Reviews from

in the past

A solid if unspectacular adventure brimming with charm. Worth picking up especially if you enjoyed the original

No matter what this game tells you, this is not a remaster. Call Shenanigans at all costs

Très basique, mais en même temps c'est un jeu NES à la base donc c'est assez logique. Il y a tout de même beaucoup de références ou d'apparitions de personnages de la série !

Le pogo ! C'est un mécanique que je trouve vraiment chouette et Shovel Knight s'en est aussi inspiré. Il reste cependant le coup de canne qui force a etre collé à l'objet et donc assez inconsistant et surtout, mon dieu SURTOUT les putains de chaines qui, pour grimper dessus, demande de mettre le stick vers le haut... le nombre de fois que j'ai perdu à cause de ça surtout dans les phases ou il faut sauter et s'aggriper au dessus du vide.

Visuellement c'est pas mal, on voit que c'est WayForward et que le moteur est sensiblement le même que Shantae Half Genie Hero. Le jeu n'est évidemment pas prévu pour la 2k donc certains assets, surtout les menus peuvent parraitre un peu flou par moment.

Très peu de niveau, j'en ai eu pour un peu plus de 3h pour finir le jeu et en comptant mes nombreux retry sur le niveau supplémentaire de ce remake.

Le top ! Mention spéciale au thème de la bande a picsou qui est culte mais aussi à celui du niveau de la lune <3

Un bon jeu qui accuse son âge : game design très fade, les niveaux sont assez expéditifs tout comme les boss et avec des phases de plateforme parfois frustrantes. N'empêche que l'enrobage est tout de même bon et il sait quand s'arrêter.

Muito bem feito e trabalhado, um remaster exemplar.
(Difícil pra cacete também)

neat little game

I like the little collection quests in the levels

Desculpa Sonaz...... mas eu não consegui gostar......

Really fun platformer, give it a try if you have a few hours to spare!

Trilha sonoro e plataforma super preciso.
Bem desafiador.
A arte e a trilha desse jogo não merecem o título de "Remasterização" que já tá bem desgastado pela própria indústria, parece até um Remake.

the best music EVER love ducktales

Ducktales is the best cartoon ever, and my favorite NES game. A pretty good upgrade from the 8 Bit version. WooWoo

It's surprisingly good for a licensed game, but it isn't anything amazing. The standout part of the gameplay is Scrooge's pogo jump mechanic, which feels great to use. The game is also faithful to being a DuckTales game, and it's nice to see all the characters in it. That said, the level design can be very hit or miss, and sometimes the game is very difficult in ways that aren't always fair.

I would've rated this game at least a full point higher if not for the last level of the game, where the punishment for failure at a certain point is so severe that I contemplated giving up after failing several times in a row at the final part and being forced to redo the entire stage. I did stick with it and the feeling of beating the level was satisfying, but one single checkpoint would've been all the game needed to keep the game fun until the end. Or you can just play on easy mode and have infinite lives, but I'm stubborn. And also you also can't change your difficulty after selecting it, so keep that in mind.


I loved the character and style of the game. The soundtrack is also phenomenal.

Some great retro 2D platforming fun!

Rare cas d'école où le remake a vieilli beaucoup plus vite que le jeu original.
Préférez le jeu original.

Haven't played the OG but this is fun

starts the space level

"Ooooh, so that's where THAT song came from"

The art and music are great but for some reason I couldn't get into it.

It's charming, yes, but man do those old style platformer rules kick your butt. Not in a good way either

High quality remake of a classic that I've never played.

Goof Troop SNES remake when.

Scrooge’s enemies will curse the day they pointed and laughed at elderly duck-like geezers, once they and their compadres get bonk’d en masse by one of the deadliest weapons ever wielded by mortal hands (and feathers), THE POGO STICK / GOLF CLUB CANE

A perfect remake of a classic game, even if it's occasionally tough as heck. I appreciate the dedication to making it feel like the original, but I do wish it maybe had a some difficulty or accessibility options to make it a bit less frustrating at times. Also this soundtrack is an all-timer. The Moon Theme is already great but this specific version of it is flawless.

A must play for any platformer fan. It's a great game with so much love put into it.

I think I would have appreciated this game more if I was familiar with the show or the original NES game this is meant to be a "remaster" of (this is much closer to a remake imo), since I don't really know any of the characters or background story. I still enjoyed my time with this one, though; its hard to go wrong with a short and simple classic platformer like this one.

Although I said the game is simple, I definitely don't mean it's easy. There's a few other reviews here talking about how tough this game can get, but wow this game was WAY harder than I ever expected. Nothing wrong with a challenging game, especially since this game's so short it'd be over in like 4 hours if it wasn't difficult. I'm just shocked that it was this difficult since it seems like an easy stroll of a game from the whole tone of it. I think part of what made this game such a tough time for me is that Scrooge's movement never felt all that natural to me. He doesn't control badly, but he just feels sluggish and floaty. It took me a bit to get used to the weird windup he has to do with his cane to hit in front of him and his signature pogo jump just reminded me of how bad I am at playing with Cranky Kong in Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. Admittedly, much of that is a skill issue on my part, but man Scrooge's physics and movement was just not doing it for me in the levels where you have to make a mad dash to survive. It doesn't help that you only get two lives (technically three because this is one of those games where 0 technically counts as a life). I also really felt the lack of checkpoints with how much stuff you'll have to be redoing each time you get a game over, which was absolutely infuriating with the final level considering that its a pretty long level where you need to beat a boss and two different "rush to the end or else you die" segments. Took me a lot of memorization to do that level.

I just want to make a brief (for my standards anyway) paragraph here about the visuals and music. The music is wonderful, but the graphics were...very odd. I know this game came out in 2013, but the 3D does not blend well with the 2D parts at all and its very distracting. I kinda wish this game was fully 2D in that really charming art style it already has, sort of like a Cuphead or Wario Land Shake-It, but I also understand that those games were very difficult to make in part because of that stylistic choice so I can see why they didn't want to do it.

Overall, I did enjoy my time with DuckTales Remastered, but it was a surprisingly tough game. I enjoyed the difficulty for every level except that final one; I know I never want to replay that again. 3.5 stars from me. If the game didn't make me replay the entire level from the beginning after getting a game over, I'd bump it up.