Reviews from

in the past

they made lara croft hotter and then made her move like jagger (Nathan drake)

log just to say i beat it on ps3 to

I am too good at games to make it believable that Lara was actually struggling on her first adventure

Even with some of its shortcomings (platform feels too forgiving and big issues with ludonarrative dissonance) the Tomb Raider reboot has something that just CLICKS with me. Is it the metroidvania level design? The miriad of beautifully crafted collectibles for you to find? Is it the often brutal combat? How its grungy bunkers and ships look like the perfect counterbalance to its alluring japanese temples and cherry blossoms? Lara's amazing butt? Tomb Raider 2013 has a lot for you to enjoy, but if you're a diehard fan of the original source material, then you'll probably find a lot more issues than me.

Game sorta holds your hand too much, but is still good

Lara Croft fena hatun, öhm... Oyun güzel; parkuru, aksiyonu...

Esse é sem sombra de dúvidas a melhor reinvenção de Tomb Raider desde o Anniversary — a franquia vinha tentando se reinventar bastante na era do PlayStation 2.

Embora eu não seja muito fã de games cheios de ação como esse e estava esperando algo mais focado na exploração, acho que não conseguiria ver esse titulo refeito de outra forma. Lara Croft em sua primeira aventura não consegue ter muitos momentos de descanso ou muito tempo para exercer sua profissão de arqueóloga, afinal a ilha em que naufragou está cheia de bandidos muito afim de mata-la. Mas é justamente o inicio de tudo que vai começar molda-la na personagem incrível que conheceríamos lá nos anos 90.

Talvez a única coisa que eu achei muito chata na gameplay foram os quick time events, mas era uma época que os devs amavam enfiar isso em tudo quanto é jogo, né? Um surto coletivo, porque acho que ninguém pediu. Mas tirando isso eu não tenho reclamações — ah, tem o tão queridinho "stealth" inserido na gameplay — eu também não gosto de stealth, me da um nervoso saber que preciso fazer as coisas na surdina, mas aqui "até" que é divertido, principalmente quando você vai matando inimigo por inimigo com flechadas na cabeça.

O jogo é cheio de adrenalina e fases que lembram muito o queridinho da Sony a.k.a Uncharted. Ele peca bastante em termos de exploração, puzzles e plataforma (já que a franquia flertava bastante com esses gêneros e mecânicas). Geralmente você não vai se sentir seguro em lugar algum e isso é divertido para o que o jogo propõe. Esteticamente as vezes o game flerta com o horror, trazendo cenários claustrofóbicos ou morbidamente aterrorizantes.

No geral é bem emocionante se colocar na pele de Lara e ir sentindo sua evolução, além de se divertir com os inimigos chocados com o poder de matança dela ao decorrer do jogo.

A solid intro to the survivor trilogy, the writing and gameplay is amazing, although the combat has room for improvement. The gameplay could have had more survival and better stealth mechanics but overall, the game is great.

One minor criticism I have is the subtitles, for some reason they are ugly with black backgrounds behind the text. Other than that, the game is an easy recommendation.

unironically beat my meat to her ass 2 times whilst playing

Um dos jogos que peguei de graça na Epic Games e resolvi dar uma chance, me surpreendi com tanta diversão que esse me gerou, pretendo jogar a sequência um dia

UNCHARTED but with woman, how groundbreaking

I thought the story and world became quite generic. It was very interesting at the start but there were new major twists. Despite that it was still enjoyable

Single Player: 8/10. Wonderful graphics and pleasing action sequences throughout. Story was kinda meh but enough to keep me wanting to play. The level design (especially Shipwreck beach) was amazing honestly. Good mechanics with the upgrading weapons as well as levelling up your skills even if there were some absolutely pointless ones (Unless you're on hard difficulty). i gather this would of been a great game in 2013 when it came out but in current times, a lot of games beat it. Easy enough to get all achievements even though I had to do two playthroughs.

Multiplayer: 2/10. Absolutely trash. It's dead currently but it's boring and doesn't give any sense of achievement. It's long and grindy, very few maps and the gamemodes are just not fun. I also hate devs which think it's a good idea to put multiplayer achievements in a game. Terrible

This game is the definition of "That was good while it lasted", I forget I even played it a lot of the time. It was the first AAA game I played when I built my PC!

Ação frenética sem descanço, tiro, explosão. Porém muita encheção de saco a Lara falar toda hora que você vai no acampamento. Cheio de referências do filme "Abismo do Medo". É o que o jogo do Rambo deveria ser, decente.

Eu sou uma pessoa bem incomum no mundo gamer. Conheci Lara Croft pelos filmes com Angelina Jolie e só em 2014 que descobri que o título na verdade é uma marca de jogos.
Deixando minha trajetória de lado, Lara Croft é minha personagem de video game favorita e Tomb Raider (2013) sendo o primeiro jogo de toda a série que pude experimentar, se tornou meu jogo favorito (não é atoa que zerei o modo história seis vezes!).
Desde então eu fui me apaixonando pela série e pude aproveitar vários títulos, desde as versões antigas para console, quando algumas edições mobile.

Mas sobre Tomb Raider (2013) em si, é um jogo maravilhoso, rico em história e com uma jogabilidade ótima (eu amo jogar de arco, diga-se de passagem). Se você, por alguma razão, ainda não pode aproveitá-lo ou está com alguma dúvida, não pense duas vezes e aproveite. Posso garantir que você não vai se arrepender!!

Gostei, é um bom jogo, só achei o final enrolado.

nossa mas eu zerei muito esse jogo

You get to explore and solve simple puzzles — but the core is pretty straightforward action. Don't think it has replayability value, but I liked.

A brutal game without much else to make it distinct.

as the game says 'a survival is born', a masterpiece just born on this game.

in this game she becomes the tomb raider

This was my 4th attempt at starting the Tomb Raider reboot game as previous attempts did not hold my attention or make me want to go back to it. The start of the game just has you pushing forward on the joystick and tapping the action button when required. The first hour of the game though is where the most interesting things happen. Where you learn all about the game mechanics, do some stealth, and strategically kill enemies. After that it just turns into a game where you run forward and kill any enemy in your way with little diversity.

I think I am spoiled in 2023 with game mechanics from such games as Horizon that would have been very welcome in this game. Such as tactile feedback on the controller when aiming a bow, being able to see the costumes before you change into them not after, and a sprint button. Throughout the whole game, even though I was telling myself not to, I kept finding myself pressing the L3 button to make Larta sprint but to no avail. Tomb Raider (2013) has game mechanics which we have slowly seen die off in games of late such as Quick Time Events. I really did hate them, you can’t sit back and enjoy a cutscene without the game wanting you to be involved. I found the map frustrating, poor view control of the map and it was hard to tell how to get from one side of a map area to another. Not to forget the fact you can either be completely zoomed in or completely zoomed out, no inbetween which is frustrating. I relied heavily on the map to find the almost impossible to see collectables without use of the map. I did spend a lot of time looking for the collectables and I got all the main ones but when it came to getting every area’s special challenges I couldn’t see a benefit worth getting for spending the time finding them all, so I just left them.

The old Tomb Raider games were grid based puzzle 3D platformers filled with jumps you had no idea whether or not you would make, perfectly timed and angled jumps and hidden crevices. The new game just has you jump and grab, jump and grab not needing to worry if you will make it or not. Traversing between areas is either a ‘Temple Run’ style run and jump as the scenery collapses around you or Lara is treated as a human pachinko ball constantly falling down holes and hitting everything on her way down, standing back up as if nothing happened. I got so fed up with them. Despite being called ‘Tomb Raider (2013)’ (the 2013 is silent) the tombs are completely optional, and when Lara said “I hate tombs” my eyes rolled that hard I nearly did a back-flip.

I understand this is a reboot and all the developers need to do is have the same character, they are not obliged to include any other features from any of the other games but the old games had such iconic music it would have been amazing to have it featured in the game. Lack of inclusion from old games started to annoy me as I was playing the games, I really missed tropes from the old games, such as dual wielding handguns, Lara abruptly saying “NO” when you selected something wrong or the secret found jingle. That was until I finally found all of the tiny GPS collectables and there it ws, the secret found single and Lara saying “ah ha”. Despite now not being a complete failure to include tributes to the old games I would have liked to have seen more of them. That’s not to say there are more that I just didn’t see.

The game isn’t too long either which is good, it didn’t take the piss with padding the game out which a lot of games are guilty of these days. Everything you did was to push the story forward, that’s if you know what the fuck is actually going on. Despite my moans, I do look forward to playing the other two games in this series but will space them out so I don’t get Tomb Raider fatigue.

Fun game but a little repetitive in places. Breathtaking visuals for a 2013 game too.