Reviews from

in the past

Pretty dang nice. There could be long bouts without combat, but the story was good, so it kinda evened out.

Promising ideas but the universe feels too small. Also, what's up with the council? Are they stupid or something?

so fucking good, saw people saying give this a skip before Legendary Edition because it was so dated, so luckily the remaster is fantastic because the series warrants completion from front to back. some aspects like the driving is a little iffy

it feels more like a building block of whats to come, like the one thing Mass Effect does better than any game is have decisions have ramifications later, but the actual story is pretty simple and takes second stage compared to the strength of its characters and worldbuilding. mm the characters goddamn.

best written character is Ashley Williams, solely because on the surface she's just a strong tuff woman who can handle herself on the battlefield, but she's got weird self-centred conservative viewpoints. ive seen her called 'space racist' because she's pretty upfront about her discomfort around alien races, especially in regards to Liara, but at the same time, if you pick her for the salarian Assault on Virmire she's pretty clearly able to set that personal grudge aside for the mission. i totally let ashley die.

Narrative: 4
Gameplay: 3
Visuals: 3
X-Factor: 3.5
Overall: 3.5

Fantasically written, gameplay a bit dated but the story and universe this game created is well worth a play, especially if you get the legendary edition with refined controls and visuals.

I always try to replay the series so I can finally play 3, but I don't finish 3 so like a year later I try again and always start from the first game. Meaning what usually happens is I beat 1, and then I play like half of two. And then next time I beat 1 and 2, and then a third of 3. And then next time I beat 1 and 2 and get burned out and never play 3.

All this to say, I've played this goddamn game way to many times. Anyways, I'm gonna pick up the Remaster so I can finally beat 3. Or I will just beat this one again. I gonna do soldier this time! Yahoo!

When I first played Mass Effect, something about the game failed to engage me - from the cookie-cutter characters to the clunky controls, I felt I couldn't stick it out to the end, so I quit. But after returning, I soon realised that was a mistake. What this game lacks in those qualities, it makes up for in its mesmerising world and narrative craftsmanship. By the midpoint of the story, it had me absorbed. The game isn't narratively perfect or devoid of cliches, but among a sea of generic sci-fi stories, it's refreshing to see something so well thought out. I can't wait to see where the story goes next.

One of the most ambitious Sci-Fi epics in the medium.

Between the 4 games, I like this atmosphere the most.

Great story, brilliant rpg and thrilling world building

I played this game in mass effect legendary edition. While the story and setting was great. The gameplay wasn't great and most side quests were absolutely terrible. I'd recommend playing it just so that you can play mass effect 2 which is much better.

A game that you can both love and hate at the same time. The plot surpasses many of today's productions, but the gameplay is an absolute failure. Luckily, the characters are so great and the story is so phenomenal that the gameplay isn't that important here. One star deducted for Mako missions ;)

The best story in an RPG.

Excellent characters, main story, side quests, weapons/abilities, world/lore, mystery and role playing.

Combat is a little dated but manageable.

going around space adventures and making friens :)

Mass Effect is the only game in the trilogy to evoke the mystical aura characteristic of some of the best sci-fi works, all while introducing every bit of iconic imagery the franchise is known for and having the most physically present world in it to date. It comes with a hefty dose of jank, but it's a fine price to pay for such a monumental title. I couldn't imagine being as interested as I was in the more hollywood stories of 2 and 3 without 1's campy, episodic approach. As my memories of the sequels blend into their era of virtual militaristic action, making friends and unearthing secrets with less of a focus on combat will remain the most memorable game experience to me.

De vez em quando ainda me pego pensando sobre como essa experiência me ajudou a recuperar essa vontade de jogar videogames. Um cenario interessante e completamente imersivo, que me fez querer explorar e conhecer sobre o conteudo que ele tinha a oferecer. Assim que eu terminei pela primeira vez, sabia que teria que jogar de novo logo.

The writers of Mass Effect don't get enough credit for carrying this entire game on their backs. Bluntly put, Mass Effect isn't very fun to play, and has aged like milk, but the story and characters are so incredibly strong that it's still worth playing today.

I seriously cannot get into this series to save my life

Legendary Edition made it so that the game is tolerable to play but it doesn't change the fact that it's not that good; the Codex does a great job building an expansive and immersive world and the Game does a not so great job telling a story or developing its characters. Play it once to get the full Trilogy experience and then just edit your ME2 saves so Kirrahe lives

bioware devs in the studio like "okay so now make it so the blue alien who looks like a raptor has a really sexy voice"

I was never a big fan with space themed media especially video games but this game changed my perspective.

Choices, Dialogues, the setting, design choices, the landscape, combat mechanics. The game AGED WELL and is still a phenomenal and immersive experience especially with your relationships with each characters and companions.

Although in some of the builds some are just way too weak than the rest and the game did not really PUSH my right buttons exploring these builds. (or maybe I am just that dumb)

Loved this game!

They call this an epic space opera and as cheesy as it sounded to me, it ended up being true.

The biggest thing I liked about this game was the story. It made me hooked almost immediately and it pays off tremendously.

I played it on the ps5 and it looked and ran well but there were a couple of glitches that's surprised me. You'd think quality control would be better but I guess not. To be fair it was nothing game-breaking.

The battles were also fun. I played an engineer and ran with 2 bio-tech people and fights were always batshit crazy.

Don't really have any major negatives, cannot WAIT to play the second game!

Best atmosphere, worst gameplay

Levei muito tempo pra jogar mas quando peguei fui sugado, não sabia que era tão bom e realmente mergulhei na história. Quando terminei até achei meio curto mas talvez tenha sido o suficiente.

Story, yes, gameplay, ehhhhh. Well remembered for a reason but once was enough for me.

As someone who bounced off of the gameplay side of the original version of this a couple of times, the Legendary Edition's quality-of-life improvements were enough to get me over that hump and finally experience this compelling story and world properly. There's still plenty that doesn't work for me, like how obviously fake a lot of dialogue "choices" are and how unacceptably bad the Mako handles. The stats/player upgrades felt pretty much entirely pointless as did the game's economy, which I pretty much never interacted with, and I never did ANY of the tedious resource-collecting stuff. I did a few of the assignments and other side content but the bulk of it didn't seem meaningful or pique my interest, so I stuck largely to the main questline and had a good time that way.