Reviews from

in the past

A very cute, very well made action platformer seeing Kirby pair up with friends in order to defeat evil. I just wish the screen resolution was bigger, and jump/float was on one button.

An okay Kirby game. It brings in the copy ability from Kirby's Adventure, and adds 3 "friends" who Kirby can team up with which affect Kirby's abilities. It's not as good as Adventure, though. There aren't as many power-ups, and I wasn't terribly impressed with the level design.

Its good parts are just kinda okay and its bad parts are kinda really bad...

Cute game, love Kirby's friends.

Terrible item collection with no record of what you have gotten to beat it, not sure I'll ever bother. Besides that okay.

I beat it at some point, beating the game means not even fighting the true final boss, but gets you the credits. A pixel hunt to get collectibles, AKA 100%, gets the real ending, and it sucks.

i dont remember where i got this from i woke up and had it one day

Un salto gigantesco desde el primer Kirby's Dream Land para portátil. Añadiendo la capacidad de copiar habilidades del título de NES y combinándolo con los tres nuevos compañeros de Kirby, tenemos virtualmente la misma cantidad de poderes con un planteamiento que vuelve las fases algo más rejugables. Una maravilla que encima cuenta con una banda sonora tremenda.

This was a fun game but man these puzzles went insane the further you got. Like you had to really go through some hoops and think things through.

Love the addition of the animal buddies.

Cute game! I'd say it was better than the first game. Much longer and more difficult. The new trio are pretty cool as well!

Improves everything about the first game because it adds animals

Kirby’s animal buddies that were added to this were probably some of the best editions to any game ever. Rick needs to show up more.

The start of the Dark Matter Trilogy, introducing the Animal buddies was a great way to expand on the Copy Abilities introduced in Adventure, even if it reduced the exact number of abilities. 100% can be a little obtuse but otherwise this is a great game.

I really didn't enjoy it. There are several things in this one that I didn't like, even though some of these are purely subjective. I can easily see how people would really like or love this game, though.
I think what I didn't like the most was the level design. While I think the use of Kirby's friends is a good idea, I found myself not liking it very much. Most of the time I preferred to play as Kirby because I didn't struggle so much to walk around with him.
Several times through the game, there are situations where after crossing a door, you have to react very quickly, because either an enemy is dropping on you, or because you're on a disappearing block that will make you fall into spikes. That's kind of scummy in my opinion, but it wouldn't be as big as an issue if they had implemented the double tap to run, like in Kirby's Adventure.
Compared to the previous game, the final boss didn't do much for me.
And Dark Castle 6 can choke on a cactus.

Decent Kirby adventure but it's got way more fluff than the one-and-done simplicity of Dream Land 1 and the getting the star sword pieces is the pits

Antes de Kirby ser apenas um jogo fofinho e fácil era um platformer extremamente criativo e bem-feito. Realmente impressionado com o ótimo level design e o pacing. Também pode ser enganosamente difícil. Eu até morri para alguns bosses!

nice mix of Dream Land and Adventure with cute animals

Its another return to Dream Land with Kirby's Dream Land 2, and while it adds animals to help you along your venture, much of the game is the same as the series everyone has come to known. Sure its not really new, but not everything needs to be new to be fun, and Dream Land 2 provides enough fun and joy for any Kirby fan to give it a go. Although anyone despising the series will probably just see it as Kirby with animals.

Imagine Kirby’s Dream Land 3, but it sucks ass.

Okay, maybe that’s a little too harsh. This game has that good old fashioned Kirby charm, with very cute enemy design and ally design! The addition of animal buddies was great in my opinion... or, well, a great foundation, anyway. The enemy names are also very good, and I wish I had encountered “Floaty the Drifter” at a time when I was young enough to be deciding upon user handles.

Unfortunately there’s where my praise kind of ends, as this game is bogged down in a ton of early installment jank that makes a lot of its then-new game mechanics feel more irritating than fun. The fact that you lose your abilities after one hit makes it feel like you have to babysit them if you want to use them to solve the puzzles that let you 100% the game, and they’re so nerfed in boss fights that they feel kind of useless to bring along. I think it’s a case of balance but it just doesn’t feel good!

The animal buddies are in roughly the same boat. The screen real estate is bad enough as Kirby, much less the buddies who have way bigger hitboxes. They give you an extra life bar, but aside from Coo they make platforming kind of rough and some of the ability combinations are really bad at actually hitting enemies... not to mention the enemy that outright one-shots the animal buddies??? Honestly, the game feels kind of mean in places compared to a lot of the series, with pits that only Kirby can escape on account of being too deep for Kine or Rick to escape (and also there are spikes). And man, don’t get me started on the endgame autoscrollers.

Anyway, I probably would be easier on this if I actually played it back in the day outside of renting it once or twice, but I keep comparing it mentally to Kirby’s Dream Land 3, which I did play back in the day and basically takes every concept here and makes it better, aside from perhaps being even more obtuse in some of its objectives. I think I would rather play that game again instead of trying to get the true end of this game.

It's really good until World 5, where it just falls off a cliff.

Frankly, going back to the Gameboy feels like it hurt this title, as I believe it to be the weakest entry in the series, or at least the weakest mainline game. The strange hitbox tomfoolery is back in full form, the Animal Buddies feel like they could have been fleshed out a bit more, and the hunt for the main collectibles to fight the final boss is the most obnoxious and tedious it's ever been in the franchise, with incredibly strict and specific routes to follow to obtain each one. Combine that with relatively bland level design by Kirby standards, and you've just got an unremarkable game. One of the only titles in the franchise I'd call "mid".

bem mais complexo que o 1, bem MAIOR que o 1, bem melhor em tudo em relação ao 1
eu só não gosto muito como esse jogo é frustrante. Tem muita fase foda, mas também tem muita que da vontade de cometer persona 3. Enfim, eu gostei.

Solid, very solid. At least half a star is thrown on here due to nostalgia, since I played the shit out of this game until Pokemon and Wario Land II hit the scene.

Kine remains one of the best fish in gaming. Rick and Coo are cool too, but they can't spit exploding lightbulbs at people.

Super impressive game for what it was back then. Would have loved this for it’s time. Mini bosses get repetitive, but I love the pet system or buddy system they used

It's alright but the first 2 Kirbys are better, the animals are cool and funny though. Also no way I'm getting the collectibles

Loved the comeback for the gameboy, the animal friends are a great gimmick and this one has the most memorable boss fights for me from the original ones.

feels like a great extension of Kirby's core gameplay, with the animal friends adding additional complexity to abilities and putting more emphasis on traditional platforming that's usually less of a priority in Kirby. it also looks and sounds wonderful with Super Gameboy enhancements. would definitely consider a highlight of the platform.