Reviews from

in the past

caught up as of 10/29. it sure is a gacha game. goat lady is cute but youll probably have a better time looking at fanart of the protags kissing

Cute visuals, but not much gameplay. I get tired of reading all of the text because I never really get a break from it like how I do in a normal Atelier game. You can’t freely roam around gather ingredients, it seems like you just fight and then read dialogue most of the time. I feel like Atelier Online is better than this tbh.

Pese a tener debilidad extrema por los sistemas gacha, y tras dedicarle 30 horas en una semana, hasta aquí llega mi ludopatía con este título. El juego no se merece ni una hora más de mi tiempo, menos mal que no he tardado demasiado tiempo en darme cuenta.

- Las protagonistas tienen mucho encanto, mereciéndose protagonizar un juego principal de la saga.
- Las primeras horas del juego muestran un gran nivel a nivel de cinemáticas y novedades, aunque pega un bajón realmente notable después.

- El sistema de combate es más simple que un botijo, la estrategia es prácticamente nula.
- El sistema de crafteo, que debería ser el más profundo del título teniendo en cuenta la saga a la que pertenece, es tremendamente limitado, además de esconder muchas de sus mejores bazas en opciones de pago.
- Si el 0,6% de conseguir un 5 estrellas en los juegos de Mihoyo parece descabellado, aquí, con una probabilidad del 6% no he conseguido ninguno en 60 tiradas. O soy la persona con menos suerte del mundo o algo huele mal aquí.
- En tres días acabas el contenido y tu única motivación se torna en farmear, acto que además es extremadamente lento y muy poco generoso con el jugador.
- Las posibilidades de buildeo son atroces.

DISCLAIMER: I play some gacha for almost a decade and it being one doesn't upset me as much as it does saying it's a "main entry".

Story is fine so far. Characters are surprisingly good. I'd expect nothing less of the staff behind it. The problem is the game itself.

They decided to "learn" from Mihoyo and did everything you're NOT supposed to do in a gacha. The extent of it isn't as apparent unless you play the other "high-profile" stuff in the market and math out everything, and I sure as hell am not going to write a 10 page essay on why it fails at every gameplay aspect, let alone comparing it to the giants in the market.

Greedy, slow, nerfed, "buy more currency now"-centric gacha that manages to botch things other gacha have figured out since 2021 except Mihoyo but everyone forgives them because mainstream babby's first game and GUST/KT thought they could get away with doing the same.

Finished Chapter 3, and since the game released with it first I can technically write a review already.

Story and writing is really good and a welcome addition to the series. Gameplay can be fun, I would say I like it more than some others in the series, but the game eventually asks for your time later on. (Which is unfortunate I have to admit)

Anyway, the best part about the game is its writing and visuals, this could definitely end up as one of my favorite atelier stories. I had a thought the other day and realized the series didn't explore interesting concepts that much, with the exception being the Dusk Trilogy! So I will be looking forward how Resna's adventure will unfold!

Je ne suis pas du genre à crier à la mort du jeux vidéo, mais quand je vois une série de RPG de plus de 25 ans et forte de plus d'une vingtaine de jeux principaux (sans compter les spin-off) annoncer que le prochain jeu principal de sa série serait un gacha live service, il y à de quoi être pessimiste pour la suite.

Alors oui il y a du soin qui a été apporté sur certains éléments, comme la modélisation des personnages ou les chara design, mais pour le reste ça n'est qu'un gacha avec tout les problèmes que cela implique, avec un système de monétisation exécrable (qui n'est loin d’être parmi les gachas les plus généreux) ou encore l'épuration du gameplay de façon à coller à un système live service rentable.

J’espère que les producteurs auront rapidement de bonnes nouvelles à nous annoncer autour de la série, mais sachant qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un dérivé (comme FEH) mais bel et bien d'un jeu mainline, j'ai quand même quelque craintes sur le futur de la série.
Après pour être honnête, entre le coté très niche de la série, la surabondance de gachas sur le marché et la majorité des retours négatives autour de ce titre, j'ai du mal à voir le serveur international rester ouvert intégralement.

You play as Resna, a young alchemist set to take her final exam to graduate from her apprenticeship. Meanwhile, a bunch of alchemists from other worlds (previous Atelier games!) have appeared in Resna's world, and she couldn't be more excited to meet more alchemists! Alchemy is a dying art in this world as all of the mana seems to be disappearing. But now with her new friends, Resna is out to save alchemy!

You also sometimes play as Valeria, a fighter stuck in a bad situation. At least until she meets Resna and has something worth fighting for: friendship!


This game is gorgeous! I've always liked the way Atelier games look as they have a very distinct style, but I doubt the Switch does them justice. I don't know if all of the games look like this on PC, but Atelier Resleriana looks incredible. From the backgrounds to the character models to the monsters, even the attack affects. Everything is bright and flashy and pretty and I love it!

However, there aren't as many area details as you're probably use to from these games, since there aren't really areas to explore. Everything is either a gorgeous cutscene or a gorgeous menu. You don't actually control Resna. She just gets a screen saying "Destination: [Place]" and then she's there with a new set of menus. It is a bummer, but it makes sense for this Gacha format. I do like how there are actually people walking around in town though, since the frozen NPCs were always a bit uncanny.

The only exception to this is the Dungeon quests, but even those don't allow free exploration. It's just a left-to-right line through a gorgeous scene, but still static.

Sound Effects + Music

I immediately fell in love with the music of Atelier Resleriana. The opening music is gorgeous, and became very familiar with the theme song, since my game took two hours to update and it was playing on loop. It's a good song.

The game is fully voice acted just like previous games, and the voice actors give really good performances. I wouldn't expect anything less. Yes, it's only in Japanese.

Gameplay + Controls

Even though Atelier Resleriana is considered a mainline game, it is not quite like the others in the series. It's not a full JRPG, as it's a Gacha game. You still have alchemy and battles, but they take on a much different form here.

You don't go out exploring to gather materials anymore. Materials are now locked between Materials Quests, which are further locked behind how much stamina you have, This is also how you earn Cole (money) and Exp to level up. You go to the Cafe, or rather click on Quests and get presented with the interior of the cafe, and select which type of quest you want to do, as long as you still have enough stamina.

Battles are similarly locked behind quests rather than having monsters out while you explore. You also get some battles as part of the story progression. But battles are still turn-based. This time you see a timeline at the bottom of the screen which shows the turn order and upcoming battle effects. You choose which attack you want each girl to do and she carries it out immediately. Or you can just use Auto, which has worked out really well for me thus far.

As for the story progression, you actually have to select Story from the menu just like you would for Quests and other menu items. Then you get some gorgeous cut scenes of the girls, and maybe a couple battles. You'll also discover dungeons this way, which are kind of equivalent to gathering spots. You get materials and face monsters, but you're still not free to explore. You just move Resna right until she comes to an action point. Even this can be set to Auto once you complete that dungeon for the first time.

In fact, there's a lot of automation in this game, which I'm conflicted about. On one hand, it makes the gameplay kind of useless, since you can win pretty easily with auto battling, and you can skip the training quests entirely once you clear them for the first time. Just set how much stamina you want to use, and then you'll simply receive all of the rewards. But it also makes it easy to get back to the story which I was more invested in anyway.

This game feels pretty hands off. That's not necessarily bad. It just means you can simply chill out and watch things unfold. Almost like a visual novel, which Gacha elements.


This is not a play and beat and start over type game. I mean, you can if you really want to. But it's a daily check in, collect rewards, use up your current stamina, then pop back in, kinda game. You will be grinding away for awhile, or just drop a lot of cash to unlock everything. If you do the latter, I definitely wouldn't restart.


I enjoyed Atelier Resleriana. It's good for what it is, but obviously does not compare to other mainline Atelier games. It is the most beautiful, but the gameplay has been stripped down to the bare bones, with no room for exploration or trial and error. It's a nice game to zone out with, but I'd rather play a tradition Atelier game for a more well-rounded experience.

A gacha visual novel with minimal combat, combat that level checks you, forcing you to grind the games events and daily missions. I don’t necessarily hate this but at the same time I have no push to come back to it, knowing the time I’ll need to spend to experience the story. I like that Reslieriana is a canon Atelier game and that it makes use of the gacha experience as a story plot. It’s just not compelling.

Pretty visuals and it's nice to see past Atelier characters in new shiny graphics but the fact it's a gacha game just makes it very time-consuming to grind your characters enough for the main story if you're F2P and eventually that just becomes very exhausting.

Not to mention while the main story seems to have promise and the characters are likable for the most part, it just generally feels dragged out for the sake of being a live service game. Also, it's very disappointing how Resleriana calls itself a mainline Atelier game but the item creation is so pathetically simplified compared to the rest of the games.

Between Resleriana demanding so much of your time to keep up with it daily and it came out in a very busy winter 2024 season, I just eventually gave up on playing the game to focus on other releases. I may come back to it one day since I did not completely dislike Resleriana but the game for now is at a very low priority to return to.

"I hope one of your favourite series turns into a soulless gacha with a shutdown looming 7 months away" is a sentence I wouldn't say to even my worst enemy, and now it has happened to Atelier.
This game is treated as a mainline title, and that makes me really worried about the future of this franchise.
1 star for the artwork and music being high quality and I hope they get ripped soon.

I expected very little, yet my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
This is extremely watered down Atelier game and I'm being very generous with calling it a game when most of it is simply menus. If you are interested in Atelier series I recommend to ignore this... whatever this is and play literally any other Atelier game out there.

It's a really pretty game I'll give it that at least.

Clear fan service gacha game that is unlikely to please anyone who isn't already a fan of the series and wants to spend more time with the characters.
+ comparatively high production values with great animations
+ some cute interactions in a strong ensemble cast
+ reasonable F2P experience at least for the start (2-minute account reroll, free daily gacha drop, limited equipment slots)
+ pleasant soundtrack
+/- convenience features such as autoplay and mission skips
- functional but strategically shallow turn-based combat mostly dictated by numbers
- mediocre UI dragged down by constant loading screens
- no exploration outside of small, linear side-scrolling parts
- badly paced and (initially) uninteresting story with a forced premise and no real hooks

A lot of fun and options to recharge your energy for free. The story is kind of typical Atelier, but with higher stakes and villains. Looks stunning and the soundtrack is fantastic. Sadly, the monetization isn't the best. Gems are expensive and the pull rates are far too low (0,5% for banner characters? Get out of here). I'll keep playing though.

An atelier gacha with great visuals and a nice story. The gameplay was kinda fun too. Sadly the grind is A LOT, and there's way too many things to keep track of to grind/power up. I'll just watch the rest of the story on Youtube when the game releases more.

I guess this was an ok gacha rendition of an atelier game but I dont see myself playing this for long term. The battles can be so grindy that it puts me to sleep

The game isn't that fun :(
There's no world to explore and it doesn't have an interesting synthesis system which is why I like the series in the first place.
Cute gacha girls can only take you so far. I might pick it back up if I can get some more Atelier games under my belt before it EOSs. Because then maybe I'd get something more out of this.

tiene buenas waifus de la saga Atelier y visualmente es hermoso, pero es otro gacha glorificado más el cual todos sabemos que terminara cerrando en 1 o si hay mucha suerte en 2 años...

tal vez soy yo que el unico gacha el cual disfrute y que lo jugue hasta su ultimo dia fue Dragalia Lost, pero sinceramente prefiero que las compañías usen ese presupuesto en hacer juegos de verdad en vez de crear gachas los cuales todos sabemos que le dejaran de dar soporte a corto plazo.

Would probably play this a lot more if I played all of the original games, which I'm barely beginning to do when this is being written.

Great models and cute MC but far too slow and menu-heavy.