Reviews from

in the past

Honestly what I would say is the closest thing we have to a perfect fighting game. Despite showing its age at times, it never fails to be fun with friends.

desculpa fãs de marvel vs capcom 2 mas pra mim esse jogo e meu favorito de crossover. simplismente não tem como disputar, Rooster MAGNIFICO, uma das melhores OST ja vista, Cenarios perfeitos e com muitas referencias, e gameplay com fodendo 5 estilos de luta alem de vc poder criar o seu. eu joguei TANTO, mas TANTO isso, eu passava todo dia meu horario de almoço vendo video de combo desse jogo e sempre eu ficava impressionado.
me desculpa mas esse jogo e um dos meus favoritos de todos os tempos mesmo sabendo q geral prefere MVC2.
10/10 Saudades do meu dreamcast.

Been thinking about this game lately, and I haven't done an informal bullet-point review in a minute so lemme ramble for a bit will you? :3

-By this point, the myth of "honest footsies" ever existing in isolation has been debunked wholesale across the genre, but CvS2, particularly at the mid-level (which I would (generously) say I occupy), is far and away the most tempered, neutral-focused 2D game I can think of (aside from SamSho IG but that's cheating!!). You can point towards roll cancels and A-groove combos all you want but the vast majority of what I do here are the things that people who earnestly believe "combos are the worst part of fighting games" dream of. Couple this with the notably low damage output and the longer-than-life-itself timer per round and this game might honestly be so straight-laced that the weak-willed in the audience will be frantically checking their pockets for keys to jingle, lol.

(why this game was played in like FT5s back in the day will forever elude me, who the FUCK made that decision)

-Between the timing windows and lack of input buffer, the gulf that separates easily predictable combo situations like jump-ins and the tougher stuff like maximizing damage via normal links (1-2F links Everywhere) is So Wide that in play with any kind of stakes, you're much more likely to submit and rely on the fundamentalzz, keeping your relationship with the game in a semi-permanent "pretty good but still learning" stasis. Reminds me a lot of SFIV and newer FG fans' relationship to that game, but unlike that game there are far fewer archetypes here whose express purposes are to skip that part of the game and break it down into 50/50s or wakeup gambles. Which is good! I think!

-it's one of those things that's almost too obvious to speak to, but the fact that this game has 6 interchangeable game systems that communicate between each other and is somehow not fucked beyond repair in practice is an outrageous badge for an FG to be able to wear. There are clear lines between each one's applicability, but aside from mmmmaybe P-groove I wouldn't dissuade anyone from following their hearts if asked (and it's not even that P is bad necessarily, just much harder to excel with given that parrying, which is already hard, is correctly assumed by Capcom to be powerful enough to quarantine in its own groove).

-That said, groove choice is a substantial decision in this game with consequences, which is once again something that sounds too obvious to state but for whatever reason people are surprised that this game's meta is as messy as it is despite there being like 300 choices to make, nevermind team comp bringing this number up by several factors. I wouldn't say this game's team comp is quite as iconic and impressive as MvC, but between the groove and ratios you have a lot to chew on and IMO!! it's more enjoyable on its surface how you approach it here considering in Marvel it defines basically every choice you make going forward. FAR less strategically rewarding admittedly but being a Marvel player is a disease I have yet to contract in my lifetime so forgive me for the preference.

-CvS2 gets shit for the mismatched sprites and, yes, Morrigan's VSav look doesn't make a lick of sense here, but I think the SNK sprites that Capcom cooked up for this game and the one before it are underrated as hell. Everyone on that side of the roster looks fantastic, and the low-contrast coloring that Capcom's fighting games are known for fit SNK characters far better than the reverse seen in SvC Chaos (though I do like the look of that game in a perverse kinda way). The only aesthetic drawback this game has beyond the sprites is that the spontaneous and stylish stages from CvS1 have few equals here. But everything else clears, we love the yellow diamonds here at FM Towns Party.

-I find it hard to pin down a "favorite" fighting game, as the circumstances for liking them are so out of my hands. Like yeah, I love Tekken 3-5 dearly and always have, but unless Namco suddenly becomes very cool and implements (good) netcode into those games, I can't imagine I'm playing folks with any regularity soon. 3S is sort of a mirror reflection of that: while there are plenty things unique to 3S that grind against me as a long-form game to play, it's also trivially easy to play with people in comparison, and even in more casual settings it seems like many are enamored enough to at least take it for a spin. Outside of my newest fling SF6, which has been a miracle worker of sorts in these regards, CvS2 might be the game that threads all those needles the best.

De los mejores Roster que un FG puede Traer, además de 6 modos distintos de jugarlos, cada uno con las particularidades propias de las entregas de Capcom y SNK. El cambio del arte en las ilustraciones según si elijas un estilo de juego de Capcom o de SNK corona un hermosa un FG

I love this fighting game. The amount of variety in styles and characters adds so much strategy of how to approach a match. I also really like seeing all the SNK characters in Capcom's style, both visually and with 6 buttons.

A classic that I never grow tired of. An absolutely stellar cast, the Groove system provides a nice amount of varied accessibility, and presentation that has aided with making it timeless. I cannot recommend this any higher.

This is still my favorite 2D fighting game.

Alguém avisa pra Capcom que o Ryu nesse jogo é INSUPORTAVELMENTE QUEBRADO!!!
Tirando isso, OTIMO JOGO.

Esse narrador é a melhor coisa que já saiu dos videojogos.

This is another weird one. I don’t know how they managed to make it feel like I’m playing both SF and KOF at the same time (maybe bc they’re both 2D fighters), but this is amazing. Capcom and SNK crossovers are usually really good (minus SF x Tekken), but this is the best one by far.

Just like "this battle", I feel like I'm about to explode every time I play this game... clean-up on aisle C-Groove

the other half star is dedicated to our good friend shingo yabuki who broke his leg before this game came out so he couldn't make it unfortunately

OMG guys it's the game JPEGMafia sampled !1!1!1!

I'm real bad at fighting games but this was fun as a kid.

One of the best Rosters in any Fighting Game and it also features 6 Different Gameplay Styles you can choose based on Capcom and SNKs most popular games. This really feels like a dream game. And also has the best Soundtrack in any Fighting Game.

If this had the Alpha 3 juggle System it would be my all time favourite Fighting Game.

Not good at fighting games whatsoever, so trust me when I say this game truly rules and owns.

Some may say that it was luck that helped this team to advance, that doesn't matter to me, because the bottom line is, that this team won! They better just keep in mind, that luck works in many mysterious ways

quite possibly the closest we’ve gotten to perfection in Fighting game history.

This is true love makin' is forever engrained in my head to the point where I literally wish my next match is in London just so I can listen to this again every time

sensacional pra epoca, hoje em dia nem tanto.

Can they bring this back, I wanna make true love again all the time

Menos meia estrela porque não tem a Leona e isso é imperdoável...

Yes ha ha Morrigan sprite, but this is an outstanding feat of balancing! Six selectable playstyles in conversation with each other over a staggering team-based roster, and still it feels like a footsies game! Also the SNK side's sprites are gorgeous, so shut up already!

I rented this one time 2003 - 2009 idk the exact age I was but I didn't know wtf was going on.