Reviews from

in the past

i just wish it was longer and had more side quests

The detective mechanics are decent, if simple, though are very poorly explained and onboarded to the player. The Lovecraftian vibes are excellent, until the goofy anticlimactic ending. A messy AA eurojank title with a lot of heart but basic gameplay.

The game was much shorter than the Chapter One, though it was a completely different story and as it seems not that much related to the main game storyline. I really liked the atmosphere and levels with new mechanics. The plot was fine, but not as interesting as the previous one.

Really fun game in a lovecraftian setting. Another good entry into the Sherlock series from frog wares.

This game took everything about Chapter One that was good and made it better. It was truly a delight to play. The only complaint I had about the gameplay was the map not having a mark on it for where I am. I wish the disguise mechanic made a comeback, but I understand there was no reason for it. I cannot wait until the next one.

I should start by mentioning this game was developed start to finish during a trivial time for the people of Ukraine, which is where the team resides. I hope they all stay safe and the ones who enlisted a safe return
I'll be blunt, this game is the definition of mediocre but I liked it.
Following from "SH:Chapter One" this game removes the open world aspect and becomes a watered down linear experience. That's not a bad thing but with how short the game is it makes it feel unfinished. Without going in too deep, don't expect an epic battle of Sherlock vs Lovercraftian creatures, However expect a story written to forge a bond between one of the most iconic duos.
The story is interesting for about half of the game and the other half I'm left wanting something to happen but it never does.
I will say I didn't experience any bugs or anything close to it and that's a welcome surprise.
Because the game is more linear this also causes the games detective work to be way too easy to solve which is disappointing. However the Voice Actors did a phenomenal job yet again.
I hope the team will still be around to continue this franchise in the future.

This review contains spoilers

I like how they didn’t go too over the top with the Cthulu story, and made it more about medication, hallucinations, surgeries as opposed to it being real. Another fun Sherlock game as always.

Sherlock Holmes The Awakened is a decent remake of the original 2007 game, with some parts of the latter that have been adapted to make its narrative fill the role of sequel to 2021's Chapter One.

Sadly, though, The Awakened rarely reaches the heights of its predecessor. Whereas Chapter One's more open ended design allowed for more choices, opened to the possibility of mistakes during investigations and presented some great side quests; The Awakened's linearity strips the gameplay of all of these elements and dumbs down investigations to mere trial and error sequences that sometimes become frustrating to navigate as the solution might be clear in the player's mind, but cannot be applied in-game as not all objects have been interacted with or because the game forces you to follow a logic more complicated than it should be to reach the solution.

Despite this, not everything is to waste. The game's story is very well written with especially the protagonist duo shining through it, the game runs great and Frogwares' admirable knowledge and respect of the Lovecraftian mythos is present throughout the whole adventure, even if sometimes is a bit too shy to show itself compared to a game like The Sinking City.

It's also important to note how it is clear, by playing the game, how Frogwares is capable of much much more and how The Awakened's shortcomings are mainly due to the absurd situation the developers found themselves in while making the game in Ukraine in the midst of the Russian invasion that affects the country since the 24th of February, 2022.

In this sense, the fact this game even exists is a miracle and yet another proof of the absolute spiritual strenght and will power that the Ukrainian people have shown during the war. One can be certain that Frogwares will come back to the great standards of Chapter One once the war will be over, hopefully with a victorious Ukraine.

The original Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened had always piqued my curiosity, so I was thrilled when this remake was announced. I'm happy to say that The Awakened lives up to its zany premise and has reinvigorated my love for this franchise.

The Awakened is much more of a traditional adventure game that the last several Sherlock Holmes entries from Frogwares and I think the game benefits from this scaled-down approach. There are a few more open areas to explore but they are tighter and more dense than the sprawling and empty streets of Cordona in Chapter One. Investigating and gathering clues is just as engaging as before, though I did miss the less linear conclusions of the previous games' cases. I certainly did not miss the clunky combat and action sequences of the previous titles, which are thankfully missing in this remake.

As I hinted before, the story is wild in all the best ways. This story does a much better job at presenting a young and conflicted Sherlock than Chapter One, pushing him to the absolute limit. I found John Watson especially endearing, and I hope we get to see more of this version of the character.

By bringing this new, young Sherlock Holmes back to his roots, Frogwares has produced my favorite Sherlock Holmes game since 2014's Crimes and Punishments. I have no idea how they'll continue the story from here given where things ended in The Awakened, but I'm excited to find out.

there are a lot of very cool ideas in this game, and I do wish I could've seen how some of those would have been realized if not for the time crunch and the Russian Invasion. definitely interested to see if future installments will build on stuff I wish had been explored more here.

also once again jumpscared by that Sherlock as L painting, A++

They are FINALLY locking into a groove with these games. For better or worse the investigations would get pretty complicated. Sometimes it was a simple overthought and others it was a bad mechanic or unexplained gameplay. Usually the story was enough to carry through all this. But the latest Chapter One really took a step backwards with a poor story and bad gameplay.

The Awakened ties together the studio's Lovecraftian Sinking City game (now a franchise?) with the classic Sherlock Holmes tales making for a fittingly haunting case. Sherlock's own mind palace is no longer safe and he and John have to thwart some real evil. The way they set the mood is great. And the story and characters were a lot more interesting than Sinking City too. It still had its moments where you would wander in circles wondering what to do next. But I rate this highly to signal a real step forward in these games. Looking forward to Sinking City 2!

Queria só saber pq fizeram o Sherlock tão gostoso

I liked The Awakened for the most part, but I understand some of its criticisms. I don’t believe it did a good job of introducing its mechanics, so as a new player to the Sherlock Holmes series I was completely lost in the beginning. The more I played, though, the more I understood how to piece together scenes and tie in evidence; eventually it was a non-issue.

Now, I didn’t expect a horror experience but rather a detective game with horror elements, and that’s what it was. I enjoyed following the trail of a cult, the supernatural left ambiguous, sanity and the loss of it prevalent in true Lovecraft fashion. It wasn't packed with action or anything like that, but a slow burn of attempting to unravel a mystery. It's just a shame I didn't much care for the ending.

Very faithful to the vibes of the original Lovecraft stories. Very fun detective game.

I'm a big fan of Frogwares' games, and I wery wait this game, but... something going wrong.
Oh, right, game isn't so bad: it has wounderful graphic, I mean, Frogwares really made theyr nice style, uniting a lot of realistic small parts and saving old game-style. But cause of it graphic is overloaded and not all compucters can withstand all cutscenes. Also new characters style is nice, and new characters' characters are natural better than previos. Gameplay is similiar with "Sherlock Holmes: chapter one", and it's pluse, cause "new" game style is more interesting. But we haven't open-world, which was in "Chapter one", just pair cases from Microft & and pair streets - and it's all. Also new cutscenes (SPOILER, this game is a remake) pleasantly surprised me like gamer.
But there are some problems, like a deleted scene with a very important character for other games in the series, and, honestly, gameplay's time is very much shortened: we lost some funny mini-games from 'canonicaly' game.

This is the only Sherlock Holmes game i've played. And I really thought I would enjoy it more.
I just love Cthulhu based games/movies. But Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened is just "boring". The gameplay is so painfully slow, the "mindgames" in which you have to put hints into order are not fun. I got to a point where is just checked walkthroughs because the game and my brain where not compatible. For example I thought "yeah use this hint. It makes sense." but the games wants another hint instead. And this happened all the time.
Therefor it robbed almost all the fun I had with the setting.

I can understand why these games have their community. But Sherlock Holmes games are not for me.

A very solid game which is especially amazing if you remember that the developer's country is in a war right now.

I would have loved to know how much more scope the game would have gotten if the had had more time and resources.

This doesn't mean this game is bad or lacks anything - I just wish there was more of it bc I really liked it.

It is a very straightforward game and I enjoyed it a lot!

Just a shame the next one will be something completely different. I would have liked to spend more time with their version of the character.