Reviews from

in the past

Funny, cool, and slightly incoherent like all the good Suda51 games. Running from Paula genuinely creeped me out.

Infamously a game where the final product was very, very different than the original idea. The final product is the result of EA meddling in the development and insisting that western audiences really just want to shoot guns or drive cars.

The final game is okay, though. It has some fun characters, for sure.

This game is dumb as hell, immature, and kinda badly balanced. There's plenty to read about how the development of this game was a miserable fight between creative leads and the publishers and how the game came out super compromised. You know what, though? I still like it. I had a fun time and laughed at the shitty jokes. The Travis Strikes Again stage based on this game really opened my heart to the finished product, since it seems like Suda still feels some affection towards it despite the troubles. This is Xbox 360 junk food gaming and I love it for that.

If you combined unfunny middle school humor with RE4 gameplay, you'd get this game.

Yeah, this didn’t really do anything for me sadly.
Gameplay was solid, but the story was a complete nothing burger, and the comedy was not to my taste at all.
At least there was some good music here and there

Resident Evil 4 with boner jokes

If Resident Evil 4 was a fever dream.

Still a better love story than Twilight AND Titanic combined

ah keşke daha fazla içerik içerseydi

Amei o jogo, história bem clichê, até porque já tínhamos jogos parecidos com este, um exemplo Dante's Inferno de 2010, mas o jogos tem bastante ação, puzzle equilibrado, tudo na medida que não deixa a GamePlay ficar enjoativa, terminei por volta de 8/10h, um ótimo game pra jogar, recomendo bastante pra quem quer se divertir, proposta de Jogo, ele entrega bastante do início ao fim!

Shadows of the Damned (2011): Muy irregular. Combina tramos geniales, tensos y divertidos con otros horribles, como unos bosses infames y aburridos. Admiro la identidad propia de Suda51, pero no el tono edgy ni su simpleza narrativa, tan sutil como un bocadillo de cemento (6,75)

Franz Fafka? Q Hayashida? Stupid Japanese, just make a worse version of RE4, will ya? pulls a fat cigar drag

pretty solid action-adventure game considering it's troublesome development cycle, the combat is really fun, great weapons that feel good to shoot, responsive controls too. the upgrade system works really well and there is an substantial variety of enemies present in the whole campaign.

this also goes to the game's levels too especially during Act 4, I know these segments are not the best part of the game but I thought they were pretty enjoyable at least when the 2D segments are concerned.

the presentation is also good, the visuals aged well and I enjoyed the character design and soundtrack, sound design is also top-notch.

the story is fine, I really enjoyed Garcia and Johnson's banters, some jokes aged badly while others were genuinely funny, the storybooks that you can find throughout the game are hilarious.

overall an solid time, you can definitely tell that this game was widely affected by executive meddling and it's previous vision was way more interesting that what we got but I still think this is worth playing, it's consistently fun to play and this is what matters in the end at least for me. I am glad that this game will be no longer stuck on the PS3 and X360 consoles with the Remaster coming in the near future, until then if you don't own either of these consoles playing on an emulator works flawlessly.

maybe it's nostalgia speaking but this is genuinely one of the coolest games i've played. From the gothic city aesthetics to the "badass" persona that the MC embodies, it is pure immature chaos with an easily digestible story line.

E aqui vamos para o primeiro do ano e PENSE EM 10 REAIS BEM GASTOS!!! Shadows of the Damned é fantástico, e é provavelmente um dos grandes jogos da minha vida mesmo não sendo exatamente uma obra brilhante. A jogabilidade não é nada demais (inlusive a câmera atrapalha de vez em quando), os inimigos não são tão variados assim, e as piadas são bestas e erotismo é gratuito, mas PRA MIM funcionaram bem demais!

O level design é meio bizarro, eu juro que tive mais trabalho com o primeiro boss do que com todos os outros, mas ainda assim achei tudo desafiador o suficiente (joguei no Legion Hunter, e como sou um atirador vesgo, o jogo de 7 horas rendeu DIAS). Ainda sobre level design, eu tenho pra mim que alguns pedaços desse jogo foram planejados para serem um pouco maiores, mas que tiveram que cortar por qualquer motivo que seja. Ainda assim, é tudo bem legal.

O desespero na voz do Garcia toda vez que a Paula está se fodendo dá uma pena danada, mas obviamente não tanto quanto da própria Paula. Provavelmente passaria por uma belíssima história de amor se o sexploitation da Paula não fosse tao exagerado. Por outro lado, é justamente no exagero que esse jogo brilha pra mim, por que é tudo muito bizarro, muito intenso e quase nada é levado a sério. Dito isso, o jogo é 200% Macho com notas de brucutu dos anos 80. Realmente não é pra todo mundo.

O Johnson vira armas bem legais e o fato de a gente ter upgrades automáticos depois de derrotar os bosses dá uma sobrevida ao gameplay, pois fica cada vez melhor variar as armas e fica mais difícil de enjoar do jogo.

Os níveis em sidescrolling shooter foram uma surpresa divertida pra um jogador idoso (de 32 anos) como eu.

Ah, claro, a música do Akira Yamaoka deixa tudo muito melhor (apesar de eu ter percebido ela só em algumas cenas específicas).



A good but not great shooter that you can definitely tell had a fucked up development. Carried by the fantastic banter between Garcia and Johnson alongside excellent aesthethic design (and music from Silent Hill legend Akira Yamaoka). Do think the game could be a bit shorter because almost every level feels way too long with some even having odd transitions to sections that feel like they didnt need to exist. Act 4 in particular (the longest act by far) has way too many gimmicks that just feel like annoying padding. Despite that all I'd still recommend Shadows Of The Damned for anyone looking for a good time this spooky season.


Best game Suda51 ever made (it's shit)

This game went through development HELL but honestly it's maybe my favorite post-NMH pre-TSA Grasshopper game? The combat is incredibly fun, looks fantastic given that it's GhM's first HD game on UE3, and Garcia Hotspur is just the coolest guy. Can't go wrong with Steve Blum putting on a Mexican accent

another I beat this years ago and forgot to log smh teenager me

Still one of best love stories out there. A joint effort of Shinji Mikami (Resident Evil 4) + Suda 51 (Killer7) + Akira Yamaoka (Silent Hill) + Q Hayashida (Dorohedoro).
