Reviews from

in the past

Wish i was better at it but the game fucking rules

I think it's genuinely really cool that you're always one wrong step away from dying in a fucked Rube-Goldberg machine. Got 99 health and the best possible equipment? Guess what, bozo - bear trap that you couldn't even see! Sounds like a skill issue to me!
If that happened in any other game I would uninstall it immediately, but Spelunky secretly implants a chip in your brain that only makes you go "Ha, well played" after even the most bullshit and rage-inducing death imaginable.

Spelunky 2 is such a great Rogue-lite game. Always being on the brink of death, everything being so ridiculously hard. It's just fantastic. I especially enjoy playing it with friends who're extremely good at the game and try and carry my run all the way.

Man this game is hard, but it's a lot of fun. Most of the time.

a fun platformer but ngl I think I prefer the original

I love this game and it hates me back

this game is so fucking hard and tricky, it's insane. Pure trial and error, I CAN'T imagine what it feels like to 100% this game.

I got the normal ending and now I will never touch it again

My favorite rougelike. A perfect game for those who can deal with failure over and over.

As a big fan of the first Spelunky... I don't think I like this one quite as much. There's a lot more content, but the fact that so much of it is in the way kinda ruins the flow of the game.

To get to the Cosmic Ocean, something that I never quite managed but got repeatedly very close to before throwing in the towel, you have to: get the key and the chest in the dwellings, beat a boss, get Hou Yi's bow with a 1-minute minigame, either find Vlad's Cave or the Black Market, acquire their crown, beat another, longer boss to get the Ankh, drop the bow off with the slime guy, pull off another, longer quest that changes depending which path you pick, lose the Ankh (if you don't do the cool trick in Abzu, like some sort of loser), beating another boss at the end, then get to Neo Babylon, find the right Ushabti, take it to the end of the level, take the Qilin that hatches from it through the last normal level, fly up to the Sunken City, beat another very hard challenge to get the Arrow for the Bow, pick up the bow from the slime guy, get to the final boss, beat it, shoot it in the eye and then you can finally see the last area.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining that this is hard. It's Spelunky, it better be. I'm complaining that you're constantly going out of your own way to do something that it barely feels like you're ever actually... playing Spelunky. It's the world's hardest fetch quest. Getting to Hell in Spelunky HD isn't much easier (it's easier, but just because Spelunky 2 is just overall harder), but it requires a lot less deviations from the main game, and I enjoy that a lot more. Secrets in Spelunky HD feel like some neat, extremely deadly easter eggs that you can mess with at your leisure. Sure, I got a pug, let's do the Worm, why not. In Spelunky 2, most of them are required, and the game is so long and grueling that I can't really fathom wanting to prolong it further with something like the Mothership (especially since you'll have to drop the weapon you get from it to get to CO). Runs also feel more samey, especially because as I just mentioned, you're going to be juggling the same few items every time. The first set of levels is also a lot harder, slower and less varied than HD's much more freeform Mines.

It's weird to give the game 4.5 stars after all this complaining, but it really only affects you after you've actually beaten the game, which in itself is a very satisfying journey. There's a lot of things that Spelunky 2 does better than HD. I love the branching paths, even though you'd have to be insane to pick Temple. I really like the newer visual style, it's an almost atmospheric game at times. I like that dark levels no longer ruin your day, thank god for that. I LOVE online multiplayer, it's extremely fun (and funny) to just match with some randos online and see how they (and I) inevitably fuck up and die. It's a great game, I just wanted to explain why I like it just a bit less than HD.

trop bien en coop trop dur

muito bom jogar com amigo, confia

great sequel, evolves on everything compared to the first game

Hands down one of my favourite games ever & also one of the best games I've ever played.

Don't be fooled by its cartoon charm; Spelunky 2 is one of the most devilish games in existence.

Being one step away from death really makes you appreciate life.

Never played the first one but from what I've played this game definitely holds up on its own. Spelunky 2 works as well as it does and gets away with what it does due to its chaotic sandbox-esque nature. It's a game where I can't help but laugh every time I die. Sometimes the game sends you through a Rube Goldberg pinball machine of death, and sometimes it hits you with a beartrap with perfect comedic timing. The cartoony artstyle and whimsical music helps a lot with this feeling; despite being one of the most difficult rougelikes I've played it doesn't lean into this aspect with a gritty artstyle and atmosphere. The movement in this game feels very smooth and responsive, I can't recall a single time I felt that I died due to the character failing to react to my inputs (however I have died many times messing up my inputs, lol). Spelunky 2 is also filled with mysteries to uncover, skills to learn as a player, and unique interactions to find, all of which are things in games that appeal to me greatly. Overall a masterclass in rougelike design that never fails to entertain me despite how much I've played this game.

Didn't play much of it, but controls seemed pretty tight

Very good roguelike, always fun with friends and mods. It's nice to revisit every few months

gives me immense physical and mental pain

Hope you like world 1 theme, because you're gonna hear it A LOT. One of my all time favourite roguelikes that just beat you over the head for making simple careless mistakes. Word of advice: always carry a throwable item.

I haven’t played many rogue-likes but this game is entertaining AF plus it’s fun as hell to play with friends

The first spelunky was a very hard roguelike game which required lots of patience and learning. It's a surprisingly expansive game outside the 4 main levels and has lots the average player won't ever see, so it's a lot for a sequel to live up to. Spelunky 2 sees the achievements of its predecessor and cranks it up to a bazillion.

As someone who put hundreds of hours in the first game, this one blows it out of the water in terms of content. Even veteran spelunky players will find themselves completely clueless on the first few playthroughs. All the new content lets old and new players experience the process of learning all the ins and outs of the everything in the game, a core mechanic to spelunky.

And the new content? Tons. Like, WAY more than the first. Branching paths, new minibosses, items, enemies, worlds. Even the boss of the first game acts as spelunky 2's midboss. The game also offers multiple endings to a run, some taking the normal 4 worlds with some added levels in there, some taking WAY longer.

Spelunky 2 is a game that captures what made the first one so unique and adds so much more to it without ever taking away that initial spelunky charm. So much to experiment with , lots to learn, and tons of hours to lose yourself in. Easily my favourite roguelike I've played.

i am never going to finish a run 👍

The only game that made me laugh so hard when my character died besides TF2. Probably a frustrating game if you want to complete it, but its a great time with friends

what a demented game. it's great