Reviews from

in the past

I love the idea of them finding an archive of all my zoom calls over the last few years. In this, Tesco Value Tom Hardy's records depict his self-destructive obsession with his job, the brutal rage that lives beneath the surface of his "I'm just an old-fashioned nice dude" demeanour and how both destroy the lives of those around him. If you looked at my records, you'd find me and my buddy having a heated argument about our personal fruit squash tier lists and witness me trying to line my interactive background up so it looks like I'm standing next to Alvin and the Chipmunks. Sam Barlow's probably dropping everything to draft up a Telling Lies 2 right now.

Após ter jogado Her Story é claro que eu viria com grandes expectativas para Telling Lies. Felizmente as minhas expectativas não passaram longe de serem atendidas e me vi aqui experienciando uma obra tão bem trabalhada quanto o jogo anterior de seu autor, com apenas alguns pequenos tropeços, mas que acredito não arruinarem a obra como um todo.

Seguindo a mesma lógica que Her Story, temos aqui um sistema que resgata vídeos de um banco de dados através de palavras chaves pesquisadas pelo próprio jogador. É através dele que vamos mergulhando mais e mais nos diversos vídeos que parecem ter sido tirados em sua maioria das webcams dos personagens, geralmente durante suas “calls”. Não consumimos esses clipes em ordem cronológica mas como já era de se esperar, além dessa maneira render boas teorias, também nos confere uma série de descobertas e indagações imprevisíveis e que clamam por mais contexto, principalmente se levarmos em consideração que, por serem clipes tirados de ligações, existem mais de um verso daquela conversa. Isso adiciona ao jogo uma dinâmica de caçar o outro lado daquele diálogo.

Telling Lies conta uma história maior em escopo e que aborda assuntos grandes em escala, e ao começar a entender a trama é impossível não enxergar as semelhanças com a nossa realidade, com o caso de Edward Snowden, o ex-contratado da NSA responsável de por volta de 2013 ter vazado informações sobre os vários programas de vigilância global usados pela Agência de Segurança Nacional dos Estados Unidos, só com essas informações, já dá para entender (sem muitos spoilers) os artifícios usados pelo enredo para o desenvolver de sua narrativa.

No fim, o único ponto que acho não ter casado tão bem assim foram as atuações de dois dos quatro personagens principais. De um lado temos Logan Marshall-Green que exagera em suas reações, com expressões faciais um tanto forçadas, e do outro temos a Angela Sarafyan que parece não entregar tanta vida e verdade em sua atuação, honestamente não sei até isso culpa dela ou da escrita. Em contrapartida vale mencionar o quão sensacional é a atuação das atrizes Alexandra Shipp e Kerry Bishé que brilham e cativam com as outras duas personagens de destaque.

Foi muito agradável acompanhar toda a trama e, ao seu fim, me vi ainda interessado ao ponto de voltar e procurar por mais algumas informações que pudessem saciar o meu eu investigador (ou fofoqueiro).

meio atravancado de jogar mas o Assunto da história é fortíssimo

Such an intriguing story, well acted and made me so invested.

I just feel like it was lacking more in choices for the ending? dunno, just felt like it.

Still, it is an amazing game and I really recommend it :)

(Game Pass) A FMV game by Annapurna that follows an undercover FBI agent on assignment with an activist group trying to stop the construction of a pipeline in Michigan. The gameplay has you finding the footage of the story via the NSA by searching for keywords and organizing the videos.

I didn't know that this existed until very recently. But I got it anyway cause I saw it was made by the same folks that made Her Story and I remembered loving that when I played it as a teen. This game, probably unnecessarily so, had me going into full detective mode. Probably didn't help that I didn't know what I was getting into when it came to the story, but I enjoyed the experience overall. I do think that it was a little bloated and in the grand scheme of things there could've been a couple things that were left out and be better for it.
TLDR: Enjoyed playing through it, but not as good as Her Story.

Doesn't have the charm of focusing on a single performance, but I was really captures by the story.

Great acting by all the characters, interesting gameplay concept but the story told just falls flat on its face. I kept waiting for the turn, some big moment, but the story just seemed to meander. I played it less than 6 months ago and I couldn't even really tell you what happened.

Not as good as Her Story but still interesting experience.

After Elden Ring I clearly needed to detox, so I played the follow up to a game I previously loved. Her Story. It ended up taking the basic loop of that game and got more ambitious. The thing about Her Story was that it was interpretive, which was mostly fascinating within the short space of time that the game afforded you. I'm not sure if having a dedicated ending for the thread you chose to follow was the answer here. It tends to put a strange capstone on even more uncertainty. Either way, it continues to be interesting and we'll talk about a more definitive advancement of that formula that has more definitive answers to go along with it when I review Immortality.

Done in one shot, excellent gameplay!

you bet your ass i got that solitaire trophy before actually starting the game properly

Short three hour game, where you discover the plot at your own pace, is confusing to start but gets really good towards the end. Can be difficult to interpret sometimes and the game mechanics are questionable but if you have a chance to play it you should.

Tried it straight after the Her Story game. Was excited for this. Looked as if it was more interesting than the first one. I like this detective stuff. Although I shelved it for now. There were other games which took my interest so maybe I'll come back to it eventually.

This review contains spoilers

Logan Marshall-Green hams it up in the best way possible. I watch clips of his acting from this game at least once a year to just have a good belly laugh. Don't we all need a good belly laugh every now and again?

Fun and sad bit by bit movie game. The gameplay was tedious and irritating when certain videos were very hard to find. Got stale by the end. Thought David’s actor was pretty bad with the exception of one scene where he seemed to show genuine restrained, holding-back-tears sadness. Ava’s actor was okay, Emma was pretty good, Cam girl Max was pretty good as well. Sucks the main guy was the worst acting-wise. Interesting story if a bit cliche. I’ll always think the gameplay of these type of games is not very good. The story is what keeps me coming back.

like her story, the frame used to uncover the story is unique and engaging. unlike her story, the narrative you uncover is not nearly as gripping.