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in the past

Certified hood classic right here.

Twinsanity may not technically be the best Crash game, but as of writing this it's certainly my favorite. It's a game that oozes creativity and that despite it's rushed development, manages to offer one hell of a Crash experience.

7.5| Eu queria entender o por que de os melhores conceitos terem os piores prazos.

Esse jogo ter saído é fruto de um milagre, uma vontade divina. É um projeto com tanto amor envolvido, mas tanto, que simplesmente seria uma crime acabar encalhado.
Uma reinvenção/desconstrução da franquia, com tons de Ren & Stimpy, doses de ironia e metalinguagem, junto dos conceitos mais fora da caixa já vistos na série. Uma pena que menos de 40% disso pudesse ter sido concretizado.

No entanto, este jogo se mantém MÁGICO até hoje. Não é mera nostalgia.
Por mais pouco polido, cortado, apressado e inacabado que seja, Twinsanity ainda é um dos melhores da franquia. O pouco que foi entregue consegue ser icônico o suficiente pra se manter na memória e atmosférico o suficiente para te engajar neste mundo de loucuras. Sério, um jogo tão feito nas coxas desse não tinha o direito de simplesmente ter uma das melhores trilhas da história dos videogames.
Parabéns aos desenvolvedores.
Prazos curtos, ideias tendo de ser descartadas, pouco orçamento e pressão da publicadora não conseguiram deixar esse jogo menos emblemático.

The Crash Bandicoot game that i love to hate

Despite it being clearly unfinished and unpolished, it's still fun.

ما أعرف ليش مافي ريميك او جزء ثاني لهذه اللعبة الرهيبة

The most fun I've ever had with a game I don't find good. Its glitches and bugs interrupt the experience consistently and some puzzles are unnecessarily complicated, sometimes ignoring its surroundings. Even if the nitro crates kill you no matter what you do, the slide jump is almost unusable and you might die due to fall damage in places you're not supposed to, the game is surprisingly fun, comfortable to play and it's really funny! I can only recommend it.

As broken and unfinished this game is I still think it's one of the best in series.

esse é um dos meus jogos favoritos da vida, com certeza. quantas férias já passei em casa jogando e rejogando esse jogo... muitas lembranças. amo mt, tenho um carinho enorme por esse jogo em especial.

Eu jogava esse jogo na infância e não lembro se cheguei a terminar na época, mas gostava bastante, então depois de alguns anos eu decidi jogar ele dnv e simplesmente gostei demais, acho que se ele tivesse um prazo maior pra ser produzido, claramente iria ser o melhor jogo do crash

rushed ahh game. funny sometimes but real fun is way rarer. soundtrack can get tiring but is pretty good overall. gameplay kinda repetitive, rough around the edges, has gamebreaking glitches. thing is, it could've been a great game, and nostalgia kinda makes you feel like it was/is great (it wasn't). play warped or tag team racing instead.

It's a ton of fun, Crash controls really well (besides the slide jump being really stiff) and some of these levels are really well designed especially the final one. I really enjoyed the off the wall humor and the really endearingly goofy ways that Crash and Cortex team up in some segments leading to some fun gameplay gimmicks that spruce things up.

Sadly the nature of it being rushed does lead to a lot of jankiness, awkward structure and really odd glitches that makes you lose a lot of progress. The physics for those little ball challenges were so finnicky that I went crazy. Nina was a fun addition but her being mute was very obviously not the plan and made her scenes really awkward, this also affects some bosses which appear out of nowhere without any build up and some are weirdly designed in general. While Crash and Nina are fun, Cortex's sections are really boring and halt the pacing down.

While it's a really fun game, the rushed nature of it does get in the way of it being truly great. I hope a remake that lets the game live up to it's true potential is on the cards in the future.

سقف العاب كراش ولا زلت اعشقها


would be good if it was finished

Let this game live up to its potential and it's the best Crash game and debatably an all-time great platformer.

The whole soundtrack is done in acapella, and the game is just goofy fun. Too bad it was incomplete and glitchy

But it wasn't Sonic 06 glitchy! It was still a solid platformer, and the gameplay styles of Neo Cortex and Nina Cortex were just a taste of how magnificent this game could be. Remake this. NOW.

um jogo que merecia ter mais tempo pra ser desenvolvido, mas infelizmente não conseguiu por culta da administração terrível da universal, que era dona da ip na época. o resultado final é um jogo super carismático com ideias boas e inacabadas, com bugs aqui e ali, e com fases faltando que até o próprio jogo faz questão de deixar isso claro, em cutscenes. se for jogar, não sinta pena de usar save states.

o piorzinho crash "clássico"

Back n forth, Back n forth

Honestly? This was really fun. It's the only Crash game I have ever played and I hear some people don't really like this game but I had a blast playing it(except for a Glitch that got me stuck on a running portion for a bit.


Very cool game, unforgettable soundtrack and they clearly had a lot of fun with the writing. Shame it was a bit rough around the edges to play and that boxes lost all relevance to completion.

SoundTrack disso é simplesmente fenomenal

It's obviusly rushed, but the game still has a lot of charm. Some platforming sections, like the one you try to escape from a rising toxic waste, are really fun. The skate segments are also quite fun. I think the only parts that id didn't like where when you control cortex or Nina. The other segments are not excepcional, but they're also not that bad. I would actually say that this is the best Crash Game released after Warped and before Crash 4. (Altough the bar is really low)

broken ahh unplayable ahh rush ahh game. this was literally my childhood game, hate to see it like how it truly is now without my rose tinted glasses. The OST is probably the only thing of note from this game that anyone could really takeaway from this.
+.5 for my nostalgic bias

This review contains spoilers

- Amazing game
- Music is mind blowing
- Another victim of crunch (just like Spyro: enter the dragonfly)
- Great sequences
- Unfortunately quite buggy, notorious bugs causing complete replays of sections
- First 3 out of 4 sections are amazing
- Wish it was fully realised
- Amazing memories of this one

jogo incompleto, mas foda-se, continua sendo o melhor jogo da franquia

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