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in the past

Whilst I liked the graphics of the original better I loved this game a lot. I love the extras and I loved that we got to see more about Magolor !!!!

Perfect remake. I wish more remakes could get the love and attention this got.

The remaster I didn't know I needed. The original is still great, but this game is near perfect. Graphics are great (outlines take a min to get used to) and 60fps is great. The extra modes and new copy abilities make it worth to double dip. Just a classic wii game made even better.

magolor epilogue is the bowser's fury of the kirby series

Great remake didn't finish magalor mode because I thought his moveset wasn't fun but im glad people who like him got it tho

Cute, but the original wasn´t that old to justify this remake. The added Magolor stuff is the best but kinda short and easy. A nightmare for completionists but a really fun time with friends (Omg cool minigames!)

i really enjoyed this. the only thing i didn't like was the fact that the super abilities appear too often and fighting those phoenix gets annoying real quick

really basic kirby experience but its a really well done kirby experience.

its like the first one but better and still as nostalgic to me

soy un pequeño maricon tonto y travieso

Every Kirby game is a majestic Kirby game.

Never played the original, but this remastered is pretty good. I felt like very tired when I was close to the final, because the levels are too long compared to previous Kirby games. A strenght of the game is the variety of trasformation and moves that you can do. Also the multyplayer aspect and the minigames are pretty solid.

I prefered, unexpectedly, the Magolor story that was added in this chapter exclusive on Nintendo Switch. Levels are really short but fun to play, they fit really well in a portable console (not good to do in Wii version). The possibilities and variety of Magolor's power are incredible and development of those are really fun to obtain.

I recommend this game to the original game fans, the story of Magolor is worth buying and original. The base game is a classic Kirby (before Forgotten Land) nothing more, nothing less.

Pretty good remaster. New features were fun and the new art style is pretty good overall. Not a fan of Dedede's look. Same great game, new bad price.

This game is fun, and the Epilogue is a nice addition that felt fully fleshed out (not to mention the mini games).

they censored Dedede's neck bones

It's a solid port of the Wii version! I have yet to actually beat the campaign in the remaster but it's "more of that, plus some okay side content". The graphical style is cute, the physics feel good, it's good! It's a Kirby game. It's good!!

Great port of a great game with the bonus of adding Magolor lore and what is essentially a condensed Mario Party game but with Kirby characters.

i got this game the day it came out and thats already over three months ago and thats insane for me to think about. i remember being split on how much i wanted to get it despite how angry the $60 dollar prize tag made me, but i think this game has more than that value to me now based just on how much i think about it and magolor and how much ive replayed the true arena to see his bossfight. just today ive completed a true 100% (beat all magoland true missions, completed sound room songs) and i want to leave this game behind and get over it but i already created a new save file so. thank you for ruining my life

I already loved RtDL, it is my favorite kirby game, and this is literally just a better version of the same game. Perfection

I tried to do a four player playthrough with friends, it didn't go well at all. Good Kirby game

To be honest I never actually played the original game on Wii (didn't actually own any Kirby games on the system until 2018... and even then it was just Dream Collection lol), so this was ultimately my first experience with the game. And, well, all I can say is that it was a really good one.

Levels are overall just well-designed and fun in general, full of variety in terms of the core level design, art style and all the different power-ups/abilities you can pick up, while also being open for replayability and completion with collectibles like the Energy Spheres which unlock new challenges and 'rooms' within the Starcutter.

The 'Super Abilites' were especially interesting to me, largely coming down to how they used upgraded versions of the regular abilities to change up the environment and unlock dimensional rifts, adding a sort of mini-challenge taking place within a sub-level that allows you to unlock energy spheres. Plus the game is generally well designed around the abilities in general and how you can use certain abilities with the environment and level design.

The visuals are also really nice and colorful, and I really like the storybook aesthetic for the cutscenes. Plus the controls also feel really good.

Really, the only thing that I can complain about is that the difficulty is really on the easy side, especially if you're just beating the main story mode instead of going for collectibles. It does pick up a bit towards the end, but even then I was able to hold on to around 50 lives at the end of the game just on my first playthrough. That being said I don't think Kirby is really a series that is going for any level of difficulty so it doesn't bother me all that much. Guess I could also point out that Kirby's ground movement was a little slow for my liking at least in some areas, but again, didn't really bother me too much.

This remake also adds some new features and further replayability to the game. Admittedly I didn't really get too into it as I just focused on beating the Story Mode for this playthrough, but I do think it is worth noting in addition to the updated graphical style, there's also the addition of masks, the 'Merry Magoland' mode, and the Magalor epilogue that adds some lore to the character - something I'm definitely going to go back to and try at some point and gives some added value to the remake even for those who already own and/or played through the original version.

Overall, really solid remake and I can see why this game is among the fan favorites. As someone who's just now getting into the series, this might be my favorite out of what I played (which granted is just Kirby's Dream Land 1, Forgotten Land and this lol) and honestly between playing it and Forgotten Land last year I do kind of wish I played more Kirby games growing up.

Pretty good Kirby game, nothing amazing compared to the other entries in the series though. I felt the lack of collectibles in the levels outside of the spheres took away from it for me, I would have preferred dress-up masks be collected like Keychains in Triple Deluxe or Stickers in Robobot, instead of tied to the mini-games.

Magalor's Epliogue elevated my overall rating a good bit, it was a bit short but such a fun experience. Nintendo keep nailing it with these extra side modes in their ports.

Great experience, still a TON more to do. 8/10

Kirby games are ultimately fairly similar to one another, and they're typically very easy. For those reasons, I feel like I don't have too much to say about this. It's a really solid platforming game where the defining "twist," is that you can copy the ability of many enemies that block your way.

Different abilities in the game feel unique and there's a decent blend of obscure powers, classic favorites, and new entries. The challenges in the game never feel particularly difficult, but I don't think they feel mind-numbingly easy either. It's a general audience and feels approachable to everything, including children. Co-Op is super easy to jumping in and out, and everyone is able to enjoy trying abilities as Kirby. This made it a really fun time to play with my girlfriend.

The extra content outside of the main game is plentiful, but not interesting enough to get me to interact with some of it. Namely the boss rush and the mirror mode, both of which are exactly what they sound like (bosses back-to-back and playing the game again but right-to-left instead of left-to-right) The minigames were very fun however, and I have to give really big props to the Magolor epilogue.

The epilogue chapter was plenty of fun and gives you control over a character with so many awesome abilities that you can further upgrade. The character goes from performing like a wet paper towel to becoming a crazy shooting, teleporting, back-hole opening god. It's a shame that the levels in this were so much shorter and that the campaign doesn't last for more time. By the end of this, I enjoyed the gameplay style more then the main campaign, but I should just play something other than a Kirby game if that's what I'm looking for.

Ultimately, it's a Kirby game. Far from the best one, but a very good one. It's relaxing, super cute, supports some really fun and un-intrusive co-op and is worth playing. An awesome way to introduce people to video games too.

Estos juegos son serotonina pura y un lugar cómodo al que volver cada vez que sacan uno nuevo, aunque sea un remake.

I've played many Kirby games that came out before and after the original Wii release. Was about to try it out but this remaster got announced so I said heck, let's just play this one.

Let's start with the overall main campaign:
Kirby’s Return to Dream Land set the blueprint for future Kirby games. They've improved on many things. Many copy abbilities got brought back and got improved tenfold. Ninja and Wing felt rather lackluster in their debut game but here, they are very fun to use. There aren't too many copy abbilities but the ones we have, provide a vast array of movesets. Very much quality over quantity. The optional abbility challenges are not just fun but also provide a nice tutorial for you to really master your abbilities. I also like the level design. There are collectible macguffins in all stages which require you to use your head a bit, so half-assing stages isn't reccomended. Sometimes stages also include items which Kirby have to carry, like a cannon that shoots repeatedly for example. They provide a nice temporal buff but also hinder your movement abbilities in some ways. I've found these items to be well placed and tied to the stage puzzles in clever ways. Even with these nice little small innovations and overall good design, I've found the main campaign to drag on a little too much. Near the end it kinda runs out of ideas and fails to show much new or exciting. The overall game is also a bit on the more basic side but it makes sense since it was Kirby's big Return (to Dreamland) It crawled so future games could run. The harder extra mode is also nice but not something I'd get to finish right after my first playtrough for the above mentioned reasons.

The other stuff:
This remaster features 2 new copy abbs. Sand and Mecha. Sand is not that hype in my opinion. Has some cool moves but overall, a lesser version of Water. Mecha on the other hand is pretty hype. As a mecha anime lover myself, it has one of the coolest movesets ever. The fireball launching up-attack might be a bit busted tho. You can spam it and it deals a ton of damage. Might be a better boss killer than Hammer but I still have to test it.

You also have the obligatory Arena mode. Never was my thing but I always welcome it. The new Magolor Epilogue however is pretty dope. It provides a completely new, combo and upgrade-buying based gameplay. It's fun and ends before it loses steam. For a small extra thing, It's an excellent addition.

So all in all, Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe is a perfectly fine Kirby experience. One of the best introductory games for the franchise and seemingly the definitive version. Later games are a bit better but there are still many hours of fun provided by this title. Good to play in small bursts and the Switch is just perfect for this.