Reviews from

in the past

It played 400 hours. I really liked back in 2019

I mean i suck at the game but its good

It was a really good game before 2022.

Super Sweaty. Good if you're trying to go pro, but too much for casual IMO.

I have a love hate relationship with this game

the gunplay is unsatisfying and weak, half of the operatives fulfill the exact same role and its just unenjoyable.

had me in a chokehold for one summer. Glad to have not touched it since

It's only a game to play when severely bored, I feel bad for who plays it so often

While not perfect, it is the only game in its genre (tactical shooter with hero elements). Ubisoft doesn't always make the best changes, but on average they seem to know what's best for the game. There are a large variety of playable characters, maps, and weapons that you'll always be learning something new and getting better at the game as the skill ceiling is very high. Highly recommend!

So far this is the best tactical shooter ever. It never gets boring. Every single match is like a new game, almost nothing is repeatable. Every season they bring in new changes, operators and maps. With those changes it changes the whole gameplay as you have to think of every decision you make, and every single thing can affect the result of the match. Every operator has its own loadout and skills, which can affect the game. It really tests you skills and brain, as this is not spray-shooting game, like CoD or Battlefield.

up until Operation health the game was a real fun tactial shooter but it dropped the serious tone and went full comedy shooter :(

esse estado atual me deixa triste . DRONES ABELHAS

good shooter but it can be extremely frustrating

Makes me want to breach and clear my skull.

I love playing this and I have for the last four years. Playing it with friends is so much fun too

Um FPS muito bom, tem seus problemas e bugs, mas me diverti e ainda me divirto muito jogando, principalmente com amigos.

A game that makes you want to break your keyboard but still wanna play.

A very good friend of mine bought me this game because he was a big fan, but I, on the other hand, did not find the same excitement in playing this game as he did. I played until I had access to "competitive" matches and after 2-3 matches I totally lost interest and uninstalled it.

I really like this game, but ubisoft is pathetic

Divertidinho, mas depois de umas partida enjoa