Reviews from

in the past

really annoying following AI and some really terrible boss fights 5 stars

It’s a shame because this game could be rated so much higher. Idk if other consoles suffer from this but the PS4 version has an issue with the roll mechanic once you unlock it. And you do that around Level 10 automatically. It breaks the game in a bad way because you’ll auto-roll every few seconds. Other than that, I do love this game.

the survivor ai is so laughably bad that it keeps the game interesting and hard

Save system + lack of checkpoints is terrible.

Time management and terrible ai are what people will talk about. Unmatched atmosphere is why people will talk about it.

Crássico dos jeimes de zumbis, merecia um remake bem mais que esses resident evil aí. Você joga com um calvo com crise de meia idade, que achou que seria esperto desvendar uma conspiração do governo envolvendo zumbis. Tudo isso em 72 horas, só com sua câmera, as bolas e tudo que puder pegar na mão pra usar de arma. Só uma dica, não busque a platina, passar 14 horas com console ligado sem fazer nada no infinty, e esperar que 45 sobreviventes consigam subir a porcaria de muro da safe house, vai te deixar bilu teteia

Som de pp ganho > som de level up > frank falando yeah

Idk. It's just too dated for me. I loved 2, 2: OTR, and 3. But this one just doesn't do it for me

The perfect definition of brainless fun.

I can kill zombies with Street Fighter moves

Un reportero intentando conseguir una primicia de un pequeño incidente en un pueblo de USA... ¿qué podría salir mal?

Hace poco vi un comentario que se refería a esta entrega como "Walmart, the game".
Más allá de la broma, me parece bastante acertado.
El concepto de este juego es innovador, increíble, desde que te enteras de él te entra la curiosidad por jugarlo puesto que, esta vez no eres un soldado de élite superentrenado con una misión urgente, o un héroe ante un amenaza que representa el fin del mundo; eres la persona más ordinaria enfrentándose a un pequeño brote en un centro comercial, hiperreal, la ciencia ficción son los zombies, es todo.

Deadrising es una experiencia única quw vino a renovar el mercado de los videojuegos, terminándolo esperaba una secuela genuinamente porque la merece. Aun ahora estoy dudando si darle sus 4 estrellas o dejarlo en 3.5

El juego explora increíblemente bien la cantidad y las cosas que puedes ocupar como armas, además de ropa, comida, peinados y otros detalles pequeños, como obtener zumos en una batidora o calentar un sartén.

(A partir de aquí puede haber spoilers)

La historia se balancea bien entre el misterio, la comedia, el drama y contiene momentos únicos bien logrados acorde a cada una de las decisiones tomadas (aunque algunas no terminan de convergen del todo bien mas que por casualidad). Frank West es un verdadero ídolo, periodista, investigador, salvando supervivientes, eliminando un helicóptero de las fuerzas armadas, todo lo hace bien.

Comentar los diversos finales es entretenido, desde algunos donde simplemente espera a que vuelva el helicóptero por él, otros donde es capturado y golpeado por las fuerzas militares hasta algunos más heroicos donde se dedica a salvar a todos. Sin embargo todos sabemos que el verdadero final es dramático, un zombie se cuela en el helicóptero de su "amigo" y Frank acepta su muerte, no le queda nada, perdió a la gente que rescató, a los agentes de DHS, Isabela se fue... ver después de esta secuencia los créditos fue triste en su momento, genuinamente.
Pensé que la historia si podría acabar así, puesto que al estar desarrollado por japoneses, el juego se toma la libertad de criticar cómica, sutil e inteligentemente los vicios americanos, los bajos requerimientos de salud mental en sus trabajadores, el excesivo amor y pasión por la patria y las armas, los lugares más oscuros de la mente de las personas en un mundo sin ley ni orden, y el hombre siendo animal cuando se trata de su supervivencia, el final era así casi, un castigo divino. Sin embargo las buenas acciones de Frank lo redimen, la atractiva y encantadora Isabela lo rescata después de él haberla salvado a ella, es idílico, lo salva y le da esperanzas, plantea buscar una cura y salir de allí, sintetiza una cura basada en abejas reinas (futuro zombrex) y le da motivos para hacer un último esfuerzo. La prórroga es corta pero crucial, al final se salvan mas no todo es bello, el plan de Carlitos sigue en pie, dejando abierta una secuela de buena forma.

Dentro de los pocos defectos que incluiría en este juego (sobre todo si estás completamente perdido al empezar, es que genuinamente no tienes idea de la distribución del tiempo, así que lo puede hacer bastante cansado y monótono hasta que obtienes un nivel decente y te haces una idea del juego: o sea, haber muerto mínimo unas 20 veces o no logrado tu objetivo).

Y como consejos personales para evitar la lentitud del comienzo:
Si quieres un gran protip para evitarte esto es, enfócate primero en los logros antes que en la historia, tu primera partida haz el logro de matar 50,000 zombies; ve al estacionamiento y toma el auto, atropella a todos hasta la carnicería, toma el camión; haz la otra ruta (busca algún vídeo de YT) y así hasta llegar a los 50K, cuando lo logres tendrás suficiente experiencia para volver y esperar el helicóptero y desbloquear uno de los varios finales aparte de una super arma que te ayudará mucho.
Disfrútalo, es un gran juego.

Man I was so hyped for this game seeing the previews. As a 14 year old…I didn’t really understand all the time based/rpg systems and it pissed me off. Upon further reflection tho, I actually respect the fuck out of this game. For what it was trying to do at the time it mainly succeeded. And the direct dawn of the dead reference is awesome. They should remake this

best 360 game, best zombies game, best dead rising game

This review contains spoilers

Dead Rising was a game that I originally played back in 2016, but had given up due to its difficult nature. But after picking it back up again recently, it clicked. The zombies are satisfying to hack through, and gaining tons of pp for completing missions and killing zombies is satisfying. The leveling system is a unique idea that works very well in the game, and differentiates it from other games that used a skill tree system. The story in this game manages to be serious while also being slightly silly with the psychos thrown in the mix. The main issues of this game stem from survivor AI, especially when trying to lead the max amount at once. And the only way to counteract this shit AI is to spam triangle/y over and over to make sure they stay close. Not to mention every survivor is pretty incompetent at handling themselves. The end game also drags on for way longer than it should, having to collect queens and avoid being kidnapped by the special operatives. Frank is an awesome character, and he is at his strongest writing wise in this game, compared to Off the Record and 4.

Dead Rising is a product of its time, for better or worse. It's a very ambitious game, that tried to do big things on small hardware, and ultimately I think it sticks the landing for the most part. Unfortunately though, when it does stumble, it tumbles.

The game sets itself up as a carefree romp through a zombie infested mall, and the first half of the game is just that, but from around the mid point onward the difficult takes such a sharp jump that the game can become borderline unplayable.

I have no earthly idea how I ever managed to finish this game, but you'd have to twist my arm clean off to get me to do it now.

a really interesting game for the time the mission design is very simple and most of it is just fetch quests but the world itself and what u can do in it make it interesting

A pretty good game, hella early 2000s vibes coursing through its veins. I wasn’t too into the mission design and how tasks started to feel same-y after awhile, but the world and carefree B-movie mall atmosphere and characters kept things from getting too boring. The time limit is a cool feature too that’s adds more dimensions and difficulty to this game. I’d probably like this way more at the time than playing it now since the survivors constantly have a death wish and the controls are a bit dated yet still very playable. Shooting is awful but running around the mall chainsawing zombies and chomping down a baguette is fun. I might come back and finish this at some point even though I wasn’t super into it.

Also hate that I think of the game grumps whenever I turn this game on lol

Average Vice Journalist back in 2006.

Really good gameplay and story, the only thing that throws me off is the clunky controls

Original, one-of-a-kind action gameplay that I rarely see except for maybe the Dynasty Warriors series. Had a great story tied into the zombie outbreak that the game takes place in, not very predictable. Was a bit clunky in some aspects and definitely showed it’s age in terms of QOL. Would replay again in a couple years.

Frank has camera; frank takes pictures with Camera.

I liked the no time limit. Still not the biggest fan of the series.

Absolutely great dumb fun. Old engine can hold it back sometimes, just... don't try saving EVERYONE.

this game has zombies and a time management system how could it be bad

I couldn't get into the time mechanic, but if you do is :cheffkiss:

The best Deadrising in my opinion it is always fun for me to replay. it has a charm to it

best zombie game i've ever played since l4d2