Reviews from

in the past

I think it's underrated, but the game itself doesn't have much going on for it still.

Makes Quake 2 and Doom 3 seem like the most exciting games ever made.

pretty simple but id can never go wrong

I have tried to beat this game so many times and have always got bored at some point. It sucks because I enjoy many parts of this game but just cant stick it through. Maybe one day.

upresed on back wards compat

id Software had to flop sometimes. It’s good looking, short and it has some cool missions, but the story and characters are just bland. Not the dystopian game you are looking for.

🎮 Played on Steam Deck

Rating: 🦂🦂💀▫️▫️

I can vivibly remember the day this came out.

I used my entire allowance to preorder this and was hyped to finally play a new Id game.
And within minutes I was deflated.
Looked and ran like hot ass my pc at the time, story was a total nothingburger, and the gunplay wasnt too different.

Up until that point I'd never dropped a game as quickly as I did rage (48 minutes including troubleshooting), and to this day I still havnt dropped another title that ive paid money for as quickly. 0 Desire to ever return this, and likely never will

It's definitely a product of its time. The graphics are fine, but the performance isn't great and the story is pretty underwhelming. I'm glad I eventually finished it though. It made me want to play more Mad Max, which has way better car combat.

Es como Mad Max pero más cyberpunk creo

Hmm what to say...Well at first I saw this game as a Fallout 3/Borderlands rip off. Because of the fact we're in a dystopian future, there are vaults and people want to get to the vaults. Game also seems kinda sexist as every woman (apart from elderly woman) I dressed with no tops besides a thin bikini or one-strap bra and either wear shorts or jeans in the rare cases.

So...good things about the game:

Your weapons have a varied types of ammo such as armour piercing rounds or explosive on some weapons.
The opening of the story is very engaging and interesting, thought your character being a silent protagonist doesn't add to it.
You end up straight into the action, but not in too much of a jarring way.
There are many side-missions and minigames to earn cash such as bulletin board, gambling and others.
You have a crafting system
it's a lot of fun.
You are not stuck to one vehicle and get to change to more advanced ones as you go.

However there are many bad parts.

The characters are all quite forgettable
There aren't nearly enough side-missions as Borderlands, which does in a way make it more enjoyable.
The rendering is HIDEOUS. I bought this game late in the date. It's been out for 2 years and they haven't fixed the horrible rendering? If you move around a corner too fast all the textures become blobs and enemies, in a few cases, disappear until the texture loads up.
There is a lag at times, which means you can miss a good shot or, most frustratingly, you can mess up at five-fingered fillet.
The story, whilst started strong, has a very lack-lustre ending.
Numerous bugs, including a loss of sound leading to watching the end movie on youtube because it cut out and was silent.
Despite your character never been seen in 3rd dimensions apart from end of mutant bash, you cannot customise your character nor does he appear to have a name.
*SOME weapons are upgradable, but not many.

Over-all it's a fun game and I found myself addicted to playing it, having fun decapitating people with the wingsticks and so on. Despite it's many errors, I would recommend it, if you were just after a fun fps to burn off steam. However if you're looking for something better in storyline then I suggest something more along the lines of Half-life or Portal or even System Shock. It's sad to see Id Software shit this out with Bethesda. At times there seemed to be good ideas, but at other times they either aren't expanded upon enough or fall flat. Almost like Id Software had a suggestion, Bethesda tried it, then failed miserably and didn't even put any effort into it.

One final thing, this game was obviously made for a controller. You cannot scroll through all your weapons, only 4 pre-sets which, based on the shape, probably are accessible with the D-pad. If anything get this game on a sale and only if you have no other FPSs to play. However there are many funny Id software Easter eggs in there :)

tim willits is a fuckin loser bro. man made some good doom maps (with theresa chasar, his often uncredited sister) and did great work on quake pre-champions, but he never should've been elevated into the position he was by the end of his tenure at id

american mcgee calls him a "serial credit thief" and sandy petersen attributes the collapse of id to his meddling and refers to him only as "snake"; this guy's slime. man was making claims so erroneous that he managed to get both johns to team up on his ass which is saying something. saying he invented DM-only maps for quake when anyone can go check when idmap01 or cross.wad came out for doom, or better yet just think about how goofy it is for five seconds

so what happens when this rat fraud bitch teams up with soulless automaton john carmack? awooga. the most dead eyed fps ever made. together these two men really brought the heat and redefined what it means to be vacant and empty inside. one driven only by a love of machines, the other by cynical careerism. the result would be a tech demo that has virtually no redeeming qualities; even john goodman sounds like he'd rather be anywhere else, and how can you blame him

forget passion or heart or whatever fever drives the average person to create. forget anything that resembles human input. this is referential slop; echoes of better media, better games, better products — cos that's all this thing is at the end of the day — as interpreted and executed by pulseless weirdos. subpar linear shooter, even worse pseudo open world shooter; artless aesthetic sensibilities; internally and externally ugly borderlands gopher bullshit; fallout 3 brown and bloom mad max mcnugget slime created to advance tim willits' career

if I ever write another review this mean it means tim willits just put out another game

This game's saving grace is its environmental design. In addition to simply looking spectacular for a 2011 game, each area broadcasts a natural, lived-in atmosphere that is surprising to experience given how shallow the rest of the game is. The shooting is serviceable, but probably should be better considering the pedigree of the developer. Story and dialogue are so lacking in personality that I eventually began listening to podcasts in the background. Still, a real looker of a game.

RAGE is one of those games that had real potential to be something great, but ends up falling short. The graphics are some of the best I've seen this gen. The music is serviceable, and the gameplay is solid. The story is nothing special and the ending is absurdly bad. I feel that perhaps the devs spread themselves too thin trying to make the game more than just a FPS, because in the end the best developed area of the game is the racing. No joke, it's almost as good as a full racing game.

A weird one to be sure. My friend hyping this one up to high heaven didn't help either. It is enjoyable, but going back to it after we've had so many other games do everything it was trying to do better? Naw. I also wouldn't blame you for not touching it for the ending alone.

Did not enjoy this game very much and it isn't because of the common criticism it gets for being a corridor shooter. It may be just dated but it felt kind of unresponsive a lot of the time. Gunplay is good when it works but towards the end enemies became super spongey and I had to play peek-a-boo constantly to avoid being killed instantly.

Dps de jogar o 2 eu até pensei q o primeiro poderia ser um pouco melhor mas me enganei um mundo bem morto sem vida, o combate não é satisfatorio e honestamente eu nem consegui prestar atenção no enredo de tao fodase que é

the shootings good
5,5/10 - Length
5,5/10 - Enjoyment
8,0/10 - Perfomance/Bugs
4,5/10 - Story/Experience
7,0/10 - Gameplay

Score = 6,1/10

Tinha tudo para ser um Mad Max dos jogos mas acabou sendo desperdiçado com um mundo aberto vazio e morto, história mais ou menos e um combate legalzinho.

Sou Bitch da ID Softwawre mas esse Jogo me decepcionou profundamente, não é ruim e eu nem sequer o zerei, então não me considero apto para avaliá-lo 100%, mas pelo que joguei eu consigo defini-lo com uma palavra: Desalmado.

I probably won't Miss the Rage tbh

I liked some of what it was doing but the ending is so shit and so abrupt that I'll never forgive it

[ Story: 2/10 | Gameplay: 3/10 | OST: 3/10 ]

This game is about as barebones and arid as the wasteland you crash into. The gunplay is so painfully unfun and dry and the characters are somehow flatter than Flat Stanley, but I at least got a smile seeing John Goodman come to my rescue :)

C’était sympa à l’époque

I don't remember much about this game, but from what i recall, i didn't like it much, so i'll keep it without a rating.

Borderlands knockoff without all the things that make Borderlands, Well... Borderlands. It really feels like that gane without the looting system, the rpg aspect, no gazillion weapons etc

had to stop playing after i lost the funny ragdoll quad bike.
the joy of crashing on the gate to every level entrance and entering it by means of a pop-up pirate, engaging with the world head-first, cobbing myself towards hell through contact with the floor, screaming and propeling my flailing body towards the next section of bullet-fuelled graphical violence. they really lost the vision on this one imo.

What a fucking depressing lack of potential. id making a Borderlands type game should've been a slam dunk. Instead, you have weighty gunplay that feels mediocre on controller and horrible on MnK, car combat that is fun but half baked in terms of how it's implemented, a horrible story that ends so abruptly like a wet fart, and characters who are truly lifeless.