Reviews from

in the past

i have no idea if i beat this game. it says the game consists of 16 levels and i beat 16 levels and the 17th level is just a room with no exit. i also had no idea what i was doing the whole entire game i was just running around. why does he collect bombs. genuinely what is going on

This game didn't make it for me. They wanted to have their own platforming style using big jumps and glide, but it was too clunky.

I will be honest that during the whole game, I didn't know what I was doing. I was collecting stuff without knowing what they do. I was woundering in levels to any doors I could find only to find out that sometimes, it brings you back to a same room that you already did. In the later levels, I was to lost that I've decide to use a guide and to my suprise, you can change colors in this game. When I've first started, I tried every button to know what they do and couldn't transform. I guess that collecting something will help you with that.

It was a real pain to complete, wasn't instinctive enough of a game and the controls were awful. This game wasn't for me.

Game #28 of my challenge

You just go around collecting bombs in forgettable levels.

Joguinho simples, repetitivo e sem muita graça. Dá pra entender como funciona sem o manual, mas o loop é cansativo e o design arcaico não anima muito.

O ponto de design que mais me chamou a atenção é relacionado ao salto. Apertando o botão uma segunda vez durante a subida faz com que o personagem interrompa o movimento e inicie a descida.

E durante a decida é possível bombear o salto pra se manter mais tempo no ar. É uma dinâmica que permite, com mais habilidade, desviar dos inimigos com maestria. Bem difícil, entretanto, por conta da velocidade geral dos inimigos.

There is something exceedingly satisfying about looking at the world's shittiest randomly spawning enemy formation and shmoving on through with a real "Nah, I'd win" energy, but I'd probably prefer a game without said shitty randomly spawning enemy formations.

Arino might be pretty good at games,actually.

Feel sorry for any kid that got stuck with this instead of a good nes game.

A single screen arcade game with boring graphics and bad gameplay. The jumping might be the challenge, but it is also frustrating and not fun.

I skipped ahead to the ending and he blows up the big pyramid after rescuing everybody so I guess that’s what he’s collecting the bombs for, except why would the bad guy have all those bombs in the first place. He’s like the wicked witch of the west keeping a bucket of water handy

Ufak yaşlarda oynadığım nostaljik oyunlardan biri. Kesinlikle bitirme gayesi olmadan ara ara oynanınca keyifli olan oyunlardan. 25 yıl sonra ilk defa adam akıllı üstüne düşerek bitirdim ama çok da elzem değil. oynayın, kefinize bakın sonra da unutun gitsin.

I've only tried playing this game because I saw Arino suffer through it on GameCenter CX.

Interesting idea for an exploratory puzzle platformer and Bomb Jack feels ok to control, but man this is like impossible with 3 lives and no continues, definitely plays better when you're save-scumming at the start of each stage. Of course, it'd have helped if Bomb Jack wasn't a one-hit kill as well. They want you to learn the layouts and secrets but also one fuck-up and your dead whoops.

Imagine playing a whole game with Kirby's Hi-Jump ability. There you have it: Mighty Bomb Jack. It's still a fine a piece of classic still, worth a shot.

Follows on from the gameplay of the original but with more cohesive visuals now. The level design is still lacking.

Played this after Mighty Jill Off, and I still like the wild, floaty jump and how chaotic that can be. This is if anything more masochistic than Jill Off, with less focus on specific platforming and instead just throwing you in chaotic NES enemy sprite mayhem. Still, it's a lot of fun, if a bit repetitive, even if you don't find any of the annoying hidden treasures and bullshit.