Reviews from

in the past

I little overhated but still a weak entry in the franchise. Vetra was a baddie though.

I really tried to like this and to finish it but I can't.
The combat is good, the setup is interesting, I liked the idea of focusing on exploration but I feel like Mass Effect games aren't meant to be open world and that was the first of many missteps. It just doesn't feel like Mass Effect. The open worlds are filled with the usual collectathon and get boring so quickly. There's what appears to be an infinite number of side quests consisting of "collect this", "shoot these creatures in this boring place in the middle of the desert".
The main plot is kind of interesting but again, it's kind of a new coat of paint on the story we've seen before. The angara are interesting and their culture is rich but... it's a new galaxy and they're the only new species we find? And they didn't even bother to bring so many of the old ones, how can they not bring back the quarrians at least?
Ryder is dull, the companions are all so boring, and a mass effect game without the characters is just... well... this. If the characters don't interest me the whole experience is ruined, I can't care. And part of the problem is the childish and comedic tone that doesn't fit in the Mass Effect universe.
Mass Effect is one of my favorite series, I don't understand how they screwed up so bad. Generic, flawed and boring.

This game gives me the space exploration feeling that I've never thought I've needed. Really liked it

overhated, overshadowed, and over uhhhhh

It's alright but you really have to accept that there's a huge chunk of trash missions in the game.

Full of problems, but was a nice experience and I'm glad I played it

genuinely a decent story concept that's very weirdly executed. it feels like a mass effect reskin of an otherwise unrelated sci-fi exploration game meant to get fans into the series but just ended up pissing fans off. it has genuinely pretty locations and some charming albeit underutilised characters like vetra and reyes but the core plot being such a missed opportunity and janky models/gameplay/animations really bring it down

Неплохое космическое приключение с приятной графикой и геймплеем

People are way too harsh on this game, like yeah a lot of it is boring and yeah it’s a lot of wasted potential but people act like this is one of the worst games ever. It’s no better or worse than AC Black Flag imo

Far away from "Trilogy" but playable.

Honestly this game gets more hate than it deserves in my opinion. After patches I found the overall gameplay experience to be enjoyable. Defiantly the weakest story of the francize

Probably the best combat in the entire series let down by the fact I genuinely did not care about a single thing I was doing or anyone I was travelling around with (Except Drack. Only character that reaches the original trilogy's quality.)

3.5 / 5.
Overhated tbh. Sure this game doesn't hold a candle to the original trilogy but as it's own seperate thing, it's fun. It's got a nice set of characters, good world design, and a decent story.
Yes it has tons of problems, but I can overlook those as I had a good time playing it.
Next time I revisit it i'll 100% complete it.


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After completing the Legenedary Edition of the original Trilogy, I needed more Mass Effect. I have heard mixed reviews of this game, and as someone who has enjoyed the more divisive BioWare games such as Mass Effect 3 or Dragon Age 2, I was willing to give it a chance. It turned out to be kind of like Dragon Age Inquisition, but with all the downsides of that game.

The cast feels like the ME1 cast, except worse in every way. No shot you will ever remember the Krogan in this game compared to Wrex. No way you will ever compare Vetra Nyx to Garrus. Liara from the first game was kinda boring and had to be saved by the writing of 2 and 3, but Peebee just feels like they wanted to repeat the process that you would love the main Asari of the group and she just does not have that magic. The Nomad basically has zero percent of the charm that the Normandy had. I feel like Ryder would probably be a better protagonist if it weren't for the fact that the previous cast was Commander fucking Shepard, so they stick out like a sore thumb.

The exploration feels like a worse version of the exploration of Inquisition. Every quest feels less like world building and more just like uninteresting busywork. The worlds felt very unrecognizable and bland. The combat felt okay, but it was still bogged down by all the downsides of this game. I was told by other Mass Effect fans that this game had their favorite combat, which confused me because 2 and mainly 3 felt so much better. And then there's the glitches, which are genuinely really funny. But also is a big indicator that this game was rushed. This game was crunched, not unlike the other games such as Inquisition and DA2, except it feels awful here. I'm already not having a fun time with the game, so it just breaking the way that it does is just so... it's funny but it also makes me sad the way that it is.

I feel like this game has a concept of an interesting story and the fact that they wanted to be separate in story from the trilogy is okay. But... it's just so uninteresting. Awful villains, a protagonist I don't really care about at all, a cast that isn't much better, they introduced a new race called the Angara which are pretty cool but feel wasted with how uninteresting this whole story and game is. They deserved better.

I'm not usually this negative and I don't go out scouting games I know I don't like. I did not go in, wanting to dislike this game and yet I did. And it's fucking Mass Effect. So yeah... not a fan of this game.


Boring. Just boring. Also, the gay romance options are lame.

Where the hell do I even begin.

Graphics and some design choices are almost irrelevant to me and gameplay is always king. But this one is almost an exception because of the problems I had with it and the experience.

I will say that the gameplay here and gunplay is more satisfying than the original in my opinion since it has been "modernized" although that could also be a double-edged sword.

The story? It was a total meh.
The antagonist was very predictable and didn't got me too invested.

The characters were not as memorable as the previous ones but I do appreciate the originality on some.

The missions were not as good as the OG's.
Overall for me this was a wasted potential. It had good concepts and good steps but it was a total flop by the end of the canvas.

Not that bad, but none of them make me horny.

Junk missions, inconsistent plot, bland characters - these are just a few of Andromeda's many defects. I don't understand the idea behind this production. It ruined a great trilogy and unnecessarily pissed off the fans. There are certain series that should not be continued. Mass Effect is one of them. Avoid "Andromeda" at all cost.

I haven't played the original trilogy but it was told to be better than this remake. It is my first game from this franchise and after all the bugs had been fixed, I find it to be very good overall game with dragon age like party mechanic with a very satisfying gameplay. It had a good cast of characters I find intriguing, It has one the best open world with its gorgeous graphics and world building design. Travel animations can be a bit tedious at times. The story however have a generic narrative but it doesn't let me down to finish the game.

a stain on the series. apologists all around for this atrocity. yes i played it back when i still had hope for bioware

First I would like to address the bugs. As of 2023, the planets Eos and Voeld have bugs that will corrupt your save files when you die or otherwise need to load. I am willing to put up with a lot of bugs, more than I probably should honestly, but ruining save data is my line. It is completely unacceptable and I do not recommend playing this game on that alone. That said I am too big of a Mass Effect fan and can't stand not finishing what I start so I save scummed worse than I have ever save scummed to get through it... and then there was a bug that said my memory was too full even though I deleted all the saves. Piece. Of. Crap. Anyway, in terms of story and gameplay I liked it but it's certainly a mixed bag. The main storyline on Kadara or Liam's Loyalty mission are as good as the series has ever been, but then on the other hand you have a bunch of diet versions of the Original Trilogy conflicts and Cora humansplaining Asari philosophy to Asari and the game not thinking that's weird. The Angara are easily one of my favorite species in Mass Effect, but the Kett don't really have it to be main antagonists. Would have loved a proper sequel as I don't think it would be difficult at all to smooth everything out but it is what it is.

Mass Effect original trilogy is my favorite video game of all time. I guess I didn't play Mass Effect Andromeda at the right moment, as I started playing and stopped, for no reason, after a while (and 5 years have passed since then), so I believe something went wrong either with the game or with my timing to pick it up.
Yet, this is a title I expect to return to play in the future, just for the sake of being a Mass Effect title. I don't have any expectations from it, although I completely loved the original trilogy, but maybe I will like it? Who knows?

You can receive head from a buff purple alien. 6/10.

if you heard somewhere that this game deserves another chance
no it doesn't