Reviews from

in the past

Diferente. Nunca fui o cara do best 'em up então não tenho muitos parâmetros, mas a progressão aqui me chama atenção. Ao invés de simplesmente bater nos caras e upar, você precisa coletar as moedas e ir em locais extremamente específicos espalhados (e escondidos) em todos os leveis para aumentar atributos diferentes. É legal, é divertido, é bem difícil beirando o impossível se você não descobrir logo onde ir pra ficar mais forte, e tem muito grind, meu deus como tem grind. Terminei o game com o Scott e testei a Ramona, mas a diferença de personagens é bem pequena ao meu ver, então não senti vontade de continuar e nem sequer experimentei os outros bonecos. Deixa pros mais aficionados em beat 'em up. Pra mim foi só uma passadinha mesmo.

Gets far too grindy and hard for its own good after a bit, but man I'd be lying if I wasn't looping the Anamanaguchi score for this constantly in 2010

They were going to make the game 18+ but Scott didn't like that idea all that much

This game really rocked my socks! First beat-em-up I've ever really liked, if I'm being honest. The RPG mechanics really helped me to stay engaged and I loved the soundtrack by Anamanaguchi. There are a lot of cheap hits and some obnoxious bits of platforming due to the perspective and controls, but they never really impacted my enjoyment of the game. I just wish your characters' movesets were the slightest bit more fleshed out at the start of the game. You're basically slapping the same buttons over and over for the first quarter of the game.
I played through as Kim for my first time, and I'm looking forward to playing it again as another character. Maybe Wallace or Knives next.

A melhor adaptação de uma HQ para videogames que existe, resultando no melhor beat 'em up que existe. É lindo. É belo. É fofo. É masterpiece.

classic beat em up in the sense that it controls like shit and feels unfinished

There's something homophobic about them choosing Stephen Stills for the fourth character slot over Wallace Wells.

A classic beat 'em up. Gorgeous graphics, excellent chiptunes, and up to 4 player local co-op support. Lots of fun to play, even from someone who didn't enjoy the movie at all.

my introduction to anamanaguchi and the rest of my taste into adulthood

pretty fun beat em up, remember playing with my siblings when we were big fans of the movie.

A fun game, but too basic... unfortunately, it was rushed for release with the movie. The gameplay feels clunky, and there are few combos to experiment with against enemies. Paul Robertson's Pixel Art oozes with style, and the soundtrack from Anamanaguchi is very cute. This game is average, but if they made a sequel more robust, it could be a beat 'em up classic.

A fun beat 'em up reminiscent of the River City Ransom series with the stylish art direction of the comics and some very well-animated pixel graphics, along with a great co-op mode and some memorable boss fights. Sadly this game never got a proper PC port but it is possible to emulate the PS3 version on RPCS3 and you don't even need an especially powerful PC to do it.

9/10/20 Update: Nevermind it's coming to PC and Switch soon so there you go.

A game where the score gets lower every time I replay it. It's just "Okay." The game has a bit of a grind but not enough unique, fun levels to warrant it.

Knockdowns too long, kim pine is adorable.

This game getting remastered was what prompted me to get into Scott Pilgrim and I thank it for that, but as a game it's just a fairly standard beat em up (a genre I'm usually not the hugest on due to how repetitive they feel)
It's fun but nothing groundbreaking

Incredible soundtrack and sprite work but I can't believe how long the levels are in this thing. People have really cracked how to make a good modern beat 'em up in recent years but this is sadly from before that happened.

should of just stuck with the movie

i loved when me and my bro proceeded to beat up matthew patel and forced my friend who has a crush on him to watch it

I literally can't be the only person who finds this game absolutely unplayable

arcade beat em up about my favorite movie

The game itself is very amusing, the gameplay and systems reminiscent of River City Ransom are well-developed, however this is almost unplayable on online co-op due to the massive quantity of bugs, glitches and crashes

Incredibly fun beat em up but too short