may be missing some things
- Despite the throwaway "save friends from bad guy" story, the game is still an enjoyable and playful experience

Playability & Replayability
- The platforming is quality, but there's not a ton of untread ground in this aspect of the game. If you've played any 3D Mario game released since Galaxy, you've seen more platforming creativity
- The puzzles are also interesting, but you'll be well-prepared for any challenge the game throws at you if you've played at least one other puzzle platformer
- Gripes aside, this is an excellent co-op experience. It doesn't reach the same highs as something like It Takes Two, but it's still a top-notch couch game
- I had more fun than I care to admit making different outfits for Sackboy

Overall Impressions & Performance
- I'm impressed with the game's optimization. It chugged along at 60FPS without many issues despite the fact that I don't have a ridiculous setup or anything
- As I mentioned above, this is a great co-op experience. I'd unfortunately have a hard time recommending it as a solely single-player game. Not only is it more fun to puzzle solve by tossing a friend around and finish every stage with a finish line slap fight, but you also get additional content in the form of multiplayer-only levels

Final Verdict
- 7/10. As a single player game, it's a 6/10. As a multiplayer game, it's an 8/10. My rating splits the difference. Beyond how many people are playing, it's a well-made 3D platformer with fantastic production values that suffers slightly from a lack of substance but makes up for it somewhat with a boatload of style

Muito divertido. Jogo de plataforma bem diverso, com fases interessantes que proporciona um coop bem agradável. Zerei jogando com meu filho. Uma das platinas mais difícies do gênero por causa do troféu de desafios.

Sackboy is a great platformer, Sumo Digital finally showed what they could do with the LBP franchise and redefined what the next titles could be.

Some people found changes like the camera perspective and gameplay not true to the original game but I found myself being overwhelmed with nostalgia with a fresh taste of new mechanics and gameplay.

I played the whole campaign throughout with my friend and we both had a lot of fun, the stages and levels were all brilliantly made with many collectables and challenges to get past.

I ended up going out of my way for the platinum for this game and it actually turned out to be quite difficult, the ripsnorter level was something I found myself reattempting several times and I was extremely satisfied once done.

Sackboys aesthetic and LBP as a whole will remain something special to me and I look forward to the next games Sumo may make.