Reviews from

in the past

this game used to exist remember that i bet you dont

Got to experience at least one toxic game before it got assassinated

Was fun a while ago but servers are dead now.

My favorite pvp game until the meta went to shit(goats)

Great for short matches, fun playing a hamster in a wrecking ball, just avoid competitive if you value mental health

This game really got me into competitive first person shooters, as well as PC gaming in general. Super accessible to beginners, while also having lots of depth in each individual hero's toolkit. Again, a multiplayer game where you have the most fun because of the people you're playing it with. I miss original Overwatch.

I have conflicting feelings about this game. The beta and release were one of the best times in my gaming journey, and I was severely addicted to playing it. I've done it all, played in both low and high levels of play, and enjoyed the arcade aspects of it as well. The promised lore was extremely promising and one of the best aspects of the game, and then... it started declining.
Perhaps it was due to my long-running hours of the game, but it truly started nose-diving into an unbalanced mess, with no actual progression with the lore, lackluster events, and more. The game became extremely unfun to play with the unbalanced heroes and unfun metas. Unfortunately, my memories of it are mixed with the highest highs and the lowest of lows. Despite all this, I still think it was a great shooter, despite my soured taste.

everytime i ask myself why i still play this game I get an amazing play and feel like the ksi gif where he floats

i have the biggest love hate relationship with this game. i loved this game when it first came out and have tons of fond memories with old friends on this one. i think i love the idea of the game more than actually playing it tho. no game makes my blood boil like this one.

I miss you...
your lootboxes, your old maps, your stars after 100 levels...

pls, come back (┬┬﹏┬┬)

I miss this overwatch, but that might also be my nostalgia speaking. 6-stack was broken as hell but chaotic in such fun ways, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I also kind of miss the loot boxes

This is the most fun I had in an online game with my friends.
Everyone has moved on since the sequel launched. Maybe is for the best but the memories will live on, I guess.

Better than most class-based FPSs but the publishers did not deliver on any of the promised story and a few of the characters have become redundant to play in the last few updates. Not that you can play it now since the game was shut down to make way for its infinitely worse sequel.

actually cracks me up when people posit that it was good at launch because No the Fuck it Wasn't

I owe a lot to Overwatch. It's one of the first games I was really into, and I'm pretty sure it's straight up the first FPS I played, all the way back in 2016.

As much as people like to dunk on Overwatch nowdays, I truly think that this game is legendary. The hero designs are timeless, the gameplay is fun, the maps are iconic, the lore is... there. It's not the sort of game where the story ever progressed, but learning about the characters' backstories was always interesting.

6v6 and lootboxes may be gone, but not forgotten. (isn't it messed up how lootboxes were more f2p friendly than whatever the fuck game companies are doing nowdays?)

I miss this game.

Great characters, music, lore, animations and flawless fluidity of gameplay.
However the game constantly had broken characters on every single level and Blizzard never had a single moment where it was balanced even on one level.
If the players were complaining about a character, it took months to nerf it.
The updates at the beginning and mid-game were really good, but it slowed down and completely stopped at the end to develop an unnecessary sequel with wasted potential.

my child. ive loved you since the day you were born.

esse jogo tem um importância tão grande para mim, mas morreu na praia.

JEU DE LANNÉE en 2016 bien sur

Used to be one of my favourite games in 2016-2017 but it fell off pretty damn hard. But still, I'll rate it based on its peak era and not the later updates