Reviews from

in the past

[ Story: 8/10 | Gameplay: reading/10 | OST: 10/10 ]

I feel bad for the people who had to through this without a walkthrough in 2004. Despite the difficulty of sniffing out contradictions towards the last cases, this is a solid addition (and, well...start) to the franchise.

a start of something entirely new... the translation for it is incredible, though it did end up stabbing itself in the foot over the years with the forced californization lmaooooo. but it's a very charming game with tons of characters, great humor, fun writing and VN-like gameplay. some things aged badly, and i think the fan-favorite RFTA case just drags on too much, but overall the game had me by the balls since i first played it and i am very glad i did

funny lawyer game that blew my mind with every arc i played through everyone must experience this masterpiece

The main reason I hadn't fully played this one until now (despite having gone through so many other ADVs, like who plays all of Zero Escape, Danganronpa, the entire Layton series, the first AITSF game, Murder by Numbers, and the first half of the Silver Case before finishing a single phoenix wright game??) was because I did actually play most of it back in, maybe like, 2014 or 2015? Not too sure but I know it was a long-ass time ago and that I got stuck somewhere in an investigation section early on in the 4th case, and pre-teenaged me went to the next game in the series before finishing this one?? So I actually have the first couple cases under my belt for all 3 of the original trilogy, which made coming back to it a weird prospect, considering that I played them long ago enough where I'd want to restart from the beginning, but still remembered the overarching plots of several of the cases so there wouldn't be as many surprises as a blind playthrough had. But on a whim about a week ago I decided to redownload the trilogy and here we are.

It's good! There's a lot here that isn't super crazy given my wide experience with the ADV genre, but it's still a fun play, even if just for historical context (god, Danganronpa riffed so much from this series lol).

The highlights are definitely the trial sections, which probably take up most of the game, but the investigation sections do end up bringing down my score a tad. Movement is done in a tree which is pretty cumbersome at points and progression isn't always clear (although it does help to have a friend who's pretty familiar with the game watching along, which i did lol), but it's nothing super crazy if you've played this sorta game before.

The pacing is a little strange, with cases lasting anywhere from 40 minutes to probably like 6-7 hours, but it's nothing I can't handle. Each Umineko case was like 10-15 hours lol, so, basically, Rise From The Ashes ain't shit.... Still pretty good though, even if a bit meandering at points.

Definitely going to tackle the rest of this trilogy pretty soon since I remembered the most about this one by a long shot and still enjoyed it pretty well. I can see why it's acclaimed!

The Ace Attorney series was something I always wanted to get into for the longest time as someone that has played Visual Novels for awhile now at this point in time of my life. I really was only interested in it mainly due to its meme status it has on modern culture and how ridiculous it seems. Well I'm glad to tell you that the first entry did not disappoint in its absurd nature.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is the first game of later on what would be a trilogy of games that mainly follows our protagonist Phoenix Wright. He is an upcoming Defense Attorney who has no prior experience before the story so we both (the protagonist and we as a self-inserted player) are introduced to the courtroom. You are accompanied with your mentor, Mia Fey who is there seemingly to guide you through your first official trial. The opposing side, the Prosecution Lawyer Winston Payne, is trying to have your defendant accused guilty of murder. You use the evidence that the game gives you and YOU need to figure out how to defend that your defendant is innocent by using context clues and finding contradictions in the witness testimony. This is where the puzzle needs to be solved with the Point-and-Click elements that is laid out for you. The first trial is more or less a tutorial but gives insight on what to do and what is to become later on.

There are 5 episodic chapters that seamlessly flow into one another to tell an overarching story. Something is lurking behind the scenes whether it being evidence that isn't always in your face, but found through bluffs to get the witness to "cough-up" their lies. The Investigations and Trials get progressively longer to unravel each case because of the nuance that goes behind it. As you could probably expect, the Investigations "mode", you could say, is where you find your decisive evidence for the actual trial for the following day or days after and this can go back and forth depending on the amount of evidence that is revealed.

I would like to think that this is a murder mystery more than anything, considering all of the cases that are presented to you are murder cases. But this is also an Adventure, which is what is tagged for this games genre. The comedic flair is there sporadically, but it isn't really what I saw from the memes I'm familiar with. The series gets more goofy as you go on, but this is just the introduction so I can see how this is more serious than what I initially expected. Although my expectations were skewed, the game is still ridiculous, but I was unsure of what since I wanted to go in blind.

Mia Fey, the person accompanying you during the first trial, is apart of the Fey clan which is a family of spirit mediums. Not much longer after the first chapter/episode is over you are introduced to Mia's little sister, Maya. Who is also a spirit medium... in training. This review will not contain spoilers so I will just say that Maya is seen more frequently from episode 2 moving forward. Mia still shows up through Maya's 'channeling' but nonetheless is replaced with her little sister, your assistant. As you could probably expect, this is used throughout the game which is just absurd in a courtroom setting, yet is very helpful when used.

The Prosecutor, Miles Edgeworth is what I would say who is the main reason what made me love the game. With him antagonizing you through every trial, minus a few, you REALLY had to think wisely of what to say and present because he will try to find a guilty verdict somehow. With that and his compelling backstory, you have a game full of twists and turns while simultaneously being an episodic thriller with high stakes and careers/lives on the line.

I've come to like the recurring characters mostly but the rest that are introduced are one-off characters that are used as plot devices. While I wouldn't consider this as a bad thing, it does show that there is a lack of a memorable cast. This is just a minor personal issue of mine, but this game is only one of many so I won't say much on the matter.

My main issue revolves around episode 5, Rise from the Ashes. Following the emotion filled and revealing closure of what is episode 4, the game went to end credits and then all of the sudden the game was like "sike bitch you thought this was over, here is a bonus chapter." Which I was kind of confused on this decision by Capcom on why they would do this. It was more or less a slap in the face and just ignoring everything that happened prior by continuing something that doesn't have much relevance from the rest of the game. And the characters that are introduced are insufferable to say the least. Ema Skye in particular is just annoying and has no common sense whatsoever. She is supposed to "replace" Maya for this chapter, but she is just a nuisance while Maya was at least funny when she was being problematic. I unfortunately cannot pretend this chapter simply does not exist when it takes up a good portion of the entire games runtime. Which was painfully boring and was not needed to be dragged out that much. I could go on and on about this, but I would be revealing too much.

From the start to the end of episode 4, the game manages to tell a compelling overarching narrative, while also being engaging by its defense attorney and prosecutor dynamic. There aren't many faults to the game, despite the existence of episode 5, and is a visual novel that everyone should experience. Visual Novels are known for its pacing issues, but this one is different. It is one story that doesn't slow down, until justice is served. It made LAW fun. While it may be unrealistic in a lot of aspects, it however doesn't change what it offers as a story and as an actual game. I say objection to the contrary and you will too.

Jugado en la trilogía de la 3ds
Que gran juego, una pena que ya no se esté traduciendo al español.
Pese a ser una novela visual, el diálogo se siente bastante ligero y en ningún momento noté la necesidad de saltar diálogos por aburrimiento. Cada uno de ellos refleja a la perfección la personalidad y las intenciones del personaje y logra de manera perfecta que empatices con ellos.
A su vez,no entiendo como a la gente no le gusta la parte de investigación. Si, los juicios son la mejor parte, pero siento que sin lo otro perdería bastante ya que es lo que nos permite ir hilando por nuestra cuenta la historia y como dije previamente, ir conociendo mejor a los distintos personajes, junto a sus intenciones y personalidades.
El quinto juicio, también al contrario de lo que suele decir la gente, me parece el mejor del juego. Las mecánicas nuevas son bastante entretenidas y te ayudan a meterte más en el caso y la historia en sí es de las que mejor planteadas están.
La única pega que le encuentro, es que aunque sea razonable, el juego se siente hilado de más. Muchas veces he presentado pruebas que servirían para contradecir el argumento presentado pero por no ser el planteado por el guión, no la contabilizaba como válida. También ,en la misma linea, he de decir que algunos argumentos o situaciones se sintieron exageradas de más.

This game still holds up really well, it's so good, especially Turnabout Goodbyes

The base game was pretty much perfection and I'll overlook the bonus case being a bit too long and vague with its answers

Great puzzle game and interesting lore

Such a classic, I want to keep playing the rest of the series but for now I can't. It was such a good and fun game! Makes you think... LOVE YOU MAYA FEY

I was the murderer all along mwahhhahahahhaa 😈😈😈😈😈😈

Muy bueno el mejor juego porque me enseño a pensar

do you think lawyers can fall in love in the courtroom

This review contains spoilers

I don't like the supernatural aspect of the game, when the sister comes back to life to make the villain admit his crime was such a cheap writing wtf and I liked the villain he was so evil I wanted to get the satisfaction of stopping him.

Enjoyed this game a lot.

Case 1 - Adequate opener, not really memorable but it teaches you all you need to know

Case 2 - A bit better than Case 1, but I feel like such a “menacing” blackmailing villain was taken down too easily

Case 3 - Messed up saves so ended up replaying large portions which SUCKED. Looking back, it’s got some filler but it’s also a lot of fun? A lot of annoying characters though.

Case 4 - maybe my favourite so far? Either this one or Case 5. Great Edgeworth backstory.

Case 5 - I was not happy with how long the start felt. The investigation days are brutally long. However, the last court days SAVED this and gave me a lot to enjoy.

Muito bom, bizarro o quanto esse jogo me prendeu.

Miles Edgeworth is the Char Aznable of video games, and I adore him

the original, the myth, the legend. this game is truly incredible, and if you're even mildly interested, or even if you think you won't be, it's worth at least TRYING. a law-based game doesn't sound fun on paper, but god is this game fun.

enjoyable gameplay, enjoyable characters, enjoyable story, i have absolutely nothing bad to say about this game.

i have very fond memories of playing this game, hiding myself and my ds under my covers, and quietly whisper-shouting "objection!" into the mic while it was late at night and my mom would be mad at me for still being awake :')

Tava muito cansado pra tentar fazer a missão extra, por isso nem me importei. A premissa deste jogo é muito boa!

A really great game! Still on the 4th trial (w)right now. A great game from what I've played so far, and I hope it keeps being great.

Very cozy and fun. Characters are super charming and it feels rewarding to figure out the mysteries behind the cases. The investigations can be kind of lacking and the game can be picky in how you present evidence in some of the trials, but the charming characters and story more than make it for it.

Final cases are great, but 1-5 drags a bit too much for me and that stupid vase took me forever cause the game was so picky about it.

Case rankings:

A fantastic visual novel / adventure hybrid. We play as Phoenix, a hapless defense lawyer in a brutal system that gives him 3 days to prove his client's innocence. Gameplay is split between point-and-click Investigation phases where Phoenix visits a crime scene to find evidence, and the hectic trial sequences where players cross-examine witnesses and prise apart the faults in their testimony. Features excellent writing, particularly between Phoenix and his prosecutor rival, the aloof (but secretly good) Miles Edgeworth.