Reviews from

in the past

я русский не могу поиграть без пс плюса

gameplay horrível e travada além de ser um jogo que da uma sensação de mesmice o tempo todo e uma dificuldade que as vezes é meio injusta

It's a great game but it's not my style, everytime i play a souls-like i think "Man, i could be playing Zelda instead of this".

Its so difficult to describe my issue with Nioh in an intuitive way, but I guess I would say: if it feels more rewarding to underutilize or completely avoid components of your combat systems, youve probably designed your combat poorly. The Souls formula centers around oppressive conditions but Niohs mistake was putting all that oppressiveness in the player mechanics.

Como foi o primeiro Nioh, ele tem umas coisas bem desbalanceadas e o combate em si por consequência de ter sido o primeiro não é tão bom e refinado igual o segundo jogo, porém isso não significa que ele é ruim de forma alguma.

Você pode fazer builds extremamente roubadas nesse jogo, tem cada efeito especial nas armaduras/armas quebrado que matar um BOSS em menos de 30 segundos ou em 1 HIT como eu vi jogando co-op ou vendo vídeo de outras pessoas jogando é comum, acho que tira a graça dos bosses e principalmente meio que "joga terra" ao profundo sistema de combate que o jogo tem. Aparentemente é uma opinião controversa entre os fãs de Nioh mas eu gostei de terem nerfado bastante os efeitos especiais dos itens -mas claro, não o bastante para se tornarem inúteis.

Não só o Loot desse jogo é OP, mas as Magias Onmyo e Ninjutsu também, a quantidade de talismãs e sla bombas hoyoku-dama que você consegue levar é TÃO GRANDE que não ironicamente tu talvez vá precisar comprar conjunto de atalhos no ferreiro pra conseguir ter espaço pra todas sem abrir o inventário. Só de exemplo: Eu levo 6 pílulas de força, 1 pergaminho de troca rápida e todo o resto em bomba, com 4 talismãs de preguiça, 3 de fragilidade, 3 de enfraquecimento, 2 de Defesa, 3 de Aço e 1 de Regeneração

A great gamed marred with some questionable design. This is a soulslike, but with much better combat and a random loot system similar to a looter. Level design isn't so great and none of the levels are interconnected. It's odd that you can't really make a build till around your third playthrough. The beginning is a bit too hard as well, it ends up being much easier later on because it's all about the power of your gear which you don't have much choice of early on. A bit too long as well.

Sıkıcı ve kötü bosslar. Saçma ekipman sistemi. Sürekli tekrar eden tasarımsız bölümler. Olmayan denge. Tek olumlu yanı dövüş sistemi ama karşınızdaki düşmanlar sizi iki vuruşta indiren 5 canavar ve düz askerlerden oluştuğu için bununda anlamı kalmıyor. Hikayeyide öylesine yazmışlar sanırım.

Surpreendentemente bom, com uma gameplay ótima e bosses excelentes em sua gigantesca maioria. Facilmente o melhor soulslike que não é da From, adicionando muita coisa legal ao gênero.

fun arpg with different styles of play. the pace of combat moves very quickly so you'll often be on your toes for each new encounter.

The combat is awesome but the level's are really boring

Pretty fun take on a soulslike game, but let's be real sekiro is so much better.

The funniest thing about Nioh to me is just how pancake-flat the difficulty “curve” is. You are just fighting the same 5-10 dudes over and over for 20-30 hours, and your numbers are bigger-ing at more or less the same rate theirs are, so not only are you fighting the same enemies in the same environments, but the experience of fighting them, how quickly you kill them and they kill you, is almost exactly the same every time. Occasionally you will get a nice drop and you will kill Dude #3 in 5 hits instead of 6 for a mission or two, but then it goes back. Less occasionally, one of the enemies will get a new twist which means they have one more move, or you will get a new skill to try out, but it's all a wash, it doesn’t change the texture of any encounters much at all.

This was genuinely humorous to me and I would kind of object personify the different enemy types as they inevitably showed up every level, but I obviously don’t think this is good and I don’t think I have it in me to do it again, so here’s to hoping Nioh 2 has maybe 15 or even 20 enemies!

demorei pra perceber q o jogo nao era pra mim kkkkk dificil pra porra

Better than the second one, creative ideas mixed with not so creative ideas. Combat is snappy but sometimes has an overreliance on the complex move system that makes it unfun to play.

Challenging and exhilarating.
The game combines intense combat, deep customization, and a richly detailed world inspired by Japanese history and mythology. Basically Dark Souls in Japan.

While it draws inspiration from the Soulsborne genre, Nioh manages to carve out its own identity with its distinct setting and mechanics, making it a standout title for fans of challenging action RPGs.

one of the best soul likes out there, combat is perfection, i would say its even better then dark souls, also underrated pvp mode that is unfortunatly swarmed by hackers, cant wait to try out the sequel

o yo soy tonto o este juego es muy dificil

Wanted to do more damage in an action game? We had a method for that: It was called "GETTING GOOD"
"Yes please give me -4% Backstab Damage Taken. Please give me -8% Quick Attack Ki Usage"
-Statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged
LOOK at what gamedesigners have been demanding your Respect for all this time, with all the computersoftware WE built for them
"Hello I would like +3.8% Yokai Close Combat Damage"
They Have Played us for ABSOLUTE FOOLS...

Todos os combates no jogo são muito bons.
Os mapas repetem muito, mas não é TÃO problemático assim.
O foco não é ser bonito mas alguns bichos são bem bonitos até, principalmente os humanos, os sets de armadura quando completo deixa qualquer boneco bem bonito.

I love dark souls. I love Japan. Being a non-Japanese person who lived in Japan and learned a lot about the language in culture and worked there I loved the idea of Nioh. I absolutely hate the bonkers stamina pump mechanic and the logic for the enemies is some of the worst I've ever encountered in gaming. Stance idea has some promise but I don't have the patience to deal with this any time soon.

Great gameplay with skill trees that push is well past souls-likes, fun bosses, and overall just a nice comfort game weirdly for me.

Excellent souls like mais tellement frustrant par moments, beaucoup plus de situations où on se fait one shot que dans les jeux from software. La magie onmyo est aussi beaucoup trop cheatée.

I really found this game pretty disappointing. The stunlocking is atrocious, many of the enemy mobs are just unfair and the bosses are simply ridiculous. I definitely despised those aspects as well as how the player can only summon with a consumable item. I did love the art style as well as the locations in the game. They were great, which did keep me playing.