Reviews from

in the past

Replayed this multiple times, this is a masterpiece of a Mario game. The style does it justice.

Another classic that stills holds up well despite being like 30 years old

Kinda wanted to do an update of my original review that goes more into detail, but tl;dr - yeah this game is still definitely a masterpiece lol.

Truth be told this was my favorite game for the longest time up until Undertale released, and frankly remains one of my all time favorite games period - weirdly enough, becoming one I have even more appreciation for growing up and getting a better understanding in game design.

This game basically took the foundation that had been set up by the NES games - especially SMB3 with it’s World Map - and managed to basically fine tune it. The controls feel smooth and fluid, and the level design is overall solid, having a good mix of more action-oriented and exploration-heavy levels (which you can find one of each in just the game’s two “intro” levels) that really offer a lot of replay value, especially when you go out of your way to “complete” the game.

On that note, I really feel like the map system is especially what makes Super Mario World such a great experience. This aspect of the gameplay did get it’s start in Super Mario Bros 3, but World really fleshed everything out, giving a more “interconnected” feel to each level with a bunch of different secret exits and potential paths that one could take. Completing this game on the GBA when I was 10 was frankly one of if not the best game experience I ever had - whereas I could have just beaten Bowser and called it there, something about the game really motivated me to keep going and I pretty much went out of my way to look for all 96 exits and any secret levels I missed on the main path. Super Mario World really feels like a game that incentivizes replayability and exploration while opening up just how one can play through this game (which, now that I think about it, supplied the DNA that could be found in the more sandbox-y 3D titles).

Plus the graphical style holds up really well and gives the game it’s own iconic look, and the soundtrack is also really good. I will say it is a slight shame that the amount of power ups from SMB3 is ultimately reduced, but at the same time, the Cape Feather is really fun to use when you get the hang of it, and of course this game also introduced the best Mario character of all time, Yoshi, and those factors alone definitely make up for it. Not to mention the bosses actually have some variety this time around lol

Not only that but the game’s modding community at SMW Central has only really kept the game feeling fresh after all these years so I figured I should shout them out. Would definitely recommend looking into that if you enjoy SMW or even just Mario in general.

Overall, Super Mario World has only continued to hold up and still remains my favorite platformer, favorite Mario game and one of my favorite games of all time. In just the SNES’ launch alone Nintendo was already cooking and it paid off.

Super Mario World, released for the Super Nintendo console, is one of the most iconic and influential games in the gaming industry. With its intuitive gameplay, creative level design and striking soundtrack, the game has won over millions of players around the world. The introduction of the open world, allowing the exploration of interconnected levels, was revolutionary at the time and influenced several later titles. Additionally, the introduction of Yoshi, Mario's faithful companion, added a new layer of fun and strategy to the game. Super Mario World is a true masterpiece that continues to be remembered and loved to this day.

Peak 2d Mario and aged absolutely tremendously since its release. Just pure perfection as a 2d platformer, one of the greatest of it's genre and one of the greatest games of all time

Super Mario World is a near perfect game. The platforming is great, the new cape feather power up is a great addition, Yoshi is fun to use, the music (despite being renditions of mostly one song) still sound good, and it still holds up graphically. There are some things I do not like about the game.

I hate the Chargin' Chuck enemy. They are this game's equivalent of Hammer Brothers and I despise Hammer Brothers.

The Koopaling bosses are pathetically easy. You know it is sad when getting to them is harder than the actual battle. I argue the triceratops boss, Reznor, is harder than the Koopalings. Bowser, the final boss, does put up a fight, but it is the final boss, so that is expected.

There is the Star World containing the hardest levels of the game. Maybe one day I will attempt them, but I am good for now. I just wanted to get to Bowser and beat the game.

Super Mario World is widely considered to be one of the best Mario games and it deserve that title.

Nostalgia 24/7 for this game fr

the first game i ever played in my life, it left a mark on me that ill never forget.


Probably the best standard 2d Mario platformer. Fantastic controls.

Timeless game. Music is great, levels are fun, mechanics are great.

I know what you're thinking. "You gave New Super Mario Bros. the same score as motherfucking Super Mario World? Are you kidding me?"
No, I am not.

I've been playing this game for 15+ years as one of the first games I've ever played; it was only just recently that I finally beat this game without using the Star Roads and I finally see why people love this game so much. Not so keen on aging aspects like the periodic save points and the game over penalty, though I did get a kick out of this one overall. One of the best platformers I've played, big recommend!

Classic gaming. Beat the game any way you want. Perfect.

Топ игра прошел раз 50 с кайфом

nothing mindblowing or revolutionary but it is quite a lovely time

It's the highest quality 2d platformer on the Snes accompanied by DKC2 and Yoshi's Island. What more can I say? The music, sprite art and level design is incredible. Not to mention the secret levels are challenging and lovely. Great game! I can't recommend it enough.

There are 904 reviews on this site for Super Mario World, with countless more video essays and articles and retrospectives gunking up the net. Everyone has played it, everyone has an opinion on it, nobody has anything new to say about it. I don't have a friend group large enough to pretend like anyone is going to feign interest in my white bread opinion, but since I committed myself to writing something about every game on my bucket list:

Super Mario World stands side-by-side with Sonic 3 & Knuckles as being the platformers of the 16-bit era. It is timeless, nearly flawless, and one of the easiest games to pick up and play. It pretty much set the standard for 2D platformers and its impact is every bit as present and powerful today as it was in the 1990s.

There is no greater joy than jumping off a yoshi halfway over a pit of lava

Um marco na história da franquia.

Platformers aren't my cup of tea but the overall charm of this game won me over.

If anything can dethrone Mario 3, it's this one. Basically perfect, no notes here - just top tier, intuitive platforming with colorful, gorgeous 16-bit sprite work, a great soundtrack, and stellar level design that rewards exploration and doing things "just because". If there is a nook, there is likely something there to explore. And if there is a cranny, there is absolutely some coins to jump and get or a power up that could save your ass. It's a perfect blend of everything you love about Mario games in one swoop.

And of course, the introduction of Yoshi, who changed the game in various ways but mainly in how he gives Mario new tools to play with in his arsenal. And the same goes for the cape, which is easily one of the best powerups the series has had for it's versatility. While my heart belongs to Mario 3 and it's sheer ambition for the system it was on and the variety in it's levels and powers, Mario World probably has my brain. It's one of Mario's most exciting, replayable, and charming outings, and a must play for anybody wanting to get into the plumbers adventures.

Outro jogo que dispensa comentários, clássico atemporal

perfect game, this is the best 2D platformer mario game, no the BEST 2D platformer EVER, the controls are soo good, the enemies are unique and fun to play against, many fun mechanics to play with, audio is just perfect, the world is big and lively and the levels are extremely fun to go through

2D Mario doesn't get any better than this. A cornerstone of the Mario franchise and first grade homework for any Nintendo fan.

I've completed this game so many times throughout the years. Every exit and all. One of my favorites but something that's hard to go back to with how many times I've beaten it and how many games I have and have yet to beat. My only complaint is where the spin jump button is located but on any modern emulation whether on nintendo hardware or not can be remmapped to a more apt location. Overall one of the best 2d marios if not the best. If you enjoy 2d platformers and somehow haven't played this you owe it to yourself to go ahead and dive in.