Reviews from

in the past

i love gossip girl

idk catch me pogging tf out and soyfacing bc I thought this was a cute and fun time, I liked it :3

Man. I really wanted to like this one, but the enemy placement is so frustrating. Getting the rainbow drops is also really annoying, and the final level, dark castle, makes you pick a path and kills you for fun if you pick the wrong one in one of it's levels. It's not bad, and it has it's fun moments, but it's extremely annoying at times and I'm glad Dreamland 3 and 64 do item collection much better.

Dream Land 2 é uma boa continuação, graças a possibilidade de salvar o progresso no cartucho conseguiram ampliar bastante o escopo do jogo

As fases continuam curtinhas, bem pensadas para uma experiência portátil e a batalha com o chefões é satisfatória

A ideia de adicionar bichos companheiros foi legal mas senti que em alguns seguimentos eles mais atrapalharam do que ajudaram e por vezes preferi seguir apenas o o Kirby

Ainda sim é um dos melhores títulos do Game Boy e vale a pena ser jogado!

Joder, es difícil el puto para ser un Kirby. Me gustan las monturas de animales, pero no entiendo como algunas veces tienes que quitártelas a posta para pasar por huecos en los niveles.

Existe uma dificuldade em pegar as rainbows drops, mas tudo bem. O jogo em si é enjoadinho... só que ainda é melhor que Squeak Squad.

Great beginning of the Dark Matter Series. Also Kirby’s companions are so cute

Talk about disappointment.

The first Kirby game, despite being super short and extremely easy, was charming and fun to play from beginning to end. Kirby’s Adventure on the NES, on the other hand, was superior in EVERY way imaginable, being not only one of the most impressive games on the NES’ library, but also established the formula upon which every 2D platforming Kirby game would follow.

After those two experiences, I was hoping that Kirby’s Dream Land 2 would be able to deliver an adventure at least on the same level of the prior games, but it ended up being my least favourite in the series up to this point.

The level design is super poor, with lots of terrible enemy placement and layouts; the enemy variety is seriously lacking; the copy abilities selection isn’t great; the boss fights aren’t near as good as they were in the previous games. The animal companions/mounts are a fun gimmick, but I always felt I’d much rather be playing as Kirby whenever I got the chance. I never felt they were implemented as they should have been here.

The final boss fight was cool though, but again, not as polished as the previous games.

It isn’t terrible by any means, but definitely a subpar experience, especially considering it’s a Kirby game from its era.

Kirby ile Obez arkadaşları Kötü yaratıkları yiyor en iyi oyun

Pior que o primeiro mas não é ruim

Copy abilities is a W but man is this enemy placement frustrating.

Pros: An interesting twist on the Kirby formula, where Kirby rides different animal buddies to modify his copy abilities, it's kinda neat! The game takes from Kirby Adventure from NES for its basic structure, levels, worlds, copy abilities, and they're all made well enough, if not a little bit watered down with less content in general. But because there are fewer copy abilities than Adventure, the addition of Animal Friends help expand the few abilities that are in with new animal specific attacks. The animals themselves also feature their own useful abilities. Rick the adorable hamster has running and jumping prowess, Kine the fish can swim quickly and through currents, and Coo the owl can speedily soar through the sky. I quite enjoyed all these critters.

Cons: The pacing and level design isn't quite as engaging compared to other Kirby games to me. Also the music not quite as memorable. In fact... Get ready to hear the same few songs over and over, as each animal has a song that always plays whenever you ride them, and as good as those songs might be, it can get old by game's end, especially if you would like to hear different themes from each new world.

What it means to me: I love animals, and I especially love ridable animal buddies in games, such as the ones in the Donkey Kong Country series, so I was very happy seeing Kirby get his own group! This was also the first Kirby game I played where copy abilities were a thing, and naturally, I liked them a lot, hah! Don't have much else to add, thought it was a decent game, even if the levels didn't really excite me much.

i like it cause it's kirby but i feel like da animal friends take away from da fun simplicity of how kirby plays

also wat is going on with da level design agsdhkjjwrhjnerf </3

I lost the entirety of my review of this game, so I’ll just say that this game gets 3.5 stars and that the Kracko fight made me suicidal.

Super underrated! Introduces Rick, Kine, and Coo which turn this platformer into way more of a puzzle game than the previous entries.

Remarkable little platformer! A worthy successor to the first game and I found myself surprised with how well it's held up, despite the occasional issue or two.

It's Kerbo
It's his second time in dream land)

I love how spark + kine makes it look like you're brutally torturing kine and kirby doesn't even care

I have somewhat of a personal vendetta against Game Boy. Not only do I not like the graphics on this thing, but I feel like the sound chip often produces the most nightmarish high-pitched cacophonies imaginable.

Due to that, Dream Land 2 is really not a game for me. While it's virtually just Kirby's Adventure remade for Game Boy with the addition of extremely cute companions, I'd replay Adventure any day over this title.

There's also a tendency of Kirby games to sometimes feature hidden objects behind obstacles that as a first time player you can't forsee, which makes the game a bit of a drag. I'd gladly replay levels if I were to miss something, but Dream Lands 2 and 3 go beyond that and pad out their length with challenges you usually can only complete if you already know of them.

Not really anything special, but still fun.

It adds the copy ability from Adventure, so the gameplay is definitely more interesting. which i think was definitely necessary considering that the game is longer than Dreamland 1.

It cut quite a few of the abilities. in trade it adds a few companions that effect the attack of each ability. which, is a neat concept but is just kinda there in my opinion. you get 4 versions of the same concept instead of 4 completely unique abilities.

soundtrack is pretty good. Dreamland 1's was better though.

Overall its kinda just more Kirby. not by any-means bad per-say just, kinda unmemorable.

I'm not gonna call it a disappointment, but I will say it's real surreal to have a Kirby game where there's no sword power. And sometimes the animals are more of a hindrance than a help.

For every positive this game has there’s a negative:

+ More levels than Dream Land 1
- The levels are poorly designed, varying between boring and annoying with the enemy placements

+ Copy ability is here!
- There’s only 6 abilities you can get and they’re barely useful most of the time

+ The animal friends are a neat addition
- They usually aren’t much help outside of the specific situations they’re needed/giving you a bit of a health buff

+ A very cool and challenging final secret boss
- That has a timer feature on its final phase that feels very unfair

So yeah, very torn on this one. It’s not terrible but definitely not as good as Dream Land 1 or Advenure.

Kirby Series Ranked