Reviews from

in the past

Literally the worst time to be employed right now.

Hey there everybody!

This is Luke from Streets™! Did you know my favorite things are jumping into a drive impact, stale bread, ice without any water, the newest season of Family Guy, annnnnd sand! See you in Street Fighter 6 everybody!

Street Fighter 5 was one of Capcom’s many missteps in the previous generation that saw the infamous publisher at one of its historic lows. It was seemingly a hell of a learning experience since those hard times led to Resident Evil’s resurgence, one of the best Mega Man games, a bunch of well-made retro collections, and, now, Street Fighter 6. Capcom has emphasized the “Street” part of the title to great effect, giving it a distinct personality to go alongside its tight and traditional fighting mechanics that restore this franchise to some of its former glory.

Read the full review here:

Revolutionary, many games recently allowed you to make a penis with the items at your disposal, but none let you be the penis yourself until now.

micro transactions aside, this is a goated game

Revolutionary, many games recently allowed you to make a penis with the items at your disposal, but none let you be the penis yourself until now.

Capcom could sell me on a whole ass Capconsole if they keep dropping 2 GOTY contenders a year. No point writing up a novel for a game this simple and this good. Is there 60 dollars of content at launch? Absolutely. So don't miss out on that new game scene and get it ASAP. I know its still honeymoon phase and all, but I've already sampled the whole platter and know it's everything I ever wanted as a casual player. The box art is fucking stupid though.

5 stars for knowing what it needs to be and doing that thing perfectly.

world tour is a documentary on the average new yorker’s daily commute






One of the most fun fighting games I've ever played, 100%. Unfortunately I'm having trouble running the game on my PC, but luckily I was able to head over to a friend's place on launch day and play with the boys. This Ryu is CRAZY

He trabajado en la localización de este juego y me lo he pasado tantas veces ya que no puedo disfrutarlo y lo he devuelto

Obviously very early into this. But I know peak when I see it. My favorite Street Fighter already. It does a lot of the stuff I love from SF4 but implemented better. It also has an amazing lobby system with great net code, the best starting roster I've seen in a while, Manon is already a solidified all timer for me. This game just makes me happy.

chun li and cammy's ass are out of this world. 10/10 would highly recommend.

As a big fan of fighting games and Street Fighter I love this game! It's so fun, has stunning visuals and I'm now addicted.
Probably my favourite Street Fighter game now.

Street Fighter really has gone woke....

"Once you get on the subway, you will be unable to leave until you reach the next station. Do your best to survive until time is up."
Accurate depiction of living in NYC.

cant play world tour cant play on any stage except training stage but i have been waiting for this game for months and i am so happy playing it. i have done nothing but consume sf6 shit directly into my bloodstream for hours and i am happy
so much love in this and style pouring from the seams
will review wt when i can play it but im just having fun doing combo and training stuff
could do without some things like the microtransactions and the fighting pass but whatever its there and doesnt affect the game too much

has made my first fighting game experience a really great one. i suck and maybe i will always suck but im having fun
luke sweep btw

This is seriously the best fighting game in a very long time. For someone who really didn't care for Street Fighter V no matter how many times they kept updating it, this is awesome. This is what we've all been waiting for.

Street Fighter 6 is oozing style with so many fun new mechanics, moves, designs, and a real street feel. The mechanics are great, they feel good for those who are veterans looking for that technical challenge and good for those who are new to fighting games. This really has everything to offer.

Now of course this came out today, so it'll take me a lot of time and playing to see how it resonates with me, but so far I'm loving it.

Aight I'm gonna fight these streets
( •_•)
( ง )ง

Damn... streets got hands

Some of the most fun I've had in a fighting game in ages. Buttons feel good, combos feel good, the Drive mechanics are fun to utilize, and the newcomers are all really cool in design and gameplay. Capcom hit it out of the park with this game.

Hoje vamos falar sobre Street Fighter 6, um jogo que eu já joguei e gostei bastante. Quando o game foi anunciado, fiquei surpreso, especialmente com a criação do seu próprio personagem, algo que geralmente não gosto em muitos jogos, principalmente quando eles já possuem uma narrativa estabelecida, como é o caso de Street Fighter. Inserir um personagem sem personalidade criado por você mesmo nesse mundo, para mim, é algo negativo.

Mas, felizmente, é sempre bom estar enganado, e eu sempre torço por isso quando tenho dúvidas ou sentimentos em relação a algo. O modo World Tour é simplesmente maravilhoso, principalmente porque sua estrutura me lembra muito os jogos da Yakuza, uma franquia que tenho jogado recentemente e que estou muito na vibe desse tipo de jogo. Foi muito prazeroso ter uma cidade para explorar enquanto seguimos a história principal, fazendo missões paralelas e enfrentando vários oponentes pelo caminho.

Em relação à história de Street Fighter 6, não há muito o que dizer. A história em si é direta e segue mais ou menos um molde de história de anime. Temos nosso personagem criado, que inicia sua jornada com o objetivo de se tornar o lutador mais forte. Durante essa jornada, encontramos diversos protagonistas da franquia, que servem como tutores, ensinando novos golpes e contando um pouco mais sobre a história. Esse modo de jogo, apesar de ser legal no começo, pode ser um pouco cansativo, já que como todo jogo japonês, há uma infinidade de tutoriais, muitos dos quais nem são tão necessários assim. Além disso, como é o sexto jogo da franquia, muitas pessoas já entendem como tudo funciona, então não há tanta necessidade assim. Mas isso é apenas no começo; depois, o jogo flui de forma muito legal.

Graficamente, o game usa a RE Engine, a mesma engine maravilhosa que foi apresentada no Resident Evil 7. Portanto, é óbvio que o jogo será visualmente impressionante. No entanto, eu acho que o jogo é um pouco mais caricato em seus gráficos, principalmente nas expressões, o que pode parecer estranho para aqueles que estão acostumados com a RE Engine, mas ainda assim é incrível.

Resumidamente, Street Fighter 6 me surpreendeu positivamente. No começo, quando foi anunciado, fiquei um pouco desanimado de como o game tava indo,apesar de ter jogado muitos jogos da franquia, não sou um grande fã de jogos de luta. Além disso, houve problemas relacionados ao logo e outras coisas que davam a impressão de que o jogo seria meio largado. Felizmente, isso não aconteceu, e o jogo é maravilhoso. Inclusive, os pontos negativos que mencionei facilmente podem ser ignorados, e para quem curtiu o jogo, ele pode ser facilmente considerado nota 10.

- Novos lutadores incríveis.
- Gráficos bonitos.
- Muitos modos de treinamento.
- O World Tour é muito divertido.

- Apenas 18 lutadores.
- Falta de fases.

Lembrando que estou jogando no dia do lançamento

, então é muito provável que o jogo receba DLCs e provavelmente mais personagens, dependendo do humor da Capcom.

This game is so fun. My opponent does a whole minute combo with Cammy then I hit them with Zangief Spinning Piledriver and now the game is even.

Current review is for World Tour and Battle Hub only.

World Tour takes the premise of a tutorial for a fighting game and stretches it to 20+ hours. While older players may not enjoy it as much, I really enjoyed the mode as a newcomer to the series. It gave me the information I needed to succeed, and left me with plenty of space to try things out. I wish there were more explorable hub areas, but Metro City and Old Nayshall were diverse enough to keep me interested. There are some pretty dark and heavy moments in the back half that I would have liked to have seen expanded upon. That ending was not what I was expecting, but that was in a good way. I do wish there had been a bit more interactivity between our avatar and the main cast of the game, but I get that the point was to have the story centered around your playable character. Still all very good content. I'm looking forward to seeing how mode plays out with new DLC characters and possibly even story DLC. Not much but new characters to go back to now.

Looking back at the Battle Hub now, it's fairly bare bones of an experience and doesn't entertain for that long. The arcade ports are kinda neat, but don't really amount to much, and there's nothing keeping people wanting to come back there.

-the world tour mode is weird, janky and leaves you with an incomplete idea of how moves string together. you play for a few hours with a hobbled version of a real moveset fighting street ruffians rejected from a Yakuza game and then you go play the real modes

-the hub is a very silly attempt at shoehorning more mtx fomo that fighting games have been chasing, luckily there is a proper matchmaking system and custom rooms mode

-no matchmaking preference to filter out modern control users, and vice versa. rubbing my fingies raw to do manon's grapple is my choice ofc but i dont want to fight the people who can do it with a single button, and im not sure modern control folks want to fight against sweats who do automatic 20% more damage