Reviews from

in the past

i dunno man like its a ok anime fighter but ts just feel like a time and money pit.

I think this was one of my last games i got on my xbone.

My first step into the Xenoverse games. Liked what I played but I did only get it for FighterZ

Моя самая любимая игра по Dragon Ball. Куча контента и веселый геймплей

Marked improvement over the first in most ways, though I'm really not a fan of how you have to go through the story again any time you make a new character

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Don't ever fucking do that again

I enjoyed it the first time around, completing the main story, doing side quests and other things. But i recently tried to dive back in after playing Fighterz and i just can't get back into it. It's a fine RPG but it's not a good fighting game.

Fun to play, but an annoying grind for some of the Create a character upgrades.

sistema de criação e desenvolvimento do personagem é algo impressionante, o online consegue ser muito divertido mesmo com erros.

I have fun with the game. It's nothing too special and isn't peak or anything. It's just a good game to play every now and again to kill some time.

Really huge game nowadays with a ton of combat options.

graphics have not aged well and gfameplay feels outdated.

Just like the other one, but with more dlcs.

Kinda sick of how every Dragon Ball game just repeats the story with such an insignificant twist. But this game has good combat. Very good.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2’s ambition is admirable, and though it’s riddled with a lot of silly little inconveniences, it mostly succeeds in giving DB fans an authentic-feeling world to dive into for the long haul. Though no individual element of its roleplaying or brawling gameplay is overly complex, taken as a whole there’s a surprising amount to consider while progressing your character, and enough to do to keep it from getting stale to soon.

The story mode isn't anything you haven't already seen in any other DB game that has a mode set on regurgitating the original story beat by beat. That doesn't mean the game isn't interesting though— it builds the world up quite nicely and gives the usual fan (and even non-fan) of the series something to enjoy even if the combat or level system isn't anything groundbreaking

ok it improves on the first in almost every way my biggest complaint it keeps using the same story over and over again it needs to change it up think the anime it has stuff thats not main line its just random what if type shit thats what they need to do in the games just do something different, crazy, weird you know

This game actually stinks. The create a character was cool but it got old..quick. No one online uses anything but their cac. The combat is horrible. It’s a stamina based 3D arena fighter. The worse kind. If you were to run out of stamina you can do anything and people can chip off free damage. The story is literally just the regular DBZ story but the villains are stronger. That’s it, that’s literally it. But that was fun for me when I first started. If I was making this maybe 4 or 5 years ago I would probably give it a 4 star honestly, the huge is the fact there are so many dlcs. It’s to the point where DLCs cost more than the base game. And people continue to buy this? You get 1 or 2 characters, a few costumes, maybe an arena or two and a few missions you can do for around 10 bucks. Now that doesn’t sound to bad but you have to grind for the movesets for your character. Now a regular person would think “So I just beat this mission and I get the move” well no, you’re wrong because it’s rng based. Not only do I have to do more work for something I paid for I HAVE TO SPIN A SLOT MACHINE TOO? This game sucks can’t wait for BT4 to come out. But this game might have the same problems the fan base already told the developers most is ok with an abundance of paid DLCs I doubt it will live up to the past installments.

não é o 3... mas tem o lorde slug e a casa do guru, então é bom


While it's definitely fallen off for me, this used to be a massive favorite a couple years ago, and it's still not bad, just a bit janky with annoying CPU.

DLC cow. Had fun at launch though. A step up from Xeno 1.

now this is more like it. getting high and playing with friends is a top tier experience

All Time Patrol, and Parallel quests.