Reviews from

in the past

It's a great game to play when you're bored and have free time. The music and physics in the game are surprisingly good for its time, which is a plus. The main goal is to pick up people in your taxi and get them where they need to be in a short time. Then based on how fast you got them there, they will pay you a higher price or a lower price or somewhere in the middle. You repeat this until the timer in the top hits 0 and based on how much money you make you get a rank. There is also another game mode called crazy box which is like a bunch of minigames. It's a great arcade game that I recommend to anybody.

fun arcade game to play with friends

The giddy thrill of GTA's rakishness without the sophomoric shock value.

I used to ask to rent this every week at blockbuster. life was good

4 aspiring actors and comedians having a side hustle in West Hollywood supporting their careers??? can’t believe sega predicted uber

peak arcade fun + I like how he says crazy taxi

Driving games at arcades are inherently great and amazing and worth every penny. Feel the wheel, the pedals, and the gearbox at your fingertips ( is so recognizable and yet gameified.

Crazy Taxi excels in its framing giving you more of an excuse to freestyle routes and regularly back up and brake hard. In a race you wanna forward and take the optimal line but the raw adrenaline derived from Crazy Taxi when you are approaching your destination and you slam your foot down on the brakes and rotate the wheel to slide into the spot is unmatched and unique to driving specifically an "arcade taxi."

The high score chasing is still addictive as hell and it plays as good as it ever did!

teach kids how to drive responsibly

what an amazing game to play with my sister

That taxi sure is a little bit crazy

Okay. Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya! Crazy Taxi is a small arcade title lot of us feel warm, fuzzy nostalgia for. And for good reason! Game's simple. Pick up customers, drive like you're bat-sh*t crazy and get them to their destination. But boy oh boy is it a thrill to do that! It's not a game you sink your teeth into for hours and hours on one sitting; but rather you visit it every now and then, play for 30 minutes or so and call it a day. And the game does everything it aims to do; leaving me with a smile on my face. Only thing holding it back is the lack of distinct variety of maps to plow through.

yeah yeah there's like one stage and a half or whatever but have you considered that they just put straight crack in this?

pretty solid arcade fun. i enjoyed my time with it even for how basic it is.

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This game is only for mindless fun, but it has it. The Graphics are not good, very rushed looking, but the color scheme at least gives it some kind of appeal. The Gameplay has you pick up customers and drive them to locations as fast as possible, this is a fun idea of a fast paced game, and can be great if done well, the speed you go make it fun, the high amount of money works better for goal reaching, but there are problems, first off, you can only take 1 customer at a time, which is fine, but they still show optional customers to collect "even though you can't pick them up" when you already have one, there's no point at all, also the menu is too bland, the logo on a yellow background isn't enough for style, and the customers, although there is a variety of them, they don't interact differently to others during the journey, meaning you might as well be taking any other customer during the journey, outside of the moment you pick them up, but that's not enough for entertainment. The Music fits the fast cool lifestyle atmosphere the game goes for. Crazy Taxi will deliver what is says it will, but not as best as it could.

Crazy Taxi (1999): Un arcade tardío, que apareció en un momento en el que los juegos ya buscaban ser algo más. Disfrutable, sí, pero repetitivo y anticuado incluso para su época. No es malo, pero no tengo motivos para jugarlo hoy día, como creo que apenas los había en 1999 (5,75)

I had a lot of fun playing this game back in the year 2000 but even then it didn't hold my attention for as long as games like Soul Calibur and Jet Grind Radio. I loved being able to zoom around the streets of San Francisco in a car before I had my drivers license. These days if I feel like driving a car around like crazy I will have more fun doing it in single player GTA V.

Fun arcadey goodness but it does feel like it's lacking some extra oomph to really push this gameplay forward. The console port is also very lacking in features. I'd love to try out the sequels one day to see how they evolve this formula.