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Nur die Kampagne gespielt, welche sehr unterhaltsam war. Beim Multiplayer-Angebot lief so gut wie nix mehr.

Mediocre in basically every way

I'm a bit shocked to say this but....I kind of liked this game.
I recently got it for free on ps plus and I did enjoy the recent Modern Warfare reboot so I figured I'd give this one a shot.
I don't dislike Call of Duty, it's just one of those series where you know what you're gonna get and doesn't really have much more to offer. Call of Duty is similar to an action movie from the 80's or 90's where you don't really want to think too much, you just want to have some popcorn and enjoy the ride for what it has to offer. This one managed to surprise me however, in the sense that it not only covers a piece of history that I personally find highly interesting but also takes inspiration from a few of my favorite movies. One of the main influences I can see here would be the film "Spy Game" with Brad Pitt and Robert Redford (who Adler is pretty clearly modeled after) and the locations from that film (Vietnam and West Berlin).
Another clear influence here is the Manchurian Candidate from the 60's which dealt with the idea of sleeper agents operating in America without their knowledge. The plot isn't bad but doesn't really build up to anything too spectacular (evil Soviet agent has gone rogue and wants to destroy the west, etc) . There's also some real world inspiration which is kind of cool to see in a CoD game (MK Ultra, the code name Perseus).

You have a couple of standard sneaking missions which don't suck and the rest full of mindless shooting in a typical CoD manner. There's a couple of side missions that deviate from the main story that were kind of fun and I didn't even realize this was a thing in CoD games. The graphics are pretty good and there were a few cut scenes where I found myself going "oh wow, not bad" . The voice acting isn't great but it isn't especially bad either. The main annoyance I had with this game was the enemy AI. The AI is mostly braindead and the game just spams wave after wave, hoping to swarm you. Another problem is that the ending had a pretty interesting twist at the end but doesn't really amount to much and feels kind of like a wasted opportunity. Still though...good on them for trying!

Overall I enjoyed my time with this game. I love the idea of CoD exploring this era and I hope they continue to do so in the future as we don't really have many games that explore the Cold War. I'd say worth a play, especially if you can borrow a copy from a friend or get it via ps plus / gamepass or on a good discount.

CoD....CoD never changes....Falar sobre esse jogo é basiamente chover no molhado, tudo oque define um CoD esta ai, o multiplayer com varios modos, o modo zumbi(que ainda não testei), a campanha, quase tudo nele é bem mais do mesmo, exceto talvez a campanha que na minha opinião(de quem nunca jogou tantos CoDs assim) é uma das melhores da série. Ela literalmente tem do bom e do melhor de dois mundos desde fases de tiroteio desenfreado até fases que voce deve ir na surdina evitando chamar a atenção indesejada. O roteiro em sí é bem clliche, com o classico tropo exercito de um homen só , um vilão totalmente caricato e cliche digno de filmes de espionagem classicos do James Bond ou mesmo dos filmes da época do jogo(decada de 80), o jogo de certa forma é um classico filme de sessão da tarde de ação dos anos 80 e guerra fria com a Russia praticamente pintada por toda a obra como os vilões que ameaçam a liberdade e as pessoas do mundo livre enquanto os EUA são a unica coisa que impede que o mundo caia nas mãos do terror vermelho, terror vermelho esse encarnado no personage misterioso de Perseus um agente duplo russo(não diga)....o game até flerta bem de leve com criticas aos EUA mas não passa disso uma pequena critica no mar de idealizações dos americanos mostrados literalmente no jogo como aqueles que ´´cruzam a linha para que ela continue existindo amanhã´´. Não vou dar spoiler do enredo já que apesar de cliche contem uma reviravolta um tanto quanto inesperada(ao menos quando eu joguei eu não vi ela chegando) e é justamente por essa reviravolta e pelas fases mais stealth que na minha opinião faz desse um dos melhores CoDs apesar de como disse ser extremamente cliche. De resto não tem muito oque falar, os gráficos são soberbos como sempre, a trilha sonora é muito boa contribuindo muito bem pro clima de guerra fria do jogo, os efeitos sonoros são muito bons tambem especialmente se você usar fone de ouvidos. jogo que recomendo se você gosta muito de FPS ou dos classicso filmes de espionagem dos anos 80.

I enjoyed the campaign, as I always do in this franchise. It was short but fun to play, until (CLASSIFIED).

Honestly pretty enjoyable campaign

Starts off strong with Ronald Reagan ignoring his advisor's words about war crimes being bad, peaks with a spy infiltration into Lubyanka with heavy machine guns, sustains the high with an extended set piece that is equal parts The Stanley Parable and Jacob's Ladder. Just have to ignore the canon ending that proudly posits that war crimes are actually good sometimes, as a treat.

Black Ops 1 will always be my favorite Cod, so Cold War was a fun game that feels a bit reminiscent of it. I enjoyed the idea of having a story where I can make my own character. The game gives some RPG elements which is not what I expected from a Cod game ever. But I surprisingly enjoyed it, even if it was bare bones. The multiplayer runs on the black ops 3/4 engine so it doesn't feel as "new" mechanically as MW19 engine's does, but it's still a fun game

The best call of duty game to exist without a doubt.

La campaña está bien cuando el juego se olvida que es un Call of Duty e intenta experimentar. El multijugador sigue siendo la misma mierda que hace diez años y a Activision se la pela

This review contains spoilers

Multiplayer is fun. Campaign was fun. The twist at the end of bell being brainwashed was surprising and fun to look back upon.

ppl hate on this game way too much imo. Multiplayer was super fun if you picked the right modes (6v6 faceoff), zombies was solid, and the campaign was good. I got dark matter and dark aether and enjoyed it all the way through.

Really fun campaign, maybe lacking on difficulty however, i managed to breeze through the realism difficulty without feeling like it was much different to veteran. Multiplayer was actually really fun for the most part, and this was the first time i got hooked on a COD Zombies mode. I’ve sunk hours into Die Maschine and will continue to do so.
Almost got the platinum but that one Dead Ops trophy will keep me from it forever.

the gunplay feels hard but thats it. this franchise fucking sucks.

The supposed return to form for the Treyarch line of Call of Duty games, Cold War didn't exactly need to do a whole lot, since the insultingly barebones Black Ops 4 didn't feature any single player content whatsoever , so just showing up with a campaign was already an improvement.

That said, for all the effort they put in to go above and beyond by offering yet another mindfuck plot, moral choices, sidequests, multiple endings, Goldeneye-style espionage segments and even puzzles (you read that right: puzzles in a CoD game), and succeeding in most of these endeavours, Cold War stumbles on what you'd expect to be the easiest part for a series that's been going for as long as it has: the gameplay is botched and dull, with downgraded physics, AI and detail, and incredibly easy on top of that, even on Veteran or Realism, which is just Veteran verbatim without most of the HUD, despite the medacious claims of the difficulty selection screen.

Enemies are dumb, taking cover behind nothing and standing out in the open like it's Operation Wolf. Furthermore it's not very satisfying to shoot them, as their reactions to bullet impact are delayed and uninteresting. It will be easy to mow them down in their hundreds, especially since ammunition is now dropped by every enemy in generic ammo satchels which replenish whatever weapons you are carrying, instead of you picking up ammunition for the specific weapons you found. This means ammo is de facto unlimited, so grab the best weapon you can find, no matter how uncommon its resupplies, and spray away.

Just about the only times you will die are unfun scripted encounters with enemy juggernauts, who laser aim onto you, cutting you down the moment you peek your nose out of cover, or one of several awful turret segments which will test your patience. There is also a Vietnam level in a rice field, in which you are given no cover and cannot go prone, leading to frustration. All of this feels like artificial difficulty and is usually quickly dealt with anyway. At no point you will feel overwhelmed to the point of not knowing how you're supposed to make progress. While that's not a great feeling, that's what makes these campaigns fun to play on Veteran: to find a way past odds that seem impossible, and there's none of that here.

There is also no gore whatsoever. Considering Treyarch has always been the edgelord of CoD developers, with the absolute brutality seen in Black Ops 1 and 2, where enemies could be blown to bits by shotguns and explosions, Cold WAr doesn't even have blood puffs and only occasionally features blood pools under bodies. This extends to the cutscenes, which don't feature any of Treyarch's trademark disturbing violence.

So the puzzles: three times over the course of the campaign you are offered to engage with optional objectives, one of which is a simple numeric padlock whose combination is hidden in documents around your base of operations and twice you will have to review intel gatherd in the missions to piece together who the members of a spy network are. They are fairly simple logic puzzles but considering we are talking about a CoD game, these feel out of place, and in a good way. They are randomized too, so you can't just google their solutions. It's a shame that the two missions they unlock aren't particularly good, being brief combat scenario on expanded multiplayer maps, similar to Spec Ops missions from old Modern Warfare games, though not even remotely as fun.

The espionage levels grind the action to a halt while you sneak around collecting evidence and stealing data from some Russian base or the KGB headquarters. they are cool, and add a sprinkle of Goldeneye or Perfect Dark to the game, but ultimately feel like they are stalling for time, to stretch out a very short campaign.

The story is alright, despite expecting you to really care about characters you will barely be aware of, it delivers some good moments, though it's not enough to prop up the easy campaign.

Dull, dull dull. It would be much better if it weren't so incredibly forgiving.

É a primeira campanha de um Call of Duty que eu chego a terminar, e devo dizer que me agradou bastante.

A Guerra Fria era um dos momentos históricos que eu mais gostava de estudar nas aulas de história, e experienciar uma narrativa voltada a isso foi muito legal.

Eu sinceramente não esperava grande coisa, até por não saber ao certo o que esperar, e confesso que me surpreendi muito com o que vi.

A história, o gun play satisfatório, os personagens e um plot twist de explodir a cabeça são os maiores destaques da narrativa como um tudo. Fiquei com vontade de explorar as outras campanhas de outros jogos da franquia.

the millisecond i actually get into call of duty, nobody at my school plays it anymore

Primeiramente irei dividir essa review em 3 Seções - Multiplayer, Campanha e Zombies.

Modo Multiplayer: Não pretendo jogar o multiplayer por motivos de que basicamente, não me interesso muito pelo multiplayer em si, e a questão do balanceamento das armas e das variantes que vem pro jogo também não ligo muito então não vou considerar nenhuma nota aqui na minha opinião, a nota dada pelo jogo é por causa da camapanha e possivel do zombies

Campanha: A campanha do cold war é bem como as outras campanhas, curtas e rápidas só para poder dar um contexto histórico e do que esta acontecendo, basicamente em mais ou menos umas 8 horas de game direto você consegue zerar o jogo na dificuldade casca-grossa pra cima, porem eles consegue colocar explicar e contar com detalhes a historia do game e do período de guerra, apresentar personagens carismáticos e etc, o sistema de selecionar missão achei muito legal, o sistema de evidencias é um conteúdo adicional que da um pouco mais de imersão, além de ter as 2 missões secundarias que foram bem criativas na forma de você escolher o suspeito e descriptografar o disco, onde é gerado aleatoriamente e cada player tem que descobrir, gostei bastante também de que você pode saber ainda mais sobre os personagens conversando com eles, conclusão jogo é bom, rápido, e divertido, recomendo a fazer a campanha com certeza.

Modo Zombies: Irei jogar.

Başka bir ortalama Call of Duty yapımı. Diğer oynamak için beklettiğim Call of Duty'lere nazaran daha çok beklentim vardı ama pek karşıladığı söylenemez. Ben eski tip çeşitli ve cidden heyecan veren Call of Duty bölümlerini mumla arıyorum artık. Bu oyunda ileride aklımda kalacak olan tek bölüm muhtemelen Sovyetlerin arasına sızıp daha sonradan aksiyona daldığımız bölüm olur. Onun dışında 2007'den beridir aynı oynanışla devam ediyoruz, bunu eksi olarak saymam çünkü Call of Duty'den beklediğimiz şey bu. Tek yapmaları gereken bu basit shooter mekaniklerini kaliteli bölümlerle süslemeleri. Hikaye de tuzu biberi oluyor. Sondaki pilot twist hariç hikayede pozitif baktığım bi' yön olmadı. Optimizasyon ve grafik anlamında sorunsuz. PS4'te akıcı 60 FPS alabildim, grafikler de canlı ve hoştu bence. Başta da söylediğim gibi, ortalama bir Call of Duty oyunundan fazlası olamadı benim için.


iyi sonunu beğenmedim rus sonu ise güzel ancak seriyle alakasız güzel bir finali olsa 5 yıldızlık bile olabilir.

I feel crazy because everyone hates on this game, but in my opinion it is one of the best call of duty games. The campaign is just so awesome and has different endings and cool set pieces, and the multiplayer is more satisfying than ever.

A forgettable campaign. Haven't played a Cod game since 2016, so I know I wouldn't get much fun playing multiplayer from an "older" title, but I also would suck ass at it.

I first need to say 300GB, is an insane requirement for a game. Especially for a campaign with two different download packages, all for 5 main story levels, and 2-4 mini or side missions.

this game is full of reagan-loving right wing jingoistic propaganda shit but then also allows you to be non-binary and idk what player demographic they were targeting with the combination of those things

tava legal a história até a metade ali mas o jogo ficou curto demais e o final é completamente desastroso. não dá pra esperar muito tbm de empresa que lança 1 jogo por ano

Really good zombies experience for me.

I loved zombies
Mostly outbreak because maps are big

Im gonna preface this review is biased, treyarch is my favorite COD studio, I have genuinely liked every cod by them I have played (I say played cause I have yet to play COD3). I have heavy bias torwards the black ops series for many reasons, I grew up with the first Blops and am a zombies fanatic.

The campaign is a wonderful nostalgia trip for a fan of the original black ops (I should preface BO1 is my favorite call of duty, and one of my favorite games ever), the campaign is genuinely one of the best in years

Multiplayer is cod multiplayer, If you enjoy cod youll probaly enjoy this.

And the hardest thing to talk about is zombies, Its not bad, its actually pretty good. In my opinion its the easiest zombies in any treyarch game, the amount of power you have is insane when you have all your perks and everything else fully leveled. Cold war course corrects from bo4 by taking it to a more classic "Feeling" zombies, but cold war is not classic. Black ops 4s DNA is very much still here but thats not completely a bad thing, its just something to mention (preface: I actually like bo4 zombies but I have my qualms)
MY ISSUES WITH COLD WAR ZOMBIES: the operator system of modern cods removes so much character from zombies, the game is also gets kinda boring quicker, most high round strategies are camping because super sprinters make training nearly impossible, the easter eggs are much easier now, thats not really a con but its definitely lacking the wacky and convoluted steps. cold war zombies is good but not perfect. Glad weaver is back, hes my favorite black ops 1 character, and him being in zombies makes me even happier because I play zombies more than anything.

The fact treyarch was able to take this game that sledgehammer was struggling with and made something genuinely good is bonkers.

Overall: Great

Story:4.5/5 Narrative:4.7/5
Game design,levels design:4/5
Programming, technical aspects, collisions, animations, bugs, dev aspects:3/5
Bugs and errors:medium