Reviews from

in the past

pretty much the greatest game ever made.

i am very confident i racked up over 600 hours in this

i absolutely loved this game and played it practically nonstop for a while - split screen fun every time friends were over!

Greatest Game of all time

Future Perfect successfully captured some of the qualities in Goldeneye 007's campaign levels, levels that are relatively small but feature a lot of replayability with meaningful rewards.

It got a lot of charm to it, and both the single-player and multiplayer are rich and full of content. The story in the campaign takes you everywhere, across time and space, and the story is well-made and fun to follow.

Back in those days, a lot of people didn't have the ability to play online, and this game might just be the best offline "multiplayer" game, with tons of things to do and try and the option to use bots to play against.

It got eclipsed by Halo 2 and the growth of PC multiplayer, but it's a real classic and worth playing, it's a great game.

the most fun fps i have ever played, simply amazing

This was such a good time split screen on an old CRT TV on the ps2 in my basement

Man i love being the monkey in freeplay

Leider nicht mehr so vielseitig wie TS2, aber dafür hatte der Story Modus noch mehr Witz und das Gameplay war besser.

Good game, not as memorable or replayable as the second game though. Lacks the cool themes the second had and the music is definitely a step down.

Thats great game. Fun and simple. Nice weapons and great humor.
The game doesn't take itself too serious. Just take a weapon, shoot some people and some funny dialogues

I love media which features many different periods of time, especially if they're brave enough to include future time periods. Timesplitters 2 is always a title I use as an example of this, and while I love that game, I never played any of the others in the series. The original Timesplitters (apparently) doesn't have much of a story, the second has an overarching plot with some flavor text, but the third has an actual story campaign with voice acting and cutscenes. The story takes place directly after the events of the second game, and while the humor can be a little... dated, it does have its moments. Rather than playing as native people to each time period, you play the entire game as Sgt. Cortez as he travels through time to stop the creator of the Timesplitters. There are more levels set in each time period than the second game, which means there's fewer periods overall, but the selection they've created is really great. A 1960s train level, a 1990s haunted mansion, a 1920s underwater city, and even the speculative future examples I mentioned -- a near future office complex and far future war zone. The combat is really fun, although it's slightly ruined by being a twin stick shooter on the Gamecube. The accuracy you have with the second stick isn't as tight as you would hope. They definitely fudge the enemy hitboxes to help, but it's still rough. There's only one part that this really becomes a problem, and I would say it's the only bad level in the game. An infamous escort sniper mission, where your enemies are all invisible. It's horrible. That level aside though, this is a really fun game with loads of extra content. The series has been promised a sequel for nearly two decades now, and while I doubt it'll happen, I'll eagerly play it if it does.

The little bit of campaign I played was a bit of an 00's FPS campaign slog, but MAN was the multiplayer real fuckin good.


Gonna be honest and say I had no idea this was the third game in the series. After the studio that made TimeSplitters shut down I wanted to try out the series so I looked at the Microsoft store and saw only Future Perfect and 2 were on there. So I assumed this was the first game in the series. If I had looked at the screenshots on the store page probably could have avoided that mishap.

Either ways despite starting this game at the end I still enjoyed the story and characters. I was a little lost at some points but I was still able to follow along with everything. There were parts where I was thinking the game felt like I should know these people but I just assumed that was the point. In the end this is mostly a comedic story so it doesn't take it self super serious so neither should you.

As for the gameplay it's mostly a first person shooter. The guns can feel a little floaty but that's meant to help with the controller aiming and it still felt satisfying to me. Also the game has a decent amount of weapon variety since you time travel to different eras with different guns. As for mission to mission gameplay it's pretty much just linear corridors but since the shooting is fun that's not an issue.

Unfortunatly I didn't grow up with this game so I'm not sure how fun the multiplayer was but from just playing the single player and playing bots it seems like it would be a ton of fun. Also there are bonus challenges missions that help increase single player replay value. But I didn't really play them since I was satisfied with the story mode.

Overall I was impressed with how well the game held up. The graphics are cartoonish so it's hard for that to ever age terribly. Although I did play this on the Series X so it was upscaled and that probably made it look way better than it originally did.

tem um dos melhores multiplayers offline já feito

A sequela do jogo da minha infância.

so full, OVERFLOWING, with personality, character, and charisma. still the only timesplitters title I've played but I'm happy to say Cortez is one of my favourite protagonists ever. just amazing, hilarious delivery with every single line. I've been ultimately more fascinated with this game for the supplementary features, arcade modes (with my favourite variation on infected modes), challenge modes (incl cat driving, basketball, time trials), custom map makers, all on top of a... pretty GOOD... campaign.
the time travel elements keep things feeling largely fresh and exciting the whole way through, swapping locations, characters, and weapons at the drop of a hat, but this game's fatal flaw is just in a sort of dated gameplay style; operating much like older James Bond titles like Goldeneye with many lazy and linear corridor sections and a pretty similar aiming style -- but that's pretty much it. definitely dated, imperfect, but impossible to hate, let alone dislike.

Unironically the most fun single player / multiplayer shooter I've ever played. Even the outdated goldeneye inspired control scheme doesn't hinder the game at all.

Made me obsessed with games like lego star wars and mortal kombat where you had to do a bunch of challenges to unlock new characters.

a better version of monkey with gun game

Please come back..... I love this series so fucking much. Countless hours playing this game!

google wasn't helpful

TimeSplitters: Future Perfect is a bog-standard evolution of TimeSplitters 2. In reality it's not much bigger than its predecessor, but it has a finer attention to detail. There are more characters with lots more personality, a new selection of arcade maps and challenges and a much more focused story. Even the map maker had a bit of a glow up.

If you had to pick one game from the series to play, TimeSplitters: Future Perfect is probably the one. The only downside to this sequel, for me, was the reduced variety of story level locations. TimeSplitters 2 transported you to 10 different time periods each with a very unique flair, whereas TimeSplitters: Future Perfect takes you to a measly 6, the earliest of which is 1924.

The peak of mid 2000s fps games

Great game, played it a ton with my brother. Can still remember the haunted manor and the castle levels. Remaster when?

Slightly better than 2 in that it has less annoying bits, though I do find it quite a bit easier.

The map creator in this game is IMPRESSIVE. I spent most of my time creating the most insane multiplayer maps imaginable and just going bananas on the bots. More games should have map editors as tight and perfect as this one! Why can’t I fuck with the lighting and weather in most map makers!!!

The world felt too empty, but the game is impressive for a GameCube game.