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in the past

I really like this game. In my view the overworld is way better, than it's predecessor and has a lot more to search for. While exploring the overworld I had a lot of fun finding different brands. It's really clever advertisement. The new Pikmins are a nice extension to the old Pikmin crew and the dungeons were sometimes really challenging. The lack of time pressure you have in this game may take some of the challenge, but all in all it's a fun experience und you'll definitely have fun exploring the overworld.

not as good as pikmin 1 no matter what they tell you

Probably one of the most frustrating games I've ever played. The caves overstay their welcome and only become more bloated and unfair as the game progresses, which takes so much away from the series' charm. Not to mention they're ugly and depressing to be in for long stretches. I really wish this game was better. I really liked it at the start, but the endgame is so atrociously bad and rage-inducing it's unbelievable.

Amazing, charming, engaging. Fun puzzles, charming creatures and characters. Great replayability. Great game. I like the cavern system even though it has no time restraint.

It improves on some things that were in Pikmin 1 like some of the Pikmin AI mostly and it looks better but despite it being an incredible sequel, I don't think it lives up to the original game. I do like the dungeon system even though it is a little flawed thanks to the random generated floors, falling boulders, and not enough variety. Thankfully it seems like Pikmin 4 is improving upon the system. I do like the new pikmin even though nothing stands a chance against purple pikmin. But overall its genuinely still a lot of fun and I love it a lot even though I'd rather return to Pikmin 1 and 3 any day of the week.

Fuck you Nintendo for releasing Pikmin 1+2 while I was in the middle of playing this emulated.

I imagine the biggest internal conversation regarding sequel development is in regards to changes. A sequel is always the best way to really assess what makes an original title work and what doesn't. Pikmin 1 had the benefit of being such a richly produced game I found it hard to imagine what could be done to improve on it while playing it for the first time a while ago.

Weird feeling to find out that Nintendo's answer, in 2004, seemed to be "not much."

Pikmin 2 really wanted to flip the core of Pikmin on its head, by going from a time-limited scramble for ship parts to a slower, methodical treasure hunt. Part of Pikmin's appeal, to me, will always be its ability to pressure the player. Controversial as it was, Pikmin's entire campaign was time-limited for 30 in-game days, each day about 13 minutes in length. So, in short, each Pikmin playthrough will last, at most, about six and a half hours, give or take. To stress it out, the player is put under two constant time limits, that for the day, and that for the 30 total days. On my first playthrough I missed the deadline at the last minute by having the last two crucial parts in separate areas on the last day. It was frustrating, but I still enjoyed Pikmin.

I was aware of how Pikmin 2 removed the 30-day time limit but I also wasn't aware of what else it did to flip up the core game loop.

i.e. fucking dungeons. A lot of this review is gonna be about the caves/dungeons, as they’re the new center of the gameplay in this sequel.

Pikmin 2 decides that, while time ticks away during the day above ground, four different entrances in each area can be found that lead to a unique underground cave. The now-overworld clock freezes as you're now dungeon crawling for the bulk of the game time. Within the first hour, the main essence of Pikmin's design philosophy is contradicted. Pikmin 1's yin-yang of problem solving and time management is disregarded as Pikmin 2 concerns itself more with scanning featureless floors of repeating geometry, relegating the Pikmin to color-coded keys instead of diverse pieces of a toolkit. Red Pikmin are immune to fire and can remove fire traps, Yellow Pikmin are immune to electricity and can remove electric traps, Blue Pikmin can swim and are mostly useless in caves. Every floor, no matter the layout or cave itself, plays out exactly the same: clear out the enemies and traps, bring the treasures back to the landing spot, proceed down. You do this shit for over 100 floors, and all they do is get bigger, more plentiful, and take longer to complete as the game progresses.

Call me jaded or reluctant to change, but I don't find the constant lock-and-key (as Pangburn beautifully put it) gameloop an effective progression from what I previously experienced as such a greatly imaginative strategic puzzle blend.

I think what can be said most about the dungeons is how pointless they are for something that takes center stage. As I stated, pausing the daily time limit for extended dungeon crawling segments completely eviscerates the need for the time limit at all, especially with how barren the above ground sections are now. What used to be the main environment of Pikmin 1, sprawling multi-pathed worlds and labyrinths with puzzles to solve and routes to optimize at every corner have turned into circularly linear gates to these cave entrances with not much to see or do when outside of them. There's some stray treasure out there, but with how little time you spend above ground the time limit may as well not be there. I repaid my debt in 25 days over 10 hours of playtime, twice the time I spent in 30 days within Pikmin 1.

I could write much more, about this game's psychopathic sense of difficulty in the late game, over-reliance on randomized hazards to artificiate difficulty (those fucking bombs that drop from the cave ceilings), the unsubtle requirement to reset the game every time you fuck up on a shitty floor layout to get a new one (as it asks you to save between floors as a loud and obnoxious wink), the timepadding of having to farm the new White and Purple Pikmin, etcetera etcetera. You think all those clips being posted on Twitter of everyone's Pikmin army being completely eviscerated by random hazards all being from Pikmin 2 specifically is just a coincidence? It sure as hell isn't. Sometimes I think Pikmin 2 is a work of pure evil.

Despite all its changes, with all of Pikmin 2's misguided and unthoughtful reimagining, the most subversive thing of all is that I don't flat out hate it. It can be trudging, monotonous, boring, but never completely joyless. It's still a wonder of world and sound design, and there are moments above ground that spark the same light as its predecessor. I think "misguided" really is the key descriptor for Pikmin 2, as the core of a good game is still there and felt. Though I audibly groaned at the return of caves in Pikmin 4, with an explosion of countless indie roguelikes in recent years a-la Enter the Gungeon and Spelunky with their innovative dungeon crawling systems in the name of accessibility and quality of life, I think there's no drought in inspiration Nintendo could take from. Pikmin 2 could be elevated as a footnote in Pikmin 4's potentially successful winning take on Pikmin-meets-dungeon-crawling, but for now, it's a clumsy effort to shake up a successful formula that didn't need to be changed.

I love love LOVE the product placement in this game. It was such a cute and creative way for the game to make a connection with the person playing. And seeing all the kinds of names Olimar would make up for them, being artifacts he is not aware of, was so pleasing and funny. Dr. Pepper isn't just a soda, it's a DROUGHT ENDER.

Besides that extremely charming aesthetic, I actually do not like this game very much. It plays and controls fine, but the level design just feels overbloated most of the time. I was already annoyed that the sense of pure survival and the calendar were completely omitted, but if the trade-off was having so so SO MANY CAVES with monotonous tasks? I'll take the original game's design any day of the week.

The perfect real-time strategy game in my eyes. As a kid, I remember that I've spent several hours trying to figure out new ways to get everything done in fewer days but it's so easy to play Pikmin 2 wanting to produce as much Pikmin as you can in order to make everything so much easier as you go in caves - but it's the way that you realize how well you know every colour and their own traits that makes the whole game so much fun to play through.

This recent run, I've played the whole game deathless, as I've attempted so many times over the years. Not my first time accomplishing the game as such, won't be the last. But I think that I'll only want to keep playing the game over and over again to see if I can achieve that even faster.

While feeling like an upgrade in many ways, the repetitive and buggy nature of Pikmin 2 did not impress me quite as much as the original.

Better and worse than pikmin 1 in very weird ways, it feels like purple pikmin were so good they had to make the rest of the game cat mario-tier traps and gadgets to own you. It's still pikmin so it's still great

Pikmin 2 thoughts:

- Caves are pretty cool in concept. Having a more linear series of obstacles and enemies and not being able to sprout more pikmin from enemy kills makes for a uniquely interesting pikmin experience.
- This game boasts a lot of content, lots of new enemies and bosses to learn and see, which is a huge plus.
- The bosses in this game are the best in the series, I had a lot of fun figuring out the best way to beat them.
- As cool as the caves are, I feel that there are too many of them and the cave content gets very repetitive very quickly. I don't feel that the semi-random elements add much to the experience. Cave's feel interesting for a decent amount of time but I think this feeling has more to do with encountering new types of enemies than anything to do with the caves themselves.
- The caves also rely too much on cheap tricks to artificially increase difficulty. The first few times maybe you can find some humor in it but it gets really annoying really quickly, as learning to anticipate and deal with these tricks becomes an exercise in tedium rather than a display of skill or strategy.
- As infamous as it is, the submerged castle I think provides the most compelling and interesting challenge. Obstacles like the waterwraith required strategy and planning from me and it felt satisfying outsmarting the game. The stress I felt from the incoming danger of the waterwraith was much more interesting of a challenge than random bomb rocks dropping from the sky.
- Despite the praise I gave to the enemy variety, purple pikmin are overtuned to the point where many combat encounters are just trivialized by having enough purples.
- White pikmin are weird. They have many unique properties and yet I somewhat feel that their existence isn't very impactful for the game. Poison walls/gates and buried treasures are just another type of lock where white pikmin are the key, and moving objects faster feels irrelevant when the game gives you infinite time to achieve your goals. Hurting enemies when being eaten is pretty interesting though, even if its something I didn't use much.
- (As a side note to the above point, the criticisms against white pikmin also apply to yellow pikmin, however that is a pikmin 1 issue rather than a pikmin 2 issue).
- Since I mentioned it in pikmin 1, pikmin AI in pikmin 2 is a lot better about not willingly running into water and getting stuck behind corners (not that it never happened).

Overall Pikmin 2 was a bold step forward for the series that explored lots of new ideas and provided lots of new content, however it felt that every good new idea from this game came with caveats that weakened the experience just as much as it improved it.

pikmin :)....2! not better then the first tho I'm sorry, I'm not the biggest fan of the randomly generated caves. Also went on for to long in my opinion, 20 hours isnt that long for a game but the longer randomly generated caves that are almost never that interesting don't help
louie and the purple pikmin are the best part

Honestamente não sei dizer se é melhor ou pior que o 1 mas o que posso falar é que eu com toda certeza me diverti muito mais com esse titulo!
As cavernas são boas adições apesar de algumas serem fodidas de frustantes, a adição do white e purple pikmin são muito bem vindas, BULBMIN ENTÃO NEM SE FALA.
E NOSSA ESSE JOGO TEM BOSS FIGHTS EXCELENTES!!! Menções para o Waterwraith e o Man At Legs.
No geral uma boa sequencia.

The first half of this game is not very difficult. The first 2 areas of the game are pretty easy to get through and get all the treasure. The 3rd area of this game gets a tad bit harder especially with the submerged castle but it is very much still manageable. Luckily for people who only want to pay off the debt it's pretty easy to do so in those 3 areas. The 4th area of this game is fucking insane and just unfair sometimes but I enjoyed how stressed I felt throughout the entire thing.

This game isn't for everyone and if you can't handle a game just straight up fucking you over don't play the 4th area or the submerged castle.

A good sequel at first glance, but once you delve deeper into the game the huge list of bullshit shows and ruin your experience.

This is what I think about Pikmin 2, an innovative sequel that brings a lot to the table but at the same time ruins what made the original great. My opinion of the game drastically changed once I got to the post-game of the basic ending, once you get there you get a whole new map to explore and welcome to bullshit city, this part of the game made me realize how flawed the Pikmin's AI is, it shows how dumb they are and once you get into a dungeon of that last stage.

The early game till the end of the base plot of the game is a ton of fun, it brings a lot of cool ideas such as two new Pikmin types with one of them being somewhat useless, the purple Pikmin, and the white Pikmin which is a bit too useful for treasure hunting and his race being only available in caves is really annoying in all honesty.
They gave us a new captain to control making this game also a COOP game! But the main reason they gave us a second playable character is to multitask so one can take a group of Pikmin and the other takes another group to avoid wasting time, but here's the issue with this, it's useless since there's no urgency to do anything fast unlike Pikmin 1! Guess Louie would've been more useful in the first game.
One big change that can seem unnoticeable is how most enemies have a lot less health than Pikmin's 1 enemies making them feel less like a damage sponge and making encounters less long, but it came as a tradeoff, they are also way more brutal and there's a lot of one-hit kill enemies or just ones that eat Pikmin really, really fast like a bunch of big Bulborbs in the caves.

So would that game be an upgrade to the original or just a downgrade? It's a very difficult question, both games do work as standalone releases and none of them just feels like it'll replace the next but the "superior" game would be Pikmin 2 as it's not 2 hours long like Pikmin 1 and there's no time limit, no bombs for yellow Pikmin making these atrocious stone walls in Pikmin 1 gone forever (thankfully) and the overworld maps just feel more balanced and better to explore, for the most part... Do they actually expect me to go there with my yellow Pikmin to break that electric fence past the wooden bridge? Don't they know how hard it is to move Pikmin on a small surface surrounded by instant death threats around them?

So what about the post-game? I'd love to tell tales about them but the last stage is just bad! Well, the overworld isn't but anything in the underground sections just sucks dude, even when they were easy in the early part of the game you kinda just slog through them but you never really have fun, they all look and play the same, the main factor is either "Will it be too easy or just filled with bullshit".
I love the idea of earning a unique item that gives Olimar new abilities after beating the boss of the cave but like I said it just feels the same, it goes on for too long and I wish they were each only like 5 or 6 floors long.
But in the case of the last world, it just shows how badly designed they are, bullshit one-hit traps everywhere like bombs with the 1 IQ all Pikmin share they all urge themselves to go hit something that you didn't order them to or just flock themselves to something at the wrong time like bombs right when they explode and in an instant you just lose like 50 Pikmin out of bad luck and level design.

So if anyone wondered "Is Pikmin 2 difficult?" for the most part it isn't, it's just filled with bullshit at the end.
But at the end of the day, it's still a fun game and beating the game doesn't require finishing all dogshit caves.

In some ways, this game has frustrated me more than any other purely because it hurts to not love it like I want to: Completely and utterly, without fault. Pikmin 2 is possibly the most flawed in the mainline series, yet it is absolutely my favorite. Not to say it is a bad game by any means, but it does have significantly more blemishes than 1 or 3. The pacing, balance, and game mechanics are the most lopsided in the series' history. Nonetheless, I grew up with 2 more than either of those (Pikmin 3 wasn't even around until my mid-teens) and that has a great deal of influence on my choice to put it in my top 10. When I think of gaming-related childhood memories, Pikmin 2 is what comes to mind. I am not going to pretend I don't still love the hell out of this game, just as I am not going to pretend it doesn't frustrate the hell out of me. This dumb, broken, and unbalanced game still lands in my top 10 out of sheer attachment despite being all those things to the 10th degree.

First and foremost, the cave system is deeply flawed and not integrated well into the game's time mechanic. What made the first Pikmin so good was the stressful time management and that's been kind of replaced with more intense resource management instead. The caves are long endurance tests that limit your ability to create new pikmin or withdraw more from the onions. Rather than individual battles being stressful because of their impact on your efficiency, exploring a cave's various dangers is stressful out of fear that you will lose pikmin in a place you cannot get more. This is kinda fun and, on paper, it could be a good substitute for the now (near) irrelevant time management. Unfortunately, a lot of the caves are a slog to get through. Enemy placements and other game mechanics (like falling rocks) are often unfair and sometimes just plain cruel. This, along with the floors being randomly generated, sucks a lot of potential fun out of the caves. Plus, enemies have been significantly weakened in comparison to the first game, perhaps to compensate the player's inability to simply add more pikmin to their squad from the onions. It tends to make combat less exciting and more bothersome, especially in the longer caves. However, I can't deny the appeal of a cave system. As a child, I always wondered what was on the next floor—what hideous monster would I have to fight? What if it was a scary boss that could kill every last one of my precious pikmin? No other game has given me the sense of wonder that Pikmin 2's caves did when I was a kid. Some unknown danger was always lurking, but my curious self had to know what deadly creatures awaited me! While I, as an adult, can acknowledge the shortcomings of the cave system, I also can't ignore the excitement I had for them for so many years in my childhood. I was even kind of disappointed when 3 didn't bring caves back. EDIT: PIKMIN 4 IS BRINGING BACK CAVES AHHHHHHH I HOPE THEY'RE GOOD

Secondly, yeah..... This game is only the "hardest" by default because of the amount of bullshit it throws at the player. The game is challenging in the worst ways possible. If pikmin are lost, chances are it wasn't enemies that killed them. Usually, it's the hazards that result in deaths. Combat itself is beyond trivial. The purple pikmin break most encounters, the enemies have been nerfed in both kill power and health, and the bitter sprays turn the tables in your favor so hard that it isn't even a question of skill. If you abuse the systems of Pikmin 2, the game collapses under its own design. While this game has the most challenging enemies and game design on paper, the game is significantly less challenging than the first Pikmin game if you are taking advantage of what tools you are given.

While this game is the most flawed entry in the mainline Pikmin series, it still remains close to my heart. The game's locations are often whimsical and some elements, like the Piklopedia, offer a greater sense of world-building. Boy oh boy, is the Piklopedia one of the best bestiaries in video games or what?! Pikmin 2's status as a top 10 game for me hinges on the existence of the Piklopedia. 90% of the game is dumb bullshit but AYE IT'S WHATEVER BECAUSE I CAN THROW CARROTS AT THE ENEMIES. Also, the Empress Bulblax never woke up, no matter how many hundreds of carrots I threw at her, and that made me upset as a child. Being able to toss Pikpik carrots at all the bizarre creatures you've encountered was more than enough to make it worth going into the Piklopedia after every day, but additionally having Olimar and Louie's notes on each beast is a ton of fun. In general, I feel more attached to this version of PNF-404 than the ones in either 1 or 3. I remember every location to the finest of details and I could spend many a day absorbed into this world's depths.

In short, Pikmin 2 is easily the most flawed of the main series. I can't say I even enjoy it the most these days. However, between my long-term attachment and my strong affinity for the best aspects of this game, I can't help but love Pikmin 2 so darn much. I'm sure many of its fans feel similarly and that is why it's retained its status as the fan favorite in the series.

I wanted to like this more than Pikmin 1, but some parts of it are so frustrating that they bring down the experience for me, mainly in the caves. While I do like the added stakes of going down into the caves with a limited squad of pikmin, the amount of unfair bullshit the game throws at you starts to get to you after a while. Doesn't help that some of the caves are quite long (the later ones are upwards of 10 floors).

That said, it does improve on the original in some ways, namely the pikmin ai is less stupid and the addition of purple pikmin and white pikmin add some variety to the gameplay along with the sprays.

I think this game could've been a few hours shorter and it wouldn't have detracted from the experience really. I clocked in 25 hours after getting all 201 treasures (didn't even touch the challenge mode will probably do that later). That's like 3 times longer than pikmin 1.

If the caves were a bit shorter and had less unfair shit in them this would be an amazing game because the core gameplay loop is still fun, just feels kinda bloated.

Ya know I relate to Louie on a personal level. I too am a near worthless cog in the corporate machine, who would sacrifice a companies profits and place it into bankruptcy. Only truly finding peace when left behind in a world free from the capitalist agenda with my colorful homies....

Pikmin 2 is a fun game.

cannot see how this lives up to the original or 3 tbh, its so utterly frustrating at times that it straight up becomes not fun and more like a grind, especially when collecting every treasure

still tho i think its worth playing despite being my least favorite in the series, most of it was solid great fun but the flaws are glaring enough and the game overstays its welcome long enough to make me want to revisit it less, ESPECIALLY when talking about completion

7.5/10 or smth nobody cares about the number

Pikmin 2 is a disappointing sequel, and it's one I'm surprised to see retain such a positive reception over time, despite Pikmin 3 greatly improving upon or straight up removing most of the new things it attempts. There are definitely things it does right -- enemy variety has gotten a big boost, the new upgrades you can obtain are nice, the humour and charm are on point, and it’s still visually impressive -- but there are just too many mistakes made here to that prevent it from being on par, let alone surpassing, the vision of its predecessor.

One of the less discussed but still important changes comes in the way the overworlds are structured. Pikmin 1’s level design was hardly revolutionary, but it was clever in how it put the player in the middle of an interconnected sandbox and encouraged them to create their own journey by setting off in any direction. In comparison, Pikmin 2’s levels tend more towards linearity. There are usually one or two routes to take after landing in an area, and paths tend to branch out rather than intersect. You can see it when looking when comparing the layout of Pikmin 1’s Forest of Hope to Pikmin 2’s Valley of Repose. The design isn’t always like this, and the game is at its best when you’re able to open up the map and solve the meatier puzzles, but it’s a subtle shift that hurts the flow when combined with the even bigger changes made.

The caves of Pikmin 2 are where you'll spend most of your playtime. It's also the source of a lot of the dissonance between what is trying to be recreated from the first game versus what is trying to be innovated here. The caves themselves are visually dull/repetitive and lack atmosphere compared to the worlds they are placed in. Additionally, the absence of the time limit and a connection to the overworld make them feel out of place in a strategy game about exploring uncharted lands. They could have been a cool way of connecting and expanding the world (say, by opening up cross-map shortcuts between caves or other areas on the map), but instead they make the overworlds feel like a glorified level select for a bunch of linear level gauntlets. Hell, you could move the caves to an actual level select screen and replace them on the map with treasures, and the game wouldn't play that differently.

The bad news is that these caverns don't feel that great to play in a vacuum either. Aside from some memorable moments like the infamous Waterwraith, most of these mini challenges range from forgettable to frustrating. When the game doesn't boil down to matching the right Pikmin to the right objective one by one (purples for killing enemies, everything else for their respective element), it's bringing out the worst of the combat and controls. These were weak points in Pikmin 1 as well, but it was mitigated by the game giving the player the time and space to engage in combat on their own terms and having fewer enemies overall. In comparison, Pikmin 2's crammed, monster-filled corridors open up a lot more opportunities for clunkiness of the camera, AI, party movement, colour switching, aiming, etc. to rear their ugly heads. Trying to play past mistakes (or just plain BS) becomes annoying since caves have limited chances to obtain fresh Pikmin (especially purples and whites), and it's not like those mistakes matter all that much anyway -- the game has no day limit unlike its predecessor, so it's almost always easier to reset on a tricky floor of a cave instead of grinding for new Pikmin later.

Speaking of that change to the day limit, it doesn't work well. The tedium and lengthiness of the caves probably contributed to the decision to scrap it, but the end result is the loss of the fantastic momentum/pacing and incentive to play for perfection the limit offered in exchange for underwhelming dungeons. It’s emblematic of Pikmin 2’s core problem: major additions that can’t stand on their own and mess with a formula that already works.

So like I was playing this game right, and I use a nintendo switch controller to play emulated games y'know. I've been doing this for like 5 years. And the game that does my controller in? Pikmin 2. I'd say like every gamecube, wii, ps2/ps1, and n64 game I have ever logged on here I've played with that controller and Pikmin 2 is the one that breaks it. Funny thing too is that I was so close to 100%ing it, like I had 2 dungeons left in the game and the doomsday apparatus left to collect before finishing this game and then my controller just stops reading up inputs. God did not want me 100%ing pikmin 2 but have my word, I will do it.

This review contains spoilers

Such an improvement on the first game. The exploration the new areas the surprise phase two of the game where we leave Louie behind and the fight against the Titan Dweevil and the terrifying experience of the Submerged Castle. So hecking good

100%ing this game is hard as hell. Still really solid at its core and I appreciate the improved Pikmin AI and captain switching, but the randomized nature of the dungeons feels messy and isn't really as much my thing compared to Pikmin 1 and 3.

I don't usually make multiple logs for a game. I mentioned "a certain Youtube creator" last time; that was Schaffrillas. He recently changed his Pikmin 2 video from "The Weakest One" to "My Least Favorite One". He's evidently being harassed like how haters of Rio 2 got on his nerves.
I agree with his opinion, and I'm not amused by this behavior. I hope that Pikmin 4 ends up being so much better that people become more reluctant to defend this game.

This game is the most fun ive had being stressed ever. I lost 400 pikmin and it hurt me so bad but i never stopped enjoying the game. There are some things about how the game plays that are rough but get fixed in later entries so im not sweatin it

Talk about a game that overstays its welcome. since pikmin 1 and 2 have come to the switch i have beaten Pikmin 1 five times and Pikmin 2 once and I still have more time in Pikmin 2

Did anyone else watch Chuggaconroy as a kid? Most of my taste in games and recommendations came from him when I was younger. I have wanted to play this for as long as I can remember but never had the means to and now with the (slightly overpriced) switch release I can.
I absolutely love this story, writing, visuals and soundtrack. They haven't aged a bit. The piklopedia and treasure catalogue are my personal favourite thing in this game and encapsulate all its best qualities, namely immeasurable charm.
The dungeons get a lot of flack and while I enjoyed them for the most part, I understand criticism of them and when beginning to analyse them more deeply they contain most of what I dislike about the game most. I'm all for the tension of no new pikmin, challenging bosses/ enemy rooms and the occasional funny bomb rock. Some dungeons are highly unique (my personal favourites being Gluttons Kitchen, Submerged Castle, Snagret Hole and Hole of Heroes. The rest are a bit bland by comparison though and when frustration isn't afflicted by something new or interesting it becomes stressful.

Hard to get in to but holds up to what I wanted from it.