Reviews from

in the past

flawless game. best fallout game ever made. its the only game i've played where choices truly matter to the overall story. really fun and def recommend. truly replayable until the end of time.

Fallout New Vegas: Ultimate Edition
I've played the vanilla version many times before on my PS3, most recently being a year or two this is my first time playing the DLC.
This will mostly be covering that while mentioning DLC at the very end
The game is a genuine masterpiece, a peak of story, characters and worldbuilding in the post apocalypse genre.
Saying that as a kid it never gripped me the same way Fallout 3 did, this was due to it being much more open and exploratory rather than 3s easier linear presentation.
But as I've gotten older and replayed the game more and more, the more I appreciate it and love it. No other game I've played explores the interactions between factions, the branching path, your choices truly having weight like this game does.
While people complain about the gunplay, while I get it, it's really not as much of an issue people say and I enjoy it.
Genuinely all the issues that arise with this game either come from the fact that it was rushed and crashes a shit ton, or the holdovers from Fallout 3.
And yeah while I didn't get a ton of crashes they were consistent enough to still be an issue and keep me on my toes
But yeah, other than technical issues the game really is a masterclass in this genre and I would have loved to see what Obsidian could have done with more time

Now for the DLCs
Honest Hearts
This is the weakest of the DLC
Joshua was an absolute delight, loved his character before the DLC and love him even after playing it
Other than Joshua I really feel this DLC doesn't flesh out the native tribes enough so a lot of it just seems like you're fucking about until the DLC want's to be interesting at the very end and whenever you talk to Joshua
Wasn't expecting much from this tbh

Dead Money
Dead Money was an incredible DLC
The characters, story and setting were all absolutely perfect
The survival horror aspect was also amazing and a wonderful use of the mechanics given
The Sierra Madre itself feels over fairly quick in comparison to the surrounding town but...
I think it's still very well paced with an amazing cast of characters including the main antagonist Father Elijah
Definitely more of what I was expecting from a Fallout New Vegas DLC Honest Hearts didn't give
Also Christine is sooooo fucking good I love her let's go lesbians

Old World Blues
Here's my thought on Old World Blues
Funny as fuck
While a lot of FNV DLCs feel very grounded and trying to get a message across OWB just feels like they were able to just nerd out about old sci fi movies and just have fun with it
Idk why the game allows you to take your own gear into this it would work better without that since they were talking about seeing my foot penises with full covering Sierra Madre armour on, but that is such a small gripe
But yeah it's just good whacky fun
It's just a good solid DLC with so much charm slammed into it, it's really fun

Last but definitely not least
Lonesome Road
The final DLC of Fallout New Vegas
Every other DLC and even the base game makes reference to this one so much it's insane and has a lot to live up to
It does, it's oppressive, a message from Ulysses to the Courier about the rise and fall of nations
The Divide is such an amazing setting, I loved seeing the marked men. They represent the Divides unification, no bear, no bull, a corruption of something new that was once blooming, destroyed by the Courier. Remnants and the dying are all that stay in The Divide.
It feels like a true conclusion that wraps up everything that base FNV laid down

great game and great expansions, quiete buggy tho, highly moddable,

I really need to replay this, because I just didn't really enjoy this game.
I liked it less than Fallout 3 and even 4, even though I was so excited AND I'm trans so I should automatically have a +5 enjoyment buff when playing New Vegas :o

Great, but released in 2010 and really shows its age. Use the Viva New Vegas mod guide and play in god mode for optimal enjoyment.

The best post-apocalypse game ever made.

Excellent world design, main story, side quests, build variety, loot, weapons/armour, player freedom and lore.

Combat is dated and wasn't great even back on release. Mods only help so much.

I love everyting about this game, even the often critized visuals. Fallout: New Vegas is essentially what makes video games a great medium for overall storytelling, and despite the faults of an older engine, I think New Vegas aged like fine wine, portaying a now nearly abandoned age of video games, where the players can essentially write their own stories.

I firmly believe that everyone should at least complete this game once in a lifetime who enjoy playing video games. Not just because it is nearly a flawless game inspired from many different things, but because it is such an enjoyable journey filled with great jokes, characters that are genuinly likeable and good set pieces that look great even today.

The aesthetic of Fallout is beyond anything, and I firmly believe that this radioactive wasteland is one of the best, if not the best, fictional worlds ever created.

Just do yourself a favor and play with it.

it really is as good as everyone says i promise

the star is knocked down mostly for the DLCs of which i... did not like any of them really. i think the game is a fine experience without them. they do offer more story and gameplay, but i did not connect with any of them except maybe blood money which is also probably the more generic one. its themes have been played out better in other stories. honest hearts and lonesome road i have very mixed feelings about, particularly about ulysses... old world blues is a straight up a skip imo

i should really finish the dlc some day

A solid entry in the bethesda family of highly moddable RPGs. I won't sugar coat it. I fucking hate deserts. But this goes to show how good the game is to get a rating this high considering the location. The base game can be a bit lacking (other than the end game and most of the actual new vegas (location) quest strings) but the DLC is where this game shines. They are all really damn good (ok honest hearts has ass gameplay but the story is fire) and together with the base game create something special especially if you get some really fire mods. It might not be my favorite modern fallout but its still a solid entry.
And I do have a modded 4k ultra 60 fps walkthrough w/commentary here for anyone interested:

Also have a modding guide for new vegas for those who are interested in modding the PC port into its best possible form:

Would finish it but the game stopped working after I got to New Vegas. As phenomenal as it is, I don't want to start over.

retro futurism + post-apocalyptic + western + rat pack era vegas + wacky shit = my favorite game ever

Gostei, mas não achei incrível, acho q o tow é até melhor

Initially got the game on a whim since Fallout 4 just released, and I wanted to play some of the older games first. Now I've nearly 600 hours wandering the Nevada wastes, and haven't even touched Fallout 4. It's just that endless/good/replayable a game.

Fallout: New Vegas is the buggiest piece of trash ever released, with quite possibly the worst gunplay in a first person shooter to date. Keeping those things in mind, I believe F:NV is the best RPG of all time and a top 3 video game ever made.

No other title comes close to the amount the player can do with their words. The dialogue is superb, and the quest design lends itself to using your speech to solve problems in any way you can imagine. The world-building is also the best in the medium, with a completely foreign yet believable southwestern United States. To top it all off, it has the best DLCs I’ve ever seen in a game, each telling its own story about putting the past behind oneself and not giving into nostalgia. If you can be patient with the crashes, lack of sprint button, and awkward gunplay, then you might just find a diamond of platinum-sheen in the Mojave desert rough.

O melhor Fallout e quem discorda tá errado.

play it again, johnny guitar

One of the best RPGs ever made and my personal favourite game of all time.
The only reason the game isn't a 5 is the sheer amount of bugs and crashing you experience without mods. Besides that, a perfect game.

Great game haven't played vanilla but with mods easy 5 outta 5.

best fallout game no doubt

Esse jogo consertou absurdamente tudo de errado com Fallout 3, ele tem uma história espetacular, ótimo sistema de RP, os companions são incríveis, e há facçãoes novas pois os devs estavam com novas ideias, como a eterna luta entre NCR e Legião de Cesar. Além do mundo interessante os Personagens bem escritos e um mundo bem construído e com isso em menos de 1 ano e 6 meses a Obsidian que era um baita estúdio com os games de RPG como Knights of old Republic 2 e Icewind dale 2, fez o melhor jogo de todos os tempos nós termos objetivos isso não é um jogo é um doutorado de Game design bem feito e o Final é incrível tudo na verdade é.

Used to prefer 3 over this, the desert environment didn't do it for me. But after careful consideration I changed my mind. Haven't played the DLC.

Primeiramente, não consigo me lembrar quando comecei a jogar esse jogo, mas lembro que me interessei por ser meio faroeste, e como me apaixonei por essa temática lendo as HQ italiana "Tex".
Bom, sobre o jogo, ele é um RPG incrível, apesar de ter envelhecido mal, entretanto, esse mal envelhecimento pode ser resolvido com mods e configurações alternativas (isso não é desculpa para defender o jogo, mas sim, métodos para poder aproveitar melhor o jogo). A história de produção dele é inacreditável, tendo sido produzido de forma prodigiosa pela Obsidian.
Sobre a gameplay, é meia travada para os dias atuais, entretanto, as ideias que norteiam a produção desse jogo facilitam a liberdade: "Vá para qualquer lugar, faça qualquer coisa, zere de qualquer maneira, elimine qualquer NPC" (menos um, mas aí é spoiler falar qual).
Sobre os gráficos: não acho correto abordar isso para esse jogo, porque tratar dos gráficos ruins dele poderiam desanimar quem nunca jogou, e no fim, você vai acabar baixando mods de qualquer maneira.
Sobre a história: o jogo começa com você levando um tiro na cabeça, e logo após, você é salvo do túmulo por um robô; após dias desacordado você acordará na casa de um médico, e por aí, ele vai te explicar sobre o universo do jogo. Para não dar muito spoiler: você é um mensageiro, literalmente um carteiro, que estava indo entregar uma remessa muito "especial".
As missões secundárias são maravilhosas, cada companion tem sua lore própria. O sistema de karma é separado do sistema de reputações, então, você pode ser odiado por uma facção, mas ainda ter um bom karma no geral, e ser considerado bom; mas, lembre-se, dependendo do companion, sua reputação o tornará hostil.

Enfim, não tratarei da lore do Fallout aqui, mas de qualquer modo, esse é um jogo para todos, e no fim você sentirá que aqui, suas escolhas importam.

Apenas jogue, e... bem vindo a Vegas.

This game is god tier in role play games. It gives you freedom to be anything. I personally played as a sane scientific expert in Plasma that helped everyone in the Mojave. The second playthrough was an insane melee psychopath that joined the files of Caesar.

It isn't a FPS game, it's an FPS-RPG game. So it's not Call of Duty with numbers. And no, it's not Destiny either. But you may already have known that.

Factions are present. What the hell is a faction in this game? Well, it's a group with a certain ideology they follow. You can choose what to do with them. Ally with them, do some missions, gain their respect. Kill everyone, it's your choice.

Just play it, stop reading. Be the diplomatic Messiah the Mojave always needed or be the Boogeyman that puts the end to all conflicts, because they're all dead!

The DLC's are great too, some better than others but overall good. My favorites were Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road, both take two wild approaches to it's story and gameplay.

When i was playing the game at my first time didn't know english very well so which caused me to not being able to understand game at that time but one of the best game experience in my experiences.

oyun mekanik olarak bişi sunmuyor ama rpg elementleri iyi
(dlcler hikaye ile ilgili olsada hepsi b*ktan)