Reviews from

in the past

An endless replayable classic!! Dead Rising has many flaws but despite it I have found myself replaying this game over and over, even attempting to get all achievements on Steam (still need 3 more lol, they're tough.

One of my absolutely favorite games of all time. You cannot get the Dead Rising experience ANYWHERE else in gaming. The atmosphere, whacky yet somewhat serious plot/tone, the amazing memorable bosses. Dead Rising 1 truly stands out within the franchise, and within the gaming landscape.

Put this game down for now cus of the abysmal ass saving system. Might play it again one day idk. 🤷🏾‍♂️

A flawed but fun game, a nice homage to Dawn of the Dead while also telling its own story. Very bad survivor AI and an unforgiving time system lower the score for me.

i actually really enjoy this game, the game still is intact and playable despite some crashes on the remasters, they’re very rare. it’s basically a sandbox game with every item having some use to you in the 3 day time limit, be it against the zombies or the psychopaths the game pits you against, the survivor ai however sucks and will have to be hand-held (sometimes literally) to actually work but it doesn’t sour the WHOLE package honestly.


Really enjoyed the gameplay and the story, those cutscenes with the in-game models are just superb to me! I just can't give it a 5-star review because of the survivors's AI, the clunky aim system and just how much the game seems to be focused in the top-right corner of the map, on which you'll be spending most of your time.

Overall, very solid game and very fun!

Fan-tastic! If Dead Rising were to be given Capcom's usual remake treatment, it would absolutely become a classic all over again.

All this game is missing is a quest where you forget to pay your taxes and have to fight off a horde of undead tax collectors with a giant floppy dildo. THEN this game would be the true masterpiece it can truly be.

It's alright, but let's be honest it's very dated.

The most surprising element of Dead Rising is its story, which has NO RIGHT to be as good as it is. There's just something so genuine and beautiful about listening to a true-to-life critique of American consumerism and the global meat industry, but as a 40-year-old man in a tight sundress, with a chainsaw.

Awesome fucking game, if anyone ever complains about escort missions with Ashley in RE4 (2005), make em play either this or Silent Hill 4 lol

When I first bought this game I thought it was gonna be boring and repetitive. Maybe I would even refund this game. But this game actually proved me wrong and I'm having a blast playing. I love all the boss fights and I love the old graphics which looks very aesthetic for some reason. But most of all I love killing zombies and finding hidden weapons. The only negative about this game is the survivor ai which is horrendous and that there's a time limit. I wouldn't mind it if you were able to speed up time by sleeping or something until the next case. Instead of waiting and doing nothing. I also hate that the game doesn't have a gamemode without a time limit because I just wanna free roam the mall and kill everything in sight until I'm bored.

By all means this is a fun game, but there are details that keep it from being a more polished experience. The AI of some of the NPC that you have to rescue is rather frustrating and sometimes you have to be at two place almost at the same time. If you can deal with that and some cheap bosses then the game can be quite enjoyable.

Hasn't aged the best with how poorly it ported to XB1/PS4 and with how dreadful survivor AI is, but the game is still enjoyable and was a blast to try to 100%.

it’s like dynasty warriors.. but in a mall.. with zombies

Finally some good content. Dead Rising 1 is almost a perfect game and it deserves to be called one, I don't care. What this game misses in lack of smart AI and weird arcade shooting controls, gets outweighed by the sheer fact that the concepts baked into here are unique to itself and haven't been done again outside of this series.

This is a sandbox adventure game first and foremost, just in the setting of a mall with zombies as the obstacles. There are hidden items and survivors laid about to encourage the player to naturally investigate all areas of Willamette while also providing them with some challenge.

The AI can be stressful and stupid, but they aren't impossible. They are literally a living collectible that give you massive rewards for doing them.

The time limit mechanic is not a bad mechanic, and anyone complaining about it is an infant who helped ruin this series. Timing in this game is a very effective tool to get you to move your god damn ass across the mall so that you always have something to do that isn't just standing around, while giving you a bit of challenge that revolves around time and resource management. You won't level up simply by killing zombies, and you won't get better weapons unless you challenge bosses. The mall isn't THAT big, and it doesn't have to be, because you're almost always on the move doing something.

On top of that, you have the mechanic where almost everything that is selectable can be used as a weapon to fight enemies. Realistically, your options are limited, this being an Xbox 360 launch title but this is another idea I don't often see in other games. I'm not talking about picking up your neighbor's Excalibur sitting in a cave, brother. I'm talking about using the TV in your living room to bust some dude's ass wide open because he just simply looked at you funny.

Don't go into this plot expecting fine course cuisine, but treat it like it's your parents coming home with surprise McDonalds instead. The story and characters are as campy as camp can get. Frank is not only the toughest guy you'll ever meet, but he's also the world's best Ally. The only thing I hate doing in this game is getting an upskirt photo of a woman so I can 100% it. (Sorry, weirdos!!)

This game is the perfect candidate for a Capcom Remake in that sweet sweet RE Engine that they make everything in and not just RE. You could fix all the issues this game has so very easily while keeping the time challenge mechanic. More items that are able to be used as weapons, fixed and amplified survivors that have personality values that actually work, etc. That would be if Capcom didn't HATE Dead Rising with every fiber of their being and remembered that they even made it in the first place.

Out of the 5 mainline games, minus the Wii and Java ones (don't even start with me), this one is by far the best. Numbers and stars are arbitrary, my friend. This baby is a 5 star if I've ever seen one.

FAAANTASTIC! Instead of saving people, I just take photos of them fighting for their lives against zombies. These photos will look great on my blog.

I am gods strongest Dead Rising supporter. Peak.

The greatest game of all time????

Game is good, but the achievements, OH THE ACHIEVEMENTS.

I remember I played the trial of this game and killed zombies in the mall until the time ran out. Then I bought the game, played the story and finished it. Cool, I guess. Back to killing zombies in the mall again with the Servbot head on.

I really didn't enjoy this game the first time I played it, but when I replayed it a few years ago, I was struck by the creativity and originality the title shows.

Came to this too late. Sorry Capcom

This game is objectively bad. The A.I for the survivors and pyschos are bad. The story is cliche and all over the place. You can easily cheese the game out with just one weapon and a few books. And the mall anti-capitalist message is a bit cliche also.

With all that being said, this game is amazing. It's one of the the most unique games I've ever played. Everything form the light hearted atmosphere contrasted with the bleak setting. The great performances from each voice actor. And the personalities from each character, especially the pyschos. Replaying this game for the 6th time really shows that.
Although some of the negatives outweigh the positives, I think the positives makes this game worth at least a playthrough or few.

Una sátira social bestial con momentos de humor negro ciertamente perturbadores. Me fascina como el comentario social se conecta de una manera tangible con el gameplay. Lo disfruté muchísimo.

There is nothing like this game, at least to my knowledge. There are so many balls in the air that you have to handle, or you can say fuck it and not deal with any of them. Managing to get every single survivor to safety is still one of my personal proudest achievments, game wise. It's not for everyone, but that's why it's so charming to me.

I love zombie media so so much and dead rising, to me, is THE zombie game. The gameplay, characters and story are just incredible, and it has one of my favorite villains in any fiction.