Reviews from

in the past

Vou ser sincero que logo quando este jogo foi anunciado eu já estava com vontade do jogar todinho, mas infelizmente não tinha Game Pass e o jogo custava até que bastaste, mas graças ao bom deus consegui ter graças a um amigo um tempo de Game Pass o que me fez aproveitar a maravilhosa joia que é o Hi-Fi Rush, para quem gosta de um bom jogo de Hack Slash ao melhor estilo DMC então vai se sentir em casa e com a sua maravilhosa trilha sonora deixa o jogo fenomenal e com as piadas e personagens só são mais algumas das coisas que este jogo conseguiu acertar
O que eu digo é que valeu muito a pena ter esperado por este jogo e ainda é para mim como um dos melhores jogos do ano

Inizialmente il gioco mi stava piacendo un casino, ma ho iniziato a stufarmi del gioco quando mi si sono presentate davanti due cose: la confusione nelle fasi con tanti nemici che ti vengono addosso e la ripetizione di questi ultimi.
Un giorno potrei riprenderlo per finirlo, visto che non mi manca molto, ma per adesso ne ho avuto abbastanza.

This game slaps but Korsica's dogshit attempt at a Scottish accent makes me want to claw my ears off

Robbie Daymond is either evil or a himbo

Basically No Straight Roads but better

Okay, después de haberle metido unas cuarenta horas, desbloquear el final secreto y obtener todos los coleccionables, creo que si me gusto jajaja

I suck ass at this game and idk if ill replay it but its really good

tentei mais de uma vez, deu pra mim n.
achei paia a musica generica.mp3 no fundo
o combate é legal
grafico me lembrou uns jogos de xbox360
enfim, não é pra mim, mt feliz por quem curtiu mas n deu n

Conceito interessantíssimo a mistura de hack'n slash com ritmo, mas não me pegou tanto quanto eu gostaria. No fim das contas acabei achando "só" bom.

Hi-Fi Rush is one of those few "only could have been a video game" games.

Taking a rhythm game and making it into a character action game with incredibly stylistic visuals and a fun, heartfelt story? Right up my alley.

It's not perfect, some of the enemy types are annoying and some of the puzzle/platformer elements left me wishing I could just go back to fighting.

Still, most of the experience is absolutely stellar and highly recommended to anyone who doesn't mind being a little overstimulated after playing a video game. Definitely on my Game of the Year shortlist.

We're starting to see the return of old Mikami.

This is a total asshole nitpick on my end, but I am pretty disappointed that this game stays in 4/4 time signature most of the game. Mechanically, it's the best way to introduce the core Stylish Action (or Character Action, if you prefer, but I'll take my nomenclature from the people who actually made the genre) combo systems, 4/4 measure of a two quarter notes, quarter rest, then another quarter note doing the classic "X, X, nothing, X" styles of combos. Not having any penalty for getting off the beat ensures that it's not too demanding, there's no chance of failure and only rewards via an increase in damage.

But by the fifth or so mission the novelty was wearing off and all I was left with was an above average Stylish Action game that's gimmick isn't as defining to the game as it wants you to think. How cool would it be to have a stealth mission in a 2/2 time signature where you need to use slower and more deliberately placed presses for dashing, or a hectic boss fight in 6/8? It feels like a major missed opportunity for a game that's whole identity is rhythm.

Unglaublich wie man ein Action Beat em Up mit Rhythmus so gut kombinieren kann. Super ausgereiftes nettes Spiel mit extrem viel Charme. Vor allem Charakter und Animationen sind auf einem Top Level. Ich bin extrem froh, dass es solche kreativen und einzigartigen Konzepte/Spiele gibt. Eines der besten Spiele 2023

Not sure I’ve ever played a game so excited to be itself.

To pensando ainda se volto ou nao ao jogo
acabei n conseguindo jogar qnd lancou e acho q o Hype foi embora junto com a vontade de zerar o game, apesar de ser bem bom

Hi-Fi Rush is what you get when a developer puts quality and soul over quantity and greedy monetization. When a developer is allowed to follow their artistic vision and simply make a good f***ing game.

This is truly one of the best games I've played from a big publisher in recent years. While it's not the longest game, it more than makes up for it with stylish art, charming characters, a killer soundtrack, amazing combat, and an insanely fun blending of rhythm and style grade beat-em-up mechanics.

É bem louco de se imaginar que shinji mikami(sim, aquele shinji mikami), e uma nova cara na tango chamado John Johanas, formaram uma dupla dinâmica e nos entregaram um jogo BEM dinâmico chamado Hi-Fi que nos deu as caras pós evento direct da xbox, o que foi surpresa para muita gente por que é bem difícil vermos tal façanha na indústria, e, pelo o que nos foi mostrado no trailer, veríamos um jogo até que bem diferente vindo de um estúdio que produziu dois jogos que trouxeram uma escuridão aonde havia luz nos survivor horror.

Hi-Fi Rush logo de cara já nos mostra uma ideia e estética que não vemos tanto nessa era atual dos games, onde realismo e perfeição estão acima da criatividade e simplicidade, e isso faz com que Hi-Fi Rush seja um jogo bem único e com uma certa identidade, trazendo a tona um sistema rítmico que no começo é um pouco complicado de se acostumar, mas depois que você pega o jeito é igual andar de bicicleta. E com esse estilo de jogo misturado com um hack and slash bem simples, mas atrativo, vemos de longe um jogo que em nenhum momento quer te passar algo complexo e ramificado, pelo contrário, Hi-Fi Rush quer lhe entregar o hack and slash musical mais simples e direto, fazendo o jogador se acostumar rápido com a mecânica de jogo e simplesmente "sentir a vibe" que o mesmo proporciona com sua energética trilha sonora que encaixa como uma luva ao estilo do jogo.

E toda essa simplicidade que agrada o jogador é composta por uma BELÍSSIMA direção de arte e uma estética colorida e cenários bem vivos que acabam concatenando com todo o ritmo musical do jogo, ritmo esse que está presente nesses cenários, o fator musical é algo muito recorrente na ambientação do jogo, fazendo com que cada cenário do jogo tenha seu próprio ritmo, isso faz com que tudo ao redor de chai ser algo vivo, rítmico e bem orgânico, podendo até ajudar o player a entrar na atmosfera do jogo e se acostumar com essa mecânica que Hi-Fi Rush proporciona.

Todos esses fatores sustentam o jogo que tem uma história agradável e bem divertida que funciona bem com o game, e toda essa diversão e adrenalina que a trama lhe passa é algo tão genuíno e puro, que você acaba se entrelaçando com o elenco de personagens do game que exalam um extremo carisma e conseguem lhe tirar um singelo sorriso do rosto. é Interessante vermos que em nenhum momento o jogo lhe entrega algo complexo, pelo contrário, todo o conteúdo e atmosfera do jogo é usado de forma exímia para fazer o player se sentir totalmente aconchegado e quentinho com o game.

I found the rush to be decently high fidelity. Very enjoyable experience.

Makes me wish Microsoft would buy more studios and fund other fantastic projects like this

Divertido, mas calma né gente...

Muito bem polido, na verdade toda a parte técnica é muito bem feita! MAS, cansa um pouco a repetição, e a história é tão previsível e qualquer coisa, que quase não terminei o jogo.

Unbelievable how Tango Gameworks pulled a game this cute and charming out of nowhere.

An amalgamation of the best bits from Jet Set Radio, Sunset Overdrive and Devil May Cry but also adding the rhythm element, and it's genius how almost every asset in your surroundings reacts to the beat! This just gets better considering the fact that it has a killer soundtrack with some original tracks and licensed music too! Every character is unique, each one has their own set of motivations, personality and charisma, even the villains! hell, even the fucking background characters! Beautiful artstyle as well, it has this sort of cartoony cel-shaded style that blends seamlessly when transitioning from the 2D cutscenes to the 3D gameplay.

The rhythm-based combat allows for very entertaining and satisfying encounters spiced with great enemy variety, and each boss fight has its own unique set of mechanics and dynamics that differentiates them from the rest. Flow is the word. Tango took some design choices from Doom Eternal with the collectibles, since they are actually fun to look for and don't feel like a chore. In fact there is a lot of references and easter eggs from games developed by the sister companies working under Bethesda. Progression feels very rewarding and straight-lined, no unnecessary RPG elements like most of the games that feel the need to have that nowadays.

I knew this was gonna be a 10/10 from the very first cutscene, a very fun adventure with a charming story and its own brand of humor that doesn't feel childish nor forced, but very on-point. One of few games that made me cry just because of its creativity, uniqueness, charm and mere existence; it is a thing of beauty. A game that respects your time. Feels like playing a 6th gen videogame again. Easy choice for game of the year.

A generic one liner filled story but with heart. A step back from all the serious toned games recently makes this game a HUGE breath of fresh air especially with all the likable characters and easy to follow story. One of those games where you'll be amused by every nook and cranny with funny dialogue from NPCs or just looking at the rhythm in the environment.

The cartoonish style of the game made me enjoy it the most, but after a few hours I just got pretty bored with the game, not an L, but not a W either

After the first level I was sure this was a 4 or even 4.5 star game for me, but a few hours later I found it had really started to drag. On reflection I think I was wowed by my first impression and the sheer stylishness of it, but the game didn't really evolve from there in any unexpected or interesting ways.

The main cuplrit is the uninspired platforming sections. They were slow and clunky with puzzles and secrets you've seen a hundred times before, and more importantly just didn't "feel good" to play. Rather than being engaged and curious, it seemed I spent most of my time meandering between the much more interesting fight sequences. There were glimmers of something more in the rail sections, and perhaps the later levels would have won me back, but I didn't fancy spending another hour or two trudging through yet another underground tunnel complex.

I have a lot of praise for the dialogue, voice acting, art direction etc. I doubt anyone could argue against this being a supremely stylish and cohesive game. It shines in its combat, with some neat interactions between the beat and various combos or mechanics. I'd have loved to see more focus on that both in terms of complexity and proportion of gameplay. Basically: get out of my way and let me play the good bits.

First let's get some cons out of the way:
- jump and double jump feel very shitty outside of combat
- the tutorial sequences are a bit lenghty
- Chai and Peppermint are very annoying near the start (same for the 'rockstar' thing)
- Macaron's ability feels very clunky and is especially ankward when you need to use it on bosses
- the story is extremely predictable and cheesy (though for the most part it fits with the cartoonish aesthetic of the game)
- a couple of minor glitches
- the inability to skip through dialogue without waiting for the voice actors to finish the lines made me actively not want to speak with NPCs (even though the dialogue itself is pretty well-written)

Other than that it's an extremely fun game. Once you master the controls the combat is buttery smooth - and even if you don't, the game doesn't really punish for it. I feel like you can completely fuck up a level, or just generally only spam light attack and still get a grade B or higher (at least on the normal difficulty). The art direction and graphics in general are beatiful to look at, both if it comes to the game and cutscenes (also the way they intertwine - absolute magic). I also liked the cast of characters - despite a few flaws I think everyone can find at least one character they like in the mixture - be it a villain or a good guy (for me it's Zanzo <3). There are also surprisingly many good jokes - I thoght I would be cringing quite a bit but the game actually squeezed out more laughs than... cringes (?) from me.

Overall it's a joy to play. If you can beat like the first three levels of geometry dash and don't hate rythm games you should check it out - especially if you have game pass.

não sei nem elogiar esse jogo de tantas coisas boas que ele tem, claramente o melhor jogo do ano

Epic and awesome video game. Wish there were more recognizable artists used in the game but the music was good regardless. Every boss fight was unique and fun

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