Reviews from

in the past


Me sorprendió muchísimo. Las interacciones entre los personajes son muy entretenidas, los paisajes son hermosos y el último capítulo fue impresionante. Me atrevería a decir que Chloe es incluso mucho más carismática que el Nate y me encantó, me quedé con muchísimas ganas de saber más de ella. De verdad necesito jugar a los primeros tres, agh.

Kinda like a greatest hits for Uncharted, borrowing bits from different games and mashing them together in a more compact, nicely paced adventure.

Geralmente spin-off não é tão aclamado pela comunidade quanto os jogos da linha principal mas a Naughty Dog é realmente fora da curva, eu confesso não lembrar muito da história mas a gameplay é tão divertida e cinemática quanto os com o Sr. Drake!

Story 4.3 | Gameplay 4.6 | Audio 4 | Visual 5 | Details 4 | Entertainment 5

Total 4.5

pas objective, juste lesbienne......

Don't make me play as a woman if she can't die violently like in Tomb Raider

A história não é muito diferente dos demais da saga e mesmo após 4 jogos consegue acerta na dosagem. Mesma gameplay do Uncharted 4, não tem erro.
Colocar a Chloe como protagonista e a Nadine de secundária foi um enorme acerto após tirar o Nathan da jogada.

More of the same that you already experienced during Uncharted 4. The duration could have been better though.

this is the perfect length game and because of that more memorable than #4

Not much to say rlly. I rlly liked this game bc of gameplay and stuff but it was pretty much like uncharted 4. I love the characters tho and I wish we could've gotten a bit more of sam. Only negative abt this game is the last 2 chapters were a bit awkward imo ? Like Idk how to explain it but it just felt forced, kinda like the developers just wanted to get over with it. Still overall great game

Una gran expansión de Uncharted 4, aprovecharon el mismo motor y con personajes interesantes montaron otra historia me encantó.

Really good addition to the Uncharted franchise!
The sexual tension between these two is off the charts tho holy shit

4.25 / 5.
Honestly a lot better than I'd ever expected it to be.
Whilst it doesn't come close to the heights of Uncharted 4, it is nice to play and interact with these characters again, Chloe and Nadine get more backstory which I appreciate, and Sam showing up for the final few chapters was a nice touch.
I have my complaints, I think the villain is underutilized, the game as a whole is too short as well, but I really enjoyed this.

some CLASSIC naughty dog right here folks! i know that this was only supposed to be a dlc but BECAUSE of how long they ended up making it i wish there were more game mechanics / normal UI. sooo fun though and insane over the top graphics. love naughty dog graphics!!!!!! big fan!!

Faz mais do mesmo que vimos em uncharted e uncharted é um jogo foda

Собрались как-то Надеш, Салим, Заваржон и остальные уборщики из Ноти Дог спин-офф Анчартеда 4 делать и... и сделали лучше оригинальной игры, причем буквально во всем. Гораздо меньше духоты, больше зрелищности, интересные головоломки, харизматичные Хлоя с Надин, какой-никакой интересный подход к боевым стычкам и исследованию окружения. Ну и зачем в компании тогда Нил Дракманн, простите?

This review contains spoilers

Here are my thoughts:

The gameplay additions like lock-picking were pretty fun. Non-linearity in combat encounters was particularly great, you can be direct or discreet. The game certainly doesn't waste time reintroducing you to the mechanics of Uncharted. As for the exploration, it was good as always, although the open sections were maybe a little weak.

I loved the dynamic between Chloe and Nadine and how it progressed. They complement each other very nicely. Chloe's development into becoming more selfless was of interest, she's come a long way since 2 and 3. Asav was a decent villain, but not as good as Rafe. His ambitions and goals weren't that engaging, although he fills the role he was meant to.

The production quality was pretty surprising for what was intended to be a DLC. You can tell they put a lot of effort into the graphics, voice acting etc. I did notice that there aren't as many setpieces, but I guess that makes the train sequence stand out a lot more which is cool.

I’d say the game picks up when Sam joins, I enjoyed fighting alongside him and everyone putting aside their differences to take down ||Asav|| before it was too late.

I'm gonna miss this franchise, but I'll always remember it. I'd love for there to be more adventures, but all good things must come to an end.

My final ranking is probably 4 > 2 > LL > 3 > 1.

J'en attendais très peu. Mais au final j'ai adoré
On est beaucoup moins impliqué dans l'histoire et le jeu a moins de décors marquants mais il reste très plaisant a faire


No es el mateix, pero es un bon duo. Diguem que es com quan estàs assedegat, veus una font i cau aigua però amb poca intensitat. T’agrada pero agraïries que caigués normal.

Strangely enough it is kinda better than Uncharted 4!
Chloe is stronger and faster than Nate xD

Realmente bueno. El hecho de que no esté Nathan Drake no me parece que se note teniendo estas dos grandes protagonistas. Creo que está muy cerca del nivel de Uncharted 4 y es realmente divertido. Es el único que no me pude pasar en aplastante en mi primera run.

The game is 9 chapters long, and for the first 5, it's just, like, "WHO CARES?! HONESTLY! WHY SHOULD I CARE?" Kind of reminded me of Sleepless starring Jamie Foxx (which I've never seen). Why would you keep a severely important plot-detail, that makes the story more interesting, hidden from the audience for two thirds of the story?!

Chapter 4 world? Sort of...for some reason. And there's a side-mission... Like...but, why?

But the last chapter is one of the absolute best chapters in the series (one of the best missions in video games, full stop) and totally worth the rest of the game.

Not gay enough, though.