Reviews from

in the past

Donkey Kong Land is such a strange idea.

I understand wanting to port the Donkey Kong Country games to a handheld, but I don't understand why they made it in the same visual style of the SNES game when it doesn't fit the Game Boy at all. I know it's probably because the visual fidelity was part of the allure of Donkey Kong Country, but when the visuals start to get in the way and make things hard to work with like here in Donkey Kong Land, you start to ask yourself why they kept going with this.

I can't say this is all bad though. They really are trying to translate Donkey Kong Country to the Game Boy, and you can see it through some well designed levels with interesting and fun mechanics/gimmicks thrown in every once and was while. The major issue is that the game controls really weirdly, so you can't really appreciate the ideas of the levels at all. It's super easy to run off ledges or miss seemingly easy jumps. I think a lot of that stems from the jump. I feel like you sink immediately to the floor once you let go of that jump button.

Another strong issue with the gameplay is the camera. Usually you can see enough to get by, but very often an enemy will come crashing into you from offscreen. Similarly, the game will register a death when you reach the bottom of the screen even if you know for a fact there's flooring beneath you. It's something that will rarely bother you but you'll notice it once and a while when playing and it'll mindfuck you.

Overall, it's a nice shot really. I don't think this game is good, but I appreciate the effort and can see this being developed more and turned into something great.

5/10 - Mediocre/Mid

Wow, this game feels like shit and all of the levels were really bad. They tried a couple new things... like collecting the KONG letters to make a bridge, but were those new ideas any fun?


This one feels like one of the more ambitious, but still really jank and ultimately pretty bad unlicensed, Chinese pirate games. The levels are visually unclear, especially on a shitty Game Boy screen, due to too much detail in the backgrounds and a lack of contrast with the characters and important objects.
It also feels a bit all-over-the-place with environments even from the first world on. You're in the jungle, you find a secret shortcut that you swim through for no reason, then you're in the snow, another shortcut has you on a classic Donkey Kong arcade style construction site for literally a second, then back to the jungle, back to the snow, onto a DKC2 ship... etc.
All in World 1. And all that without there being anything really interesting happening with the levels. Not to mention the leaps of faith and really janky barrel sections they immediately hit you with as well.

But the worst part is probably the controls and overall physics. It's just not fun to do anything and often you take damage or die for really stupid reasons. The roll doesn't always actually defeat enemies, doesn't accelerate satisfyingly, doesn't do the "coyote time" thing with mid-air jumping after rolling, instead you hold A to awkwardly float in mid-air for a second without that making any sense, the bouncing doesn't feel right, the momentum makes no sense... it just isn't very fun and overall just feels like an utter slog.

I somewhat respect what they were trying to do and I also do like the fact that the game isn't trying to be a direct conversion of DKC but instead is its own thing with its own unique ideas here and there, but none of that helps when I just don't enjoy playing it.
In contrast, Donkey Kong Land 2 did a much better job of delivering a stripped-down version of the DKC2 experience, even if it did lose some of its own unique identity in the process. But at least it's fun and can even be a more-or-less worthy substitute for the SNES version for those who wanted to play it on the go or simply didn't have access to that version.

Imagine playing this when the SNES exists.

There's something so ironic about the fact that this game was made to prove that the original Donkey Kong Country wasn't just acclaimed for its visuals, but also for its gameplay, so they stripped down the visuals and let the gameplay shine. Because, like, the gameplay of Donkey Kong Land sucks while Country is still great.

It's impressive that they managed to at least somewhat replicate the style and feel of DKC, and there's a ton of variety with the level themes, enemies, and objects. But the momentum is off, the hitboxes are even worse, and the limited camera view makes the game practically unplayable. But the level design might be the worst offender.

The second level in the entire game is a freaking ice level. There's a level in world 3 that focuses on a type of platform that only moves up, down, left, or right, and it only changes direction whenever you jump on it, or whenever it hits a wall. You have to dodge enemies (usually by jumping on them) and navigate labyrinths while staying on this platform. It's just as horrible as it sounds. Who even thought of that? Two levels after that, a barrel cannon launched me directly into an off-camera enemy and I took damage. You can't make this shit up lmfao

To end this on a positive, this game has a shockingly great soundtrack. It's mostly completely original, and fits right next to any other DKC soundtrack despite being 8-bit. It's so underrated and I just thought I'd share some of the best songs for those of you DKC fans who want more music to enjoy.

Ruins -
Kremlantis -
Cave -
Airship -
Construction Site -
Boss -

Look how they massacred my boy...
Like.. the controls are stiff and the visuals were thrown into a blender. Music's okay, though.

Porting Donkey Kong Country to the Game Boy was a tough task which didn't end up very well

You have to collect KONG letters to save???? What an awful decision. Hope you like walking all the way back to world 1 to reliably save.

This game made me so mad as a child that I threw it across the room and I haven't seen it in 27 years. Pretty sure my anger enabled me to throw it out of the universe.

What might initially seem like a simple port of Donkey Kong Country turns out to be a whole new experience which, while borrowing heavily from the SNES game, still manages to validate it's own existence.

The best thing I can liken this game to is it's own soundtrack, which while being very reminiscent of Donkey Kong Country, has melodies often diverge slightly or entirely from their original versions.

The game looks good for a Gameboy game, and it sounds great too. But the platforming is unfortunately clunky and often results in some frustrating deaths that never entirely feel fair. The screen size can also add some artificial difficulty, though the levels are usually designed around the small screen.

Speaking of level design, I think the game definitely holds up in this regard, save for a few levels in particular. The last world even features a completely original (and very fresh) world theme.

I enjoyed collecting 'KONG' letters to save, I feel like it made them seem more valuable beyond secret-hunting. But there were definitely instances where I either couldn't find or reliably access a KONG letter and had to accept that I couldn't save after completing a given level.

In short, if you're looking for a fun little gameboy platformer, or are just desperate for more DKC, I think it's worth your time so long as you can overlook some funky controls and compromised visuals.

A ver, está gracioso que sea un juego de SNES metido en la gameboy. Es feo como el solo pero es gracioso

Why does a Crocodile live in a penthouse in a city?

Either way its basically DKC 1.5 and its neat. Some fun levels if you exclude the arrow platform ones.

Play it in GBC mode to save yourself some headaches.

The platforming at least feels nice, but god does this game look ugly.

Expresso learned he's wearing shoes in a 2D platformer and CAN defeat enemies by jumping on their heads, I'm glad for him!

A very strange little game, it is very limited due to the Game Boy, I died more from taking damage and falling out of the camera even though clearly there was ground under me than anything else, but the game itself is fun, the characters controls well and I liked the new levels, I recommend it more to people who absolutely love the DKC trilogy and want a fresh experience.

This was short and sweet; it took about an hour and a half to beat.

Bosses are just as pathetic as in the original and the physics (especially for Diddy) feel wonky, but the level design accommodates for that. The graphics are genuinely impressive as fuck, even if it can sometimes be hard to see stuff due to the black-and-white screen. The music is great. Most of the levels are pretty decent, although there are a few bad ones (Sky Caper). The final world is surprisingly good, though.

Yeah, it’s Donkey Kong Country compressed to 8-bit form and shoved into a Game Boy cartridge, but it still manages to be fun.

Donkey Kong Land is certainly an impressive technical achievement for translating the Donkey Kong Country experience to the Gameboy. The levels vary wildly in themes, length, difficulty, and overall quality. The biggest obstacle however is the incredibly small area you can see at any given time. For this reason an extremely cautious pace and/or rote memorization is necessary, neither of which are particularly conducive to a fun platforming experience. This game is best played for its historical significance and some intriguing twists on DKC, but it is by no means a fun experience.

Can't believe that this clunky Gameboy game has better water controls than most platformers that came after it.

visually repulsive with elementary schooler level design

Foi um port ambicioso, infelizmente nem tudo deu certo

O tamanho da tela pode atrapalhar um pouco, pequenos defeitos nos controles, os gráficos complexos que foram reduzidos pra rodar no portátil e a facilidade que é morrer no jogo são coisas que afastam muita gente dele. Mesmo com tudo isso eu diria que são os únicos problemas grandes com ele, tirando isso temos uma "versão alternativa" porém única do primeiro Donkey Kong Country muito boa de se jogar, com fases criativas, level design muito bom, algumas fases chatas mas nada impossível e uma trilha sonora bem legal. É uma experiência de Donkey Kong completa, apesar dos defeitos.

Another game my memory finally unlocked about: it's a remix version (similar to the case of the Mega Man Xtreme games) of various DKC1 levels scrambled and obviously not looking as great as the real deal. But I liked what they tried to accomplish here (considering they managed to put compressed but still high-detailed CGI sprites on Game Boy).

considering the console it originally released on, an impressive demake.

no real reason to play this over the snes og however.

Passable for a gameboy platformer. The graphics aren't bad if you're playing on a GBC but forget it if its an original GB. Some cool aesthetics in here though with the cloud and city levels. Wish that had made it into the SNES version.

Had great fun with this one as a kid.

As a kid who didn't own a Super Nintendo but did own a Gameboy, this seemed like an awesome way to get my DKC fix. Trying to go back to it, it feels a lot more primitive and janky than I remember though. Still impressive how much they were able to translate to the Gameboy

One recurring theme Jeremy Parish talks about in his Game Boy Works series are developers attempting console perfect graphics without adjusting for the resolution of the handheld, and this series is probably the definitive example of that folly. The graphics indeed look as much like DKC as they possibly can at the cost of some very cramped level design. The platforming also feels much more jittery, and the game gets very weird about pits during vertical sections. I ended up stopping at a level requiring jumping on lifts to change their direction, with it being impossible to tell which direction the lifts would go when playing on actual hardware.

That being said, the GB take on Temple Tempest is a bop.