Reviews from

in the past

Every time I play it with friends I go to the bathroom and come back to them having unlocked everything.

i personally think that my brain is too small to handle most of this game

Probably the best content/price ratio in the industry. Love this game to bits. Fishing blows though.

tried playing this game, didnt like it.

tried playing this game for the second time, didnt like it.

tried playing this game for the third time, didnt like it.

tried playing this game for the fourth time, didnt like it.

tried playing this game for the fifth time,


Minecraft'ın babası çok iyi oyun yalnız veya arkadaslarla kesinlikle denenmeli

Journey's End: the last update... It's been quite a ride, I'll miss you all! RIP Terraria - 16 May 2011 - 16 May 2020

Terraria excels as a sandbox adventure with its deep crafting system, expansive world-building, and dynamic combat, offering nearly limitless possibilities that keep players engaged for countless hours.

piekan gra, przeszedlem duzo razy, za kazdym razem inaczej, ucze sie o tej grze za kazdym razem gdy ja odpalam, na softcore duo gra sie ciezko ale sprawia to ze trzeba nauczyc sie grac i nauczyc sie gry np to ze po zabiciu pilaruw przeciwnicy nadal moga mnie zabic i potem trzeba zapierdalac nad ocean z itemami z early hardmode, na softcore gra sie przyjemniej, nie ma pospiechu budujesz sobie, farmisz i myslisz co mozesz zrobic zeby sie nie wyjebac i nie stracic itemuw. raz wpadlem do lawy i stracilem nights edgea i no kupa co zrobie, prehardmode nie mam potek na odpornosc od lawy.

Worst part of the game is that it ends.

Not the perfect game but it really does have something for everyone.

Flawless and incredible. Base game has a ton of amazing content and then you get mods and it somehow gets better.

la diversión que te da este juego es impresionante, pasan las horas y no te das cuenta para nada, de repente son las 6 am y te vas a dormir obligado por el superyo de tu cerebro, es lo más grande que tenemos

Minecraft si fuera una obra maestra y sus desarrolladores de verdad trabajaran.

la lame terra, le mur de chair, le seigneur de la lune. C'est vraiment incroyable

Muito incrível foi jogar isso com os amigos e passar horas fazendo casinha e depois matar o cthulhu

Probably the closest thing to a perfect video game out there, all for the low low price of £8.50 (ten bucks). Only real issues I have with it are personal nitpicks about certain classes, but aside from that it handles progression better than any other game I can think of and has a million and one different ways you can approach it, whether solo or with friends.

RIP Thrower class.

i played like 30 hours of this but it felt like i gave up before the tutorial. i "want" to play terraria, but i have to accept i never will, and that's okay

unpopular opinion but this game is better vanilla than modded

One of the most important, and best, indie games ever made, and the devs are STILL working on it.

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a gamer in possession of a much time, must be in want of a endless game.”

Terraria is a game that defies explanation to me, i bought it for 5 bucks on sale and it has kept my friends and i busy since... good lord when was the 1.1 update...TWENTY GODDAMN ELEVEN!?

holly molly what an experience

Needing to have a wiki constantly open while you play is bad game design.

I have fond memories of accidentally flooding the helivator and never being invited back to that server again.

É uma experiencia unica e desafiadora, jogo desde 2018 e ainda assim ainda continua dificil de parar de jogar, o jogo tem muitas coisas, muitos items e maneiras de matar os bosses, além de varios modos de jogo/seeds secretas e easter eggs, a comunidade de Terraria também é muito unica e criativa, fazendo com que a experiencia do jogo seja melhorada pelo uso de mods, mundos personalizados, texturepacks e outros, há muita coisa a ser explorada e muitas maneiras de se jogar.

Jeu de fou, merci à mes amis pour le carry. Peut-être un peu relou si tu ne connais pas trop le jeu sans chercher à te renseigner. Mais pour moi, c'était beaucoup de plaisir.