Reviews from

in the past

The Volus deserve to be on the Council.

Took me years to figure out how to play this without having a big ass circle for a crosshair, but holy shit what a great game. Might have the best story in the trilogy.

Played like the first 10 to 15 hours and liked the story. The gameplay on the other hand was kind of meh. Also i played it on Ps4 and not on Ps3.

a great intro into the mass effect universe
while the combat is weird at times, the story, setting, and characters all make up for it. each character is written very well, tons of depth, and i found the voice acting to be great. the mechanic of dialogue options, along with charm and intimidate, was a great addition to the game that added weight to your decisions and would change how the story played out. while this is a staple of mass effect games and many games nowadays, this game does a great job at it. the addition of the solar system and being able to explore random planets in the mako was really cool as well
the skill point menu and most of the ui in general was pretty annoying, but i still found this game to have a great story and it really kept me invested throughout my time playing it

Learned this game too late and now its too old to play :(

I really love the concept of a galactic council of races where everybody is pretty tolerant for the most part but all have genuinely good reasons to be wary of the others.

Except Batarians - it is fucking on SIGHT with Batarians.

Mass Effect's scope and narrative seem vast, but in reality it's a very tight and well-paced plot. Interestingly enough, Mass Effect's side quests are mostly better represented choice wise in the sequels than the majority of side missions in ME2, though there are also a few that have little bearing on anything beyond an email or minor line of dialogue.

Great story, but lacking perfect gameplay. Still, one of the greatest experiences ever in gaming.

People say that it's worth working through the awful gunplay to get to the story neglecting the fact that it has some all time boring writing and delivery. I played this shit for like 15 hours in desperate search for a lick of appeal and came up hopelessly empty.

So far pretty good, will update later if i feel like

Great Sci-fi RPG: fantastic world building, and characters that you'll grow to love over the course of the next couple games.

Mass effect is a peculiar game that brought different feelings to me in this first playthrough.

The main quest is really awesome and consistent, all the missions make sense, are funny and catches you with a solid and well constructed plot that is full of twits, good characters and options. I fell that every main character from your party has a good construction and devolvement, the dialogues are really good, the scenarios are just beautiful and impressives. The codex is really useful for those who don't know the world and show us the incredible world building of this universe, all the aliens are well designed with unique traces, characteristics and history.

At the same time that the game looks incredible looking to the main quests, it has a lack of content in the secondary quests and exploration, it's really repetitive and bores you if you like to make 100% of the areas or even 50% because everything is pretty the SAME just changing scenarios and the land color. Of course this is a review based on 2023 games and is not compatible with the felling when the game dropped in 2007. Another problem that i see people comment in the game is it's gameplay, I don't love it but i disagree with the coments, yes it's simple but works for me and complete the experience of a solid and massive history where you need to stay focused to fully understand with a simple and funny combat that don't demands a lot focus and thinking from you, just walkaway and kill some aliens, the combat also have a good variability in it's enemys and boss fights.

To finish, i loved mass effect 1 and fished it in 33 hours playing a lot of side quests, the game is a massive and well constructed experience with some oportunitys to improve that i really hope to see explored in mass effect 2.

Loved the story and the world created. Combat and a few gameplay mechanics were a bit tedious

this is the mass effect game with the most rpg elements and i like that, the story was gripping and fun, gameplay was good as well, i still much prefer the heating system in this game rather than the ammo system in 2 and 3 but i guess it makes more sense for making the combat more fun.

The most RPG'esque out of the Mass Effect trilogy. The game is held up by a genuinely compelling mystery and a small group of incredibly well written and instantly iconic characters. The game also has the unenviable task of establishing a vast and complex galaxy, a task which it effortlessly completes. The only things holding it back is its somewhat dated combat mechanics, which can at time make the game feel clunky, and its heavy reuse of combat arenas.

Amazing game, this is the first RPG I truly wanted to do every mission and talk to every NPC to learn about the world. The game play was exciting and the necessity to experiment and swap weapons and abilities to deal with enemies was exciting and a feature that is severely missed in the later games. While I haven't gone back and played a second play though yet, I can't wait to pick this title up again in the future for an evil run

It's a product of its time. The story is simple with a simple plot twist, but I'm kind of glad because that simplicity helped me to not be overwhelmed with all the alien races and species. The story, despite being simple it's not bad and I did not hope for more. It's the first game in the series and it's a good stepping stone. If it was by itself.. I don't think I would of have disliked it, but I don't think I would love it either.

This is the first Mass Effect game I've ever played and I REALLY enjoyed it.

Although the combat is a bit annoying sometimes, especially with aiming down the sights, and the movement can be a bit irritating, the story and characters are amazing. I love the use of a romance mechanic, as it makes you feel more in control with Shepard, and the graphics look really good for an Xbox 360 game. I did encounter quite a few frame drops, especially during battles, which is odd considering my Xbox One is more powerful than the Xbox 360, so it should maintain the frame rate better.

But in conclusion, I absolutely loved it, and I've heard from reviews online that Mass Effect 2 is even better (which is why my score is not higher - if I do enjoy it better than Mass Effect 1, I will keep this last paragraph).
Note: I enjoyed Mass Effect 2, more than Mass Effect 1, even though there were feature changes I disagreed with

I really wish this game wouldn’t have an awful scene where you drive this vehicle. Really made me abandon this game even though I liked it until then.

Back when bioware cared about the quality of their games... ME1 was crazy, especially towards the end when so much starts happening, I remember playing this during exam season and just not being able to stop until i finished it because it was just getting so fuckinggggg insane.. everything starting to unfold... woah... I barely got any sleep that night... AND THE CREDITS MUSIC.......................... 10/10

The first Mass Effect game marks the beginning of a masterpiece saga. Mass Effect is, without a doubt, the best game trilogy ever created. It stands as a timeless masterpiece, capturing the hearts of players and leaving a lasting legacy. From the captivating characters to the vast galaxy, the game evokes a range of emotions and presents players with impactful decisions. Everything about this game is exceptional.
My first experience with a Bioware game was Dragon Age Origins, which I expected to enjoy due to its medieval setting. I decided to try Mass Effect because it was developed by the same team and offered choice-based decision-making and consequences. However, to my surprise, Mass Effect surpassed my expectations and quickly became my all-time favorite game, surpassing even my deep admiration for Dragon Age Origins at the time.
This game is an absolute must-play! Missing out on it would be a complete waste of a unique and unforgettable life experience. Trust me on this!

Uno dei migliori action rpg di sempre, almeno per quanto riguarda la storia.
Una trama condita da colpi di scena per niente prevedibili, suspense, caratterizzazione dei personaggi interessantissima, world building descritto in ogni sua sfaccettatura..insomma un lavoro che si vede che è stato fatto con passione e serietà.
I “problemi” che non mi fanno dare 5 stelle derivano essenzialmente dal gameplay, forse un po troppo basic.
Le abilità dei membri del party sono praticamente ininfluenti e sviluppate un po male, cozzano con il combat system di un tps del genere. Avrei preferito o qualcosa di più immediato, magari con meno abilità e con effetti più importanti, oppure direttamente un combat a turni alla dragon age.
Nonostante tutto però il gameplay rimane godibile e tutti i problemi sopracitati vanno un po in secondo piano grazie alla forza della scrittura del titolo.

I got to fuck a blue alien woman.

so far I love it but haven't been in the mood for ages

gave it 15 minutes and dropped it cause of how bad the animations are

Based solely on gameplay, definitely the weakest of the trilogy but it more than makes up for it in world building and story telling. Sets up the universe and makes it feel alive while leaving room for the future. Dont let the clunky controls drive you to skipping straight to ME2, the story is worth it.

A really good first entry but outdone in every way by its sequel

At its best, Mass Effect feels like living through a season of a Star Trek-like show: you get to experience an exciting story with a well-written and diverse group of characters, all the while making choices that impact the direction of the narrative. It's a very memorable experience that feels like it takes the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book formula to the next level.
On the other hand, the combat is dreadfully boring, and made worse by the PowerPointesque framerates on the Xbox 360 version. I don't remember enjoying a single fight in this game. I spent as little time playing around with my stats in this game as I could--anything to get back to the story and away from the combat. And the Mako is possibly the worst vehicle in a big-budget game that I have ever experience. Nothing can prepare you for the awfulness that is driving the Mako.
I highly recommend this game if you like Sci-Fi, but (unless there are issues I don't know about) I would recommend playing the Remastered version on PC to avoid the framerate issues.
Also, this game has a lot of loading screens. Bring a book.

a game that really makes you feel like a captain leading people with real lives with a engaging sci-fi plot and a overall feeling that the end is nigh. the characters and plot are enhanced by the star studded cast and voice actors which elevate the severity of the story.