Reviews from

in the past

I haven't played this game in almost 3 years but hey what the fuck. Backstory time. As a kid I was not allowed to play games with combat in them and I didn't have any money so all my games were hand-me-downs and I was playing dos games and pre-wasd Windows games. In 2016 I got an Xbox 360 and jumped from Goblet of Fire being the newest game I'd played up to that point (and I hated that and it was borrowed from the library so it doesn't even count) to playing modern games like Halo 4, Orange Box, and Tomb Raider (2013).

All that is to say that Tomb Raider was one of the first shooters I've played and it's difficulty was perfect for noob me. This game challenged me and taught me how to play third-person shooters. It's not dumbed down or anything, it's just set at a difficulty level that's lower than most games and thus the perfect level of challenge if you've only ever played 0-2 shooters before it. But that's not the main thing I love about the game. What I love is the graphics, the voice acting, the story, the atmosphere, the exploration, even the campy porn death screams. I love it all. This game is so fucking good and remains my GOTY for 2013. GTA V can go suck a dick (though that's quite good and whatever would be GOTY it would probably take second place)

idk how what i liked about this game but the sequels are just bad in comparison

Played it through recently due to it being free for a short while and it sure is a great title. I couldn't help but shake the feeling of it being a bit reliant on Uncharted feeling scenes, but I had really fun!

I've come to the conclusion that the tomb raider franchise just does not appeal to me. The atmosphere, characters has always just felt B-tear to me. Despite seeing trailers and commercials, it doesn't have any nostalgic value. Idk I might try the sequel out but this just didn't click for me at all, the naughty dog influence runs deep and I just don't connect with the IP -- as much as I hate to say it.

Writing: 2/5
Gameplay: 4/5
Art Design & Visuals: 2/5
Voices & Sounds: 2/5
Atmosphere & Immersion: 3/5

This game felt a bit too mid, too serious, and lacking in combat variety. Just meh overall.

lo tenia en la play 3 estaba divertido

Great looking game with lots of exciting gameplay and an interesting enough story to keep you into it. Maybe a bit repetitive and lacking anything that truly sets it apart, but it's a very solid game top to bottom.

i cant believe lara did all that for her gf

sapphics really do the most don't we

often called a ripoff of uncharted, but that makes sense considering tomb raider inspired that series in the first place. derivative, but a totally fine action game nonetheless

Really really nice set-pieces, and a charming main character. This one has me really excited to see how the sequels continue to evolve the series.

(SPOILERS: The dual pistol bit at the end got a massive pop from me)

I brought this game for $1 on humble bundle and that was still too much

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Lara did nothing wrong the video game

This definitely has the best story and tone of the reboot trilogy.

But the combat is pretty mediocre, and the games entire structure has been replicated at nauseum in recent years.

I ship Lara & Sam so hard only for her to be gone in the 2nd game :(

Sin importar si es un spin-off de Uncharted, definitivamente está nueva identidad de Lara Croft enriquece al personaje.

Uncharted but make it a girl boss

This was a pretty fun adventure game, unfortunately nothing too amazing that would put it on the cinematic level of the uncharted series but good nonetheless. The amount of "fucks" said in the game would make my mom frown though :(

First time i actually liked the character and didn't think it was stupid

The only way for this game to be perfect would be if the writers had allowed Lara to kiss Sam as the rainbow shone down on them.

Das Reboot tut der Serie gut: Die Geschichte dieser jüngeren, realistischeren Lara ist nicht nur spannend erzählt, sondern inszeniert sich auch deutlich cineastischer als die Vorgänger-Titel.

A new dawn for Lara. An exhilarating action adventure that serves as a terrific origin story for the iconic Lara Croft.

i got this for my birthday in 2013 and this game is very dear to me

oh god i missed a QTE now lara is being impaled to death oh god oh fuck

Uncharted was inspired by Tomb Raider. Tomb Raider (2013) was inspired by Uncharted. Funny. Also, the game is forgettable.