Reviews from

in the past

I can't stop playing this game.. someone help,,, ouughh...

I love this game. I always come back to it even when i've played through the game so many times before. The modded scene is amazing too

chaewon's voice I LIIIIIIIKE IT

the randomness is both what makes this game great and also the most infuriating fucking thing you can imagine playing


this game is minecraft if it was actually good

Skeleton Prime filho da puta

it falls a little flat as a singleplayer experience and starts very boring but its fun as a multiplayer experience where you individually work towards goals in order to progress

OMG how did I miss reviewing this?
This is one of the best video games ever made. Easily.
There is just so much to do that isn't just building. It is a 2D Minecraft in appearance, but what it focuses on is so much different than Minecraft that you really can't compare the two beyond that.
PvE is much more of a focus, with oodles of bosses to fight and equipment to find and make. Building a town for your NPCs and accounting for all the various NPC stuff there is fun.
The bosses are super fun, and the difficulty modes really help spice it up in subsequent playthroughs.
There is a crazy-active modding community with some absolutely boss modpacks, like Calamity, that only improve upon the existing foundation. tModLoader can get to be a pain in the ass, though, as it likes to have nuclear meltdowns out of nowhere.

Way better than Minecraft and I'm tired of pretending it isn't

Best survival in my book, for now...

Was soll ich sagen, jeder kennt Terraria mittlerweile und entweder man liebt es oder man hasst es.

Eine der Sachen, denen man sich von Anfang an bewusst sein muss ist, dass dieses Spiel einfach vom Wiki lebt, als neuer Spieler, nimmt dich das Game wirklich nicht an die Hand und du bist dezent verloren, wenn du nicht aufs Wiki zurückgreifst aber sonst ist es ein wirklich wunderschönes und sehr unterhaltsames Spiel.

trilha sonora incrivel, jogo lindo porém sinto que não é para mim, ainda não tive a oportunidade de ter alguém pra me ensinar a jogar terraria (ainda mais doq eu escuto dizendo que dá pra fazer tudo fora da ordem.)

2D Minecraft with a lot of extra extra stuff.

That's as simple as I can explain the game to you.

When I said it's 2D Minecraft I wasn't implying the blocky nature of the game, but the quality as well.

Minecraft is amazing. Terraria is amazing.

I'm jealous if you haven't experienced the game just so I could relive it again.

Somehow in the 384 hours I have on Terraria, I wasn't able to reach the end of the game and fight Moon Lord as I've played in 4 different worlds with 5 different people and the worlds were theirs. So, only recently managed to fill this task and proudly say that I beat the game.

I remember when people dismissed this game as a "2D Minecraft" but that couldn't be more wrong, the only thing it has in common with Minecraft is the building and destruction of blocks, everything else is pretty different, if you like games where you have to dodge stuff (bullet hells from late game bosses) combined with survival elements like having to build a house to survive and gather materials then you will like this one a lot.

Basically 2d Minecraft if the devs actually listened and it was actually fun for more than an hour.

Only recently completed but I’ve played it sooo many times

the only fun i ever got out of this game was playing with my friend when i went to his house

Absolutely love this game. This is essentially that game I'll play every 5 years for 4 weeks then never touch again but I love those 4 weeks

Finally 100% this game. God I love it so much. Ever since I first saw Stampy play this game I knew it was special. Then I rediscovered it on PC and its still one of my most favourite games on PC.

there's a lot to do in this game! and over time, it became so well polished!

i've had some good hours playing its version on 3ds too

a 'wiki' game in a way, in my opinion u have to have a bit of knowledge with the game to play it but otherwise a great survival game